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I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, November 6, 2020

New Updates on Tracker2GoApp

 These are new updates since I started using the FREE Tracker 2 Go app in 2015. The results are not as fast as I thought they would be, but I have seen results.


                                                   Plan for Weight Loss

                                         ***Good News***

It is always good to have a plan for weight loss. I lost 4 pounds in nearly a year and 3 months. That is not a lot. I originally was 135 pounds. I am still quite intentional though. Now it is 2020 and I have lost a total of 10 pounds. So I am now at 125 which is fine with me and I am holding. In high school my original weight was 120. In the beginning I would go back and forth a couple of pounds, but now I have seen the weight come off. I once read an article about the importance of calorie intake. It was mentioned that if you are taking in more calories than you are burning the body will automatically take that as a sign to store this into body fat. When I thought about it, that does make a lot of since. Keep in mind I did not need to loose a lot of weight, but I am weight conscious of what my ideal weight should be. A few things I discovered.

1. Hunger

There were days I seemed so hungry, so I needed to adapt with fruits and or snacks while still watching my calorie intake. That was a struggle, because sometimes people would offer me cakes, cookies, etc. My response was that I am cautious of what I am eating. Eventually the hunger disappeared.

2. Thinking

There were times that I was just thinking about how good a certain food would taste. I needed to change my way of thinking. In my article 

Mind-blowing Free Tracker2GoApp 

I discussed calories and exercise, and BMI mass. The Tracker 2 Go App helped me to be aware of my caloric intake and exercise as well. Even though there were some days that I went over my calorie intake. I did not beat myself up. Also, I realized that during the winter the days were shorter, so I needed to remember to get enough rest and stop trying to do as much activities as I would do during the summer months when the days were longer. Yes, this has been a learning experience. I am still learning.

3. Exercise and Rest

I have learned that exercise is very important on my journey. I walk at least once or twice a week. I have also, discovered that during the winter months when the days are shorter, I tend to want to stay up later. I miss the longer days. So I have intentionally made it a point to keep a regular bedtime routine. Even though I want to stay up later, I do not stay up.

4. Calories


Sometimes the tracker may not find the food that you list. This does not happen often. I just google it online and it will list the number of calories for that food.

5. New MyFitnessPal

I am no longer using the Tracker2Go app. Although this app is a good app I have switched to the free MyFitnessPal which is compatible with my Iphone. I have used MyFitnessPal now for a couple of years. I do like it. Now I have tried the app where you just take a snapshot of your food and I did not like it as well as MyFitnessPal. MyFitnessPal is quite similar to Tracker2Go.

6. New Pedometer

I have also downloaded a pedometer to my Iphone which is great to monitor how many miles I walk. The great thing about the pedometer is that it is compatible with MyFitnessPal and the app will adjust your calories to the amount of walking that you have done for the day. Also, I can still review the pedometer to know how many miles I have actually walked in a day. This is just great. I discovered how important calorie intake is when trying to monitor your weight.

7. New Muffin Top

I cannot stress the importance of making your daily eating and exercise routine a lifestyle. Are you making healthy food choices? That is another important thing to remember. Instead of eating a piece of cake possibly replace it with a fruit or vegetable.

Well I have discovered even though I lost the weight. I still have the muffin top. It is almost as though any and all fat is in my stomach. So I am still working on that and trying a few new things.

8. New Stomach crunches addition

I had been doing 100 stomach crunches daily, but slacked off and there are some days that I missed this all together. So I am being intentional to not miss any days. It seems as if I miss 1 day then it can easily become 2 or 3 days that I have missed.

At Brightside.me inspiration.com I discovered exercises that I can do while sitting in a chair to obtain that flat belly. Those exercises include knee to chest lift, double knee life, double knee lift combined with Body Side Bends, and much more. They suggest doing these exercises 10-20 times and some of them 20-30 times. I will have to see whether I may need to increase that or not. Still not decided yet. I do not like getting on the floor to exercise so possibly sitting down in the chair is my answer. I can even watch television while doing these exercises. How nice Now I have just started trying this sitting down exercise. So this, plus walking, and my calorie intake will work.

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6 Exercises for a Flat Belly That You Can Do Right in a Chair


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anointedtoday said...


Reidland Family said...

This sounds like a helpful app!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Reidland Family.