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Monday, January 8, 2024

More and More Gratitude Prompts

Did you know that there are benefits to you personally for being grateful and showing gratitude to others?  Everyone loves to be appreciated.

***Good News***

Just to See You Smile. . . .

1. Self-Check

When was the last time that you showed someone gratitude? Was it today, a week ago, a month ago, or you cannot remember? Well it is not too late to start practicing gratitude especially if you are not in the habit of doing so.

2. Habits of Grateful People

Do you have a habit of being grateful or is it difficult for you to show your gratitude. According to six habits of highly grateful people include once in a while, they think about death and loss, they take the time to smell the roses, they take the good things as gifts, not birthrights, they’re grateful to people, not just things, they mention the pancakes, and they thank outside the box. Now do any of the habits just listed pertain to you? I really like the one about taking time to smell the roses. How often in today’s time some are always rushing rather than taking time to enjoy the journey. I have been guilty of that as well.

Thanking outside the box reminded me of a time my children asked could they put a Father’s day Cake into my refrigerator and they would pick it up later to give to their father. I did not think anything about it and said yes. I never made an attempt to look in the box. On Father’s day they came over and took the cake out of the box and told me Happy Father’s Day. It said. “On the cake Happy Father’s Day Mom.” They explained to me that I had been a father and a mother to them and that they appreciated it. I was so surprised. Also, it never occurred to me to look into the box before hand. That really made my day.

3. Gratitude and Your Brain

Did you know that gratitude can affect your brain? According to In a study done they found that people who were generally more grateful gave more money to a cause. They further added that those who wrote gratitude letters showed greater activation in the medial prefrontal cortex; they conclude that simply expressing gratitude may have lasting effects on the brain.

4. Gratitude Journal

I won a gratitude journal from a blogger one day. The great thing about this journal is that I was to write something in the journal that I was grateful for and then pass it on to someone else. This is what I did. I trust that that person passed it on to someone else as well. That was something different. It also felt good doing this.

5. Appreciation

When was the last time that you told someone that you appreciate them? I remember someone telling me that. It felt so good. I decided right then and there when someone does something for me to let them know how much I appreciate them. I suspect there are those that may not feel appreciated so it is important to let others know.

6. Gratitude a Habit

If you are not used to showing gratitude you can start now by practicing it daily. Maybe it feels awkward at first, but it does get easier. This is a win/win situation. You both can feel good about expressing gratitude.

7. Take Pictures

Have you thought about taking pictures of things you are grateful for and reflecting on them later? talks about this.

8. Reviews

When you receive great service from a retailer, restaurant, or other service, do you write a good review? What about letting the company know how much you appreciate the person that assisted you? It is easy to complain about what is not being done, but why not take the time to award the good things that you see.

9. Count Your Blessings

Do you know of those that are unappreciative of many things? Do you know of those that complain constantly and when you look at what they have you think to yourself you would love to have what they have? Have you sometimes felt sorry for yourself? Have you taken the time to look at what you do have? Have you taken the time to look at how many people do not have what you have? Have you taken the time to look at how many people would love to have what you have? I recall watching the movie, “Why Did I Get Married?” by Tyler Perry. Something that really stood out in the movie was how the one man talked about his wife saying how big she was and how she disgusted him. Now he and the wife divorced and she remarried to a man that saw good in her. A man that was proud of her. A man that uplifted her. That was such a big difference. He knew he was blessed.

I recall complaining to a friend. I was told my husband’s surgery would be 4 hours, only to realize it was actually 8 hours. Her response to me was, “Be thankful that you have a husband. She shared with me that her husband had went fishing alone and died fishing under a tree. When she told me that the picture of that stayed in my mind. It made me mindful that I have a lot to be thankful for.

10. My Grandson

He is a classic example of gratitude. He is always thankful for the least things that I might do for him. I recall going to an event with him. He was so thankful and happy that I came he was afraid something would go wrong to spoil the event. I shared with him to continue with his grateful attitude and it will take him far in life. Attitude is everything.

What are you thankful for today?


Six Habits of Highly Grateful People


How To Practice Gratitude In Your Every Day Life


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Jennifer Wise said...

I need to start my gratitude journal again. When things are difficult, it's so helpful to me to FOCUS on what's good and really think about all that I am grateful for. I love the sweet story about the Father's Day cake, too. Showing gratitude to others is so meaningful and can help others so much. Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #20 linkup. Hope to see you there next week, too, with more posts--either old or new!

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Jennifer. Let me know how your Gratitude Journal goes. I am sure you will never regret it.

PaulaShort said...

Hey Betty, Thanks so much for sharing these gratitude prompts with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

Your Most Welcome Paula.

April J Harris said...

What a wonderful, encouraging post, Betty! I keep a gratitude journal and it really can be life changing. Thank you for sharing these prompts and stories to help remind us of how much there is to be grateful for even when things seem like they are not going well. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community!

anointedtoday said...

Thank you April. Have a good day.

Esme Slabbert said...

Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 298.
Thanks also for sporting our logo in your sidebar.

Debra | Gma’sPhoto said...

When I get in a slump, I remember people and the things I have. While thinking of these, usually a smile comes to my face and my slump has gone away. Then I eat chocolate!! hahahah
Take care and best wishes.

anointedtoday said...

I hear you Debra. Thanks for Stopping by.

Joanne said...

Oh yes, an attitude of gratitude is so important! I find it really changed my whole outlook on life.

anointedtoday said...

Joanne it really changed my life as well. Thanks for stopping by.