Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana

Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana
Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blogging Is Therapeutic

Do you like to write? Are you aware that writing can be therapeutic? Writing your thoughts on paper can be very beneficial to you and to others as well.

Which One Are You?

1. My Blogging Story

In my article

My Blogging Story

I mentioned I started blogging in 2008 and had no clue as to what I was doing. I only knew that I loved to write. I looked for free blog sites. The site I was at got hacked numerous times that was very discouraging so I started looking around and found numerous linky parties that were very helpful to me. I decided I needed to do something new to get new results. I started looking for more blogging resources and reading everything I could find about starting a blog.

 Blogs encouraging blogs

 by Melanie Redd was a blog I found at Pinterest which was very encouraging for me. Her blog now has 219.2K members which was great exposure for my blog as well as the fact that I met new people.


Lisa Irby

was very motivational for me. She talks about how to create a website on her utube channel. 


The fact that Lisa is very personal and always responds to any messages or concerns that I sent her was very inspirational for me. One concern was that in the beginning I did not want to use my picture of myself on my blog. She explained the importance to me of using my picture to let people know that I am a real person. After talking with her the things that she told me made a lot of since.

I was very thankful to have found her. Now let us continue with the many benefits of blogging.

2. Mental Benefits of Blogging

Did you know that blogging creates a space for healing and mental health, blogging brings surprise, compassion and support, and being authentic. This is according to moorewellness.life. I could not agree with her more on that. She also mentioned if she was fake people would see that. My goal when writing is always to help others. I want to share my failures as well as my wins. I want others to see that although things have not been perfect in my life, I always have something to be thankful for. I have learned so much as well from other fellow bloggers. The support has been overwhelming.

I mentioned once before that I always keep a pen and paper handy as thoughts may come to me when I am on the go. Now with the new Technology I just jot my thoughts on my digital calendar. Wow! Thinks have changed.

3. Giving Back

Blogging allows me to give back to the community in my own way. Everyone has their own way to give back to help others. I discovered it is not always about getting, but rather giving to others.

Locationrebel.com talks about this. They emphasized how much is learned from the people that have helped you along the way. They further added that blogging can allow you to share your hobbies, that it is free therapy, it is a stress reliever, meet other like-minded individuals, become a better writer, and much much more.

4. Educate Customers

Did you know that 44% of people reported they read blogs because they wanted to learn something new. They further add that people can use blog articles to learn about new feature that they may not be using. This is talked about at wpbeginner.com.

5. Blog Even If Nobody Reads It

When I first started blogging I started reading everything that I could about blogging. I saw that there was a great emphasis on content. Even though I loved to write it seemed as though it took forever to build my content. According to businessgrow.com there are over 600 million blogs, people publish 70 million new posts on. WordPress.com every month, people post over 75 million new comments on WordPress.com blogs every month, and 22% of bloggers post every single week. So I gradually realized the old saying, “Rome was not built in a day.” I realized it would take time to build content. So I needed to be persistent and never give up.

6. Feelings About Blogging

Medium.com describes blogging as some days walking down the street naked, some days it is stressful, some days it is like having a conversation with yourself, some days it sucks, and some days it feels unstoppable. Can you identify with any of these feelings? I definitely can. The one thing I know about blogging is that when I blog I feel good. There may be times when I start blogging that I have very little to say, but then I start thinking and relating events. Blogging seems to really be motivational for me and I feel alive.

In my article

Evergreen Blogging Is Here to Stay


I talk about asking yourself, “Is this subject something people want to know about? “Is it something that people will do an internet search to find out more about?” I remember to keep in mind that people are social beings and evergreen content gives people a connection that they are finding content that is valuable to them. Yes evergreen content may stay around and be here for years and years to come. Also, as long as you are living, you will have problems. Evergreen blogging might include finding solutions and resources to various problems. Once you publish evergreen content you definitely want to share it on media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest. Lately I have become a fan of Tik-Tok. Also, note when I started



I did not have a clue as to what to pin and where to pin it, but I knew I liked that it was a visual pinboard. I now have 1.7K followers and 1.1k monthly views. I never could have imagined.

