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I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, February 20, 2023

My Favorite Smoothie (Banana Pineapple Shake)

Do you like smoothies? What is your favorite smoothie? I really just wanted to share mine with you.

Health Drinks

Good News:

I have created an idea pin below showing how to make it:

Banana Pineapple Shake (Smoothie)


I realize the importance of healthy shakes. I have been experimenting since I created the idea pin.   I previously added strawberries to the shake. What I really like adding to the shake is about ¼ stalk of celery and about 3 or 4 red grapes. It gives the shake a sweet and slightly sour taste. I really like the combination.

1. Benefits of Pineapple

Besides the many vitamins that are in pineapple such as Vitamin C, Manganese, fiber, B vitamins, various minerals, consuming pineapples promote tissue healing, fights inflammation, aids digestion, relieves arthritis pain, and can help with post-workout recovery according to health.clevelandclinic.org. They further added that pineapple is the only food know to contain bromelain an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal after surgery or injury. I just learned something new. How amazing is that?

Pineapples can be used for Pineapple upside down cakes. Also, did you know pineapples are awesome for basting your baked hams. I have even had pineapples on my pizza. It does not taste bad.

Tastehome.com talks about various pineapple recipes which include Pina Colada Grilled Pineapple, Pineapple-Glazed Chicken Thighs, Frozen Pineapple-Kiwi Pops, Pineapple Pie with Coconut Cream, Pineapple Upside-Down Muffins and much more.

2. Celery

I believe green smoothies are the way to go and I am working on that.

I already knew that that celery aides in digestion so that is the one reason I tried adding celery to my smoothie. Bbcgoodfood.com states that celery may support heart health, digestive function, may be anti-inflammatory but that some people may be allergic including symptoms such as an itching mouth or tongue, sneezing or a runny nose.

3. Grapes

Which grapes do you prefer to eat black, red, or green? I like the green but I experimented and added a few red grapes to my smoothie. It gave it an exciting tasted which I really like. The main difference between he colors of grapes is that red and black grapes contain anthocyanins which give fruit its red and blue colors, while green grapes do contain an array of other polyphenols and may have a different mix of other types according to goodhousekeeping.com.

4. Bananas

I am also working on protein smoothies. That will be the next thing where I add protein supplements from the healthy store to my smoothies.

Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6, vitamin B6 produces red blood cells, metabolizes carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy, removes unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, bananas provide about 10% of your daily vitamin C needs, the Manganese in bananas is good for your skin, and potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure. Healthexchange.sg mentions this. Do you remember eating banana splits? I have not had one of those in a long time, but I do remembering them that a banana split tastes so good.

You can put bananas on your cold cereal in the morning. A most popular recipe is banana pudding. I recall the first time that I made banana pudding I did not understand how to make the meringue on the top of it, but after much practice I finally figure out or rather I had a relative that showed me the correct way.

5. Ice Cream

I have never tried a breakfast smoothie, but that is something I look forward to. I usually drink my smoothie in the evenings. According to healthdigest.com one cup of vanilla ice cream offers 18% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin A, 22% for B-12, and 17% for calcium. They further add that the B-12 is needed for proper brain and nervous system function, and regulation of DNA.

Although I love ice cream there are pros and cons to consider. The pros of eating ice cream is that it makes you happy, it is good for your emotional health, healthy toppings can be added to it, whereas the cons is that eating large quantities can cause weight gain, can cause an increase in cholesterol, can be seen as a comfort food and add to overeating, some people may be lactose intolerant, and the tons of sugar in ice cream can cause your blood sugar to spike followed by a crash, leaving you feeling tired and fatigued. This is talked about at spoonuniversity.com. So you want to remembered to eat ice cream in moderation and just don’t over do it.

6. Strawberries

How many of you like strawberries? I love strawberries. I remember when I was a little girl we had a strawberry patch in our backyard. I loved to go there and pick fresh strawberries. Since I have become and adult I recall having a strawberry patch in our backyard a couple of years. My grandchildren were over and I told them I am going to get some strawberries. My grandson replied, “Can I go to the store with you.” I answered, “I am not going to the store, we have strawberries in our backyard.” He was amazed and loved picking them as well.

There are so many different ways that you can use strawberries. I like cutting them up and adding a little sugar to them. You might like just eating them as they are.

According to Webmd.com strawberries are good for you whole body, they naturally deliver vitamins, fibers, and high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols- without any sodium, fat, or cholesterol, they help boost your memory, they are heart-smart, the polyphenols in strawberries have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic adults, they have anti-inflammatory effects that may prevent skin damage when applied topically, and people with osteoarthritis and knee pain can reduce pain, swelling, improved quality of life by eating strawberries. I really like all of those benefits.

You can always experiment with different ingredients in your smoothie just be careful. I recall picking my grandson up from school because he was not feeling well. He told me it seemed as though the floor was coming up to his face. It sounded like he was getting dizzy. I asked him what did he eat for breakfast. He told me he had a smoothie I asked him what were the ingredients in the smoothie. After he told me, I explained that was too much sugar for a smoothie. Although he is not diabetic, I believe his sugar was quite high after drinking the smoothie. So again I say everything in moderation.


The Many Health Benefits of Pineapple


Top 5 health benefits of celery


7 Grape Health Benefits That’ll Make You Want to Eat the Whole Bunch


Our 50 Greatest Pineapple Recipes Ever


6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today


Unexpected Health Benefits From Eating Ice Cream


I Asked 7 Dietitians About the Pros and Cons of Eating Ice Cream


Health Benefits of Strawberries


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