What are your feeling about blogging? Are you thinking about it? Do not just think about it, do it. You might surprise yourself.


Blogging Benefits Mental Health & Holistic Wellness


Why Blog? Here are 56 Reasons to Start a Blog in 2024


Why Blog? 14 Benefits of Blogging in 2024


10 Benefits of Blogging Even if Nobody Reads It


More From this Author. . . Just Click on the Link Below

Benefits of Writing


How Seasons Affect You


7 Breathtaking Things that I Have Learned About Cabin Life


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Guest Blogging is another avenue for great exposure to your blog.

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Awesome Benefits of Traveling

Have you thought about the many benefits of traveling? There may be those that travel all the time and then others that barely travel.

Did You Know?

1. Mental Benefits

Did you know that there are mental benefits of traveling? Just taking the time to go somewhere and get away from work can help you feel more productive and focused when you get back because your brain needs time to rest. Webmd.com talks about this. They further add that traveling has been linked to stress reduction and can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Did you know that there are spa getaways and tour packages in various places available to you?

2. Your Immune System

Traveling not only boosts your Immune System, but it has long-term benefits, leads to more exercise, reduces stress, opens up your mind, builds relationships, builds confidence, promotes joy, improves quality of life, it is in our DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), and promotes brain growth.

I can definitely identify with more exercise. I recall when we went to Washington DC to see the (Wall) It featured Viet Name Veterans who died or was missing from the Viet Nam War. I had not idea how long this wall was. It was about several blocks long. It was amazing. Even though we took a travel bus to this area there was so much more to see as we walked around. That was a day that I remember getting very much exercise, but then I knew walking was and is  good for me.

3. Improve Communication

How is your communication skills? Because each country is different and has its own language there are many countries where English is not the main language. Redasinsurance.com mentions this. They also emphasized that you can convey messages and understand others without speaking the same language, traveling can humble you, and you can receive unforgettable memories. That make since. Can you think of times that you traveled to a certain destination and remembered the fond memories that came with that travel?

I recall in elementary school traveling with my school to Chicago. I remember seeing fruit and sandwiches in a vendor machine. That was my first time. I also remember one of my classmates was unable to make it to the restroom and soiled his clothing. Unfortunately he had no change of clothing. I felt so sorry for him. I just could not imagine. Travel can bring up so many memories. Some of them may be pleasant while others not so pleasant. Did you know that you can sometimes find great travel deals?

4. Traveling Nurse

In my article What Is a Traveling Nurse?


I talk about the fact that traveling nurses are well-paid, they travel all over the states, their housing is paid, and they get to meet new people. A traveling nurse is just one way to travel and to get paid for it as well. I never wanted to be a nurse, but I commend those that are nurses. During the COVID-19 Pandemic nurses were in high demand. There was such a demand that many were graduating early.

5. Traveling Volunteers

Have you heard the expression voluntarism? According to projects-abroad., this is a combination of volunteering and tourism where you use your time and energy to help others while exploring a different country and culture. This is just another aspect of traveling to explore.

6. Why Vacation In Other Countries?

Do you vacation in the same spot year after year? Do you vacation at all? I recall talking to a friend once that said her and her husband had never had a vacation because of their business. He was afraid to leave and not very trusting of other employees to look after his business. I could not imagine. I had never thought that there were those that never took vacations. A psychologist at hbr.org., mentions that travel should routinely be used to get out of your comfort zone, expose yourself to uncertainty, and assure rest for exploration and learning; thus resulting in personal growth of emotional agility, empathy, and creativity. They further added that people who traveled to more countries developed a greater tolerance and trust of strangers and they become more appreciative of people with new knowledge, philosophies, and skills. I had never really thought of it that way. I did, however, realize that when traveling there were various new places and things that I encountered. That was a great feeling to learn new things.

7. What About Shorter Vacations versus longer Vacations?

Which do you prefer? Do you like shorter vacations or longer vacations. I recall going on a cruise for my birthday. My family asked should it be a week or shorter. I preferred the shorter vacation about 3 days. I discovered 3 days was enough for me. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but had I stayed longer than that I would not have. For some reason I believed I would miss home. It is good to travel but it feels even better when you return home for some reason. Did you know that taking shorter breaks throughout the year may be more beneficial for your mental well-being and performance than taking one long vacation? Newsweek.com talks about this. They further suggest that taking multiple shorter trips throughout the year allows for more opportunities to boost your mood.

During my recent travel to Tennessee which was for just a couple of days, I discovered a buffet called Chow Time Buffet and Grill that included Chinese and Soul Food. This was very good. I also observed many people came to this buffet. The service was awesome. The waiters I observed were very friendly and catering to the customers. It was an awesome surprise as I saw old and young coming in to eat. I also took advantage of their take out service which was great as well. I also have found that when I receive great service I will do a review and take pictures of the food to add to Google Map, because as people travel they can check the reviews to see if this is a place they want to stop and eat at. It is so easy to give reviews when you receive bad service, but much better when you receive great service. Everyone loves awesome service. Did you know that there are awesome romantic vacation deals available to you as well?


How Travel Affects Mental Health


Benefits of Traveling


Top 10 Benefits of Traveling Often: Let’s Travel More!


What is voluntarism?


The Mental Benefits of Vacationing Somewhere New


How Mini-Vacations Can Boost Your Well-Being




Saturday, September 28, 2024

9 Alarming Dangers of Nuclear Weapons

Are you aware of the dangers of Nuclear weapons or even Nuclear War? No one may want to think about it, but because nuclear weapons do exist all over the world there should be concern.

***Good News***

1. Nuclear Waste

Did you know that the waste generated by nuclear reactors remains radioactive for tens to hundreds of thousands of years? This is according to greenamerica.org.They further add that Nuclear power plants are a potential target for terrorist operations, human error can lead to dangerous costly accidents, studies show increased risk for those who reside near a nuclear power plant, investments in nuclear plants draws funding away from investment in cleaner sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal, and going down the nuclear route would mean poor countries-that do not have the financial resources to invest and develop nuclear power would become reliant on the rich.

Speaking of accidents, I recall an employee accidentally pushing the “Missile alert button” as oppose to pushing the “test missile alert.” The people of Hawaii were urged to seek immediate shelter and that was not a drill. According to Washington Post this caused a wave of panic for thousands of people. I live in Michigan and I was on high alert from that. Think about it. We are human and we make mistakes, but what if it had not been a mistake? I could not fathom this.

2. Nuclear Accidents

There was a 2010 survey done that showed there had been at least 56 accidents at nuclear reactors in the United States according to en.wikipedia.org., They further added that the most serious of these was the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 and that before this incident four nuclear engineers resigned in 1976 stating that nuclear power was not as safe as their superiors were claiming. This is quite alarming to know.

3. How Many Nuclear Reactors?

As of May 2023, the United States has 93 operable nuclear power reactors, France, 56, China 55, Russia 37, Japan 33, south Korea 25, India 22, Canada19, Ukraine 15, United Kingdom 9, Spain 7, Sweden 6, and Pakistan 6.

4. Nuclear Attack

Newsweek.com emphasizes that the United States has a high nuclear stockpile of it’s own, that is designed to deter nuclear attacks on America. They further added that in July, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un claimed the United State is “In pursuit of military confrontation with his country and that his state’s nuclear war deterrent is also fully ready to demonstrate its absolute power.”

5. Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Did you know that on January 22, 2021 the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force as the first instrument of international humanitarian law to mitigate the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of using and testing nuclear weapons. Yes this is talked about at irc.org., They further added that 51 countries across the world have ratified or acceded to the treaty.

6. Russia

Ucsusa.org., mentions that Russian arsenal contains-6,000 warheads, 1,584 of which are deployed; combined with the United States accounts for more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. Left unchecked these and other tensions could lead to an arms race and make nuclear conflict more likely, especially in times of crisis.

7. China

Ucsusa.org., also mentions that China developed nuclear weapons during the Cold War and has since maintained a relatively modest arsenal of an estimated 350 warheads. They further added that unlike the United States, China does not keep its missiles on high alert.

8. What To Do During a Nuclear Threat

If a nuclear bomb was dropped in your city do you know what to do?  This is not something that you want to think about, but when the recent Pandemic hit the world people had no choice, but to deal with it and survive the best that they could. Insider.com states that if a nuke hits close by, there is nothing you can do and that the initial impact would likely instantly kill them if a thousand of the device were to hit a highly built-up area. That in itself does not sound too encouraging.

They do give further instructions though such as dropping to the ground with your face down and your hands tucked under your body, do not stare directly at the blast, cover your face with a towel or piece of clothing, don’t seek shelter in your car, find a brick or concrete building, don’t stand near windows once indoors, take a shower as soon as possible, don’t use conditioner after you shampoo, seal away contaminated clothes, don’t search for your family members right away, don’t eat unpackaged food or food that was left outside, and listen to the radio for instructions. Now prayerfully, you will not have to go through anything like this, because the Pandemic in itself was a rude awakening for many. Those that were religious and those that were not. There were many deaths from the young people to the old. It was so sad to see many died without having a loved one by their side, because COVID was so contagious and there was not antidote at the time.

9. Alternatives to Nuclear Power

Thorium produces less waste and is safer than uranium, solar energy is inexhaustible being the best alternative source of energy, and hydrogen burns clean according to nuclearabolition.org., They further add that it is three times more efficient than a gasoline powered engine.


10 Reasons to oppose Nuclear Energy


Hawaii missile alert: How one employee ‘pushed the wrong button’ and caused a wave of panic


Nuclear reactor accidents in the United States


Number of operable nuclear Power reactors worldwide as of May 2023, by country


Is the U.S. Safe from Nuclear Attack?


Why does the Nuclear Ban Treaty matter?


Nuclear Weapons Worldwide

 If a nuclear bomb is dropped on your city, here is what you should (and shouldn’t) do to increase your chance of staying alive


Nuclear Abolition


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Are We Alone?


What Is All the Hype About DNA?


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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Importance of Communication

How are your communication skills? Could you use some improvements? Did you know that everyone is not an effective communicator?

Think About This. . .


1. Effective Communication

According to coursera.org., communication occurs in many forms, including verbal and non-verbal, written, visual, and listening. They further add that effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thought, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose; and when communication is done effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

2. History of Communication

Did you know that the use of technology in communication may be considered since the first use of symbols about 30,000 years BCE (before the Christ Era). En.wikipedia.org., further states that among symbols used, were cave painting, hieroglyphs, pictograms and ideograms.

3. Father’s Bonding Skin-to Skin

Healthpartner’s.com talks about father’s and mother’s bonding with their baby with skin to skin contact. They further add that this natural ability provides tons of other benefits for baby, including improved mental development, reduced stress and possibly a lowered risk of obesity in the future.

This also reminds me of the skin the skin contact that I felt when nursing my babies. Most times my baby would rest her hand on my breast as she nursed. She seemed like she was in seventh heaven.  

Another reminder was when I would come home from the store. My husband would be asleep on the floor with our baby sound asleep on his chest. I now realize the importance of that skin-to-skin contact.

4. Communicating to your baby in the womb

Did you know that around 14 weeks your baby can hear your voice? Yes, fertilitycenterlv.com mentioned this. They further added that this can be a time for the entire family to talk to the baby, which will allow the baby to hear another voice other than the mother’s voice. I have mentioned this before, that when my daughter was having twins she expressed to me that whenever I was around and I talked the twins would kick and move around a lot. So communication starts in the womb.

5. Mom’s Cells and Baby’s Cells Communicate During Pregnancy

There was a study done and it was discovered that throughout pregnancy there is constant communication between maternal and fetal cells using sacs filled with chemicals called exosome. The study went on further to show that baby’s exosomes signal to a mother’s body that baby’s organs have fully matured, thus triggering the labor and delivery process. This is talked about at thebump.com. I can see why although doctor’s may not know the exact date a baby might be due that they attempt to come as close as possible with their predictions.

I recall one of my pregnancies I went into the hospital and I was only dilated to 1. Within a matter of 20 minutes I told the nurse the baby is coming. She said, “I just checked you I doubt that.” Sure enough her response was, “Your right the baby is coming.”

6. Older Forms of Communication

Drums and smoke were a form of communication by signaling neighboring tribes and groups. Drums would signal upcoming events. This is mentioned at sahistory.org.

7. Daily Communication

Studybay.com lists 5 books to help you develop good communication skills.

They are as follows:

Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a time by Keith Ferrazzi

How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes

On Becoming Fearless. . . in Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life by Mark Goulston

8. How Good Are Your Communication Skills?

I discovered this quiz about your communication skills at mindtools.com. I did take the quiz which was only 15 questions. You might want to try it for yourself. Out of a score of 36:55 I scored 54. I found it to be quite interesting. They further added that whenever you communicate with someone else, you each follow the steps of source-planning your message, coding-creating a clear, well-crafted message, choosing the Right Channel, Decoding-Receiving and Interpreting a Message, and Feedback.

9. How Unborn Babies Communicate with their Mother

The video below talks about how messages from the placenta come in the forms of vesicles carrying proteins, lips, and nucleic acids. They carry proteins on the outside and inside, and genetic material on the inside.

 How Do Unborn Babies Communicate


10. How communication in the Workplace Changed

Did you know that communication in the workplace has changed? When the world was on lockdown from the COVID-19, there was a change in the workplace. Inside and outside of work you had to find new ways to hold meetings such as using Zoom (a cloud-based platform that allows users to connect with each other virtually through video, audio, chat, and screen sharing). COVID-19 changed the climate significantly in the workplace. The payroll department found themselves in the forefront of managing a crisis. Cipp.org.,uk talks about this.

I believe after the Pandemic there were those that preferred working from home and those that were able to did so. I know during the Pandemic some of my grandchildren did schoolwork from home and after the schools reopened several of my grandchildren never went back to physical school, but continued remote learning and graduated high school through remote learning.

With the number of mass shootings I suspect children do not feel safe in school. I believe that this is a great issue. Also because of the large numbers of mass shootings effective communication should be on the forefront in order to protect the children and the teachers in the school. Communication is very important in our lives today, especially effective communication.


What Is Effective Communication? Skills for Work, School, and Life


History of Communication

Father Baby-Bonding


The Importance of Talking to Your Baby in the Womb


Mom’s and Baby’s Cells Communicate During Pregnancy


The Oldest Forms of Human Communication


Importance of Communication in Daily Life


How Good Are Your Communication Skills?


The Importance of Communication


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More From This Author. . . Just Click on the Link Below. . .

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Do Circumstances Steal Your Joy?




Saturday, August 31, 2024

Thank You to My Followers

I cannot begin to thank you enough. Your support has been awesome. I am so grateful for you.  


We all need each other. We were not meant to exist on earth alone. We are bound together with an invisible bond that cannot be broken.

Did You Know?



***Good News***

More From this Author. . . Just Click on the Link Below. . .

What the World Needs Now is Love

Why Is the Air Smokey?

 Do You Know Your Triggers?

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

New Technology Hacks and Tips

Did you know that there are life hacks and techniques that are available to make for you a simple day?

Try this

1. Keyboard shortcuts

This may not be the newest technology, but why not take advantage of keyboard shortcuts that are available to you? Besides the use of your mouse on your keyboard did you know that you can use Your Ctrl+A to Select All before copying a document, Ctrl+C to copy a document, and Ctrl+V to paste? This is a shortcut option.

2. Clutter

Just as clutter can develop in your house clutter can also develop in your email. Do you clean the clutter from your email? Do you delete and block spam? Spam can clutter your email very quickly. You might want to make it a habit to clean your email daily. I have been guilty of just scanning my email and saying to myself, “I will get to that later.” The problem with that is that it can build up faster than I get back to it. Have you ever had that problem?

3. Public Wifi

Although public WiFi is nice, you want to be cautious. You never know the listening ears that may be listening and attempting to steal your information. Yes it is common now to see those walking down the street or sitting in a restaurant or cafe constantly using their cellphones, but still there needs to be an awareness of your surrounding.

4. Removing Data from Electronics Before Recycling

Do you know how to remove data from Electronics before recycling? Earth911.com suggests that you backup your data, then download a program like Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) or KillDisk and then burn it to a CD or DVD, once CD or DVD is made boot your computer from the disc, to erase from a cellphone the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) suggest deleting all information and following the manufacturer’s instructions for doing a factory hard reset, and then remove your phone’s SIM (Subscriber Identify Module) and cut it in half.

5. Free Services

Did you know there are several free services available to you on the Internet? These services include free education sites, free trial memberships such as Netflix and Hello Fresh, free music services, free entertainment and tutorials, free podcasts, free ebooks, and much more. I really like the youtube tutorials. They actually show you step by step.

Sometimes when you are attempting to put a product together even though you have written instructions you may discover one little thing that you missed and after watching a tutorial you may be able to see that and correct it.

6. ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)

Are you an adult that suffers with Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder? Did you know there are apps that can help you with that? Some of the best apps for that according to gentitemlist.app include Bear, Best Day Planner Apps, Best Habit Tracker App, Best Focus Timer Apps, and much more.

7. iPhone Tips

Several iphone apps that you may have been missing might include using you iPhone as a recording device, sign documents, turn your phone into a high-tech medical ID bracelet, use your iPhone to help you remember things, and much more, RD.com talks about this and give 64 suggestions.

8. Apps that drain your iPhone battery

Did you know there are apps that will drain your iphone battery? I discovered that Facebook was one of them. Although I am not on Facebook often, I discovered that it can and does drain my iPhone battery. So my remedy is to logoff Facebook when I am not using it. It saves my battery life tremendously. There are also gaming apps that will drain your battery and cause your iPhone battery to become extremely hot. You need to beware of those. Also if you have an app on your phone and your no longer using it, you might want to delete it.

9. Portable Mini-Fan

A great investment that I really like was the portable Mini-Fan. Although it is very small, I was amazed at the power of this fan to keep me cool when needed. I purchased at Amazon and it has a USB cord for recharging when needed.  My price was only $17.00 at Amazon.

10. Calendars

This may not be the latest in technology, but did you know you could use your Smartphone calendar? A physical paper calendar is great but so is a Smartphone Calendar, especially when you are out and may need to write down an appointment. I use both. A physical calendar gives you a daily visual and your Smartphone is great to view when you are not at home.

11. Remote Learning

All students are getting used to this new norm of remote learning. Makeuseof.com/technology further states that with remote learning you can learn anytime, anywhere, there are no age barriers, it is limitless and self-directed learning, there is flexibility and mobility, and there is education for disabled people.

Since the Pandemic I believe remote learning has become more popular even though remote learning is not for everyone. Many of those in college have elected to take remote classes as well.

12. Instant DO NOT CALL

Even though you are on the DO NOT CALL list do you still receive numerous telemarketer calls? Remove and replace.com suggests that when a telemarketer calls you just simply pressing the 9 button on your phone while you are talking with the telemarketer it will automatically disconnect the call and add your phone to their internal do not call list. They further added that this is a new feature that helps you combat those telemarketing calls that somehow keep calling you. They do, however, suggest not to engage with Robocalls, because pressing any buttons can sometimes confirm that your number is active, thus, leading to even more calls.


How to Remove Data From Electronics Before Recyclying


10 Free Things on the Internet You Should be Using


Best iPhone ADHD Apps for Adults


64 Hidden iPhone Tips and Tricks You Never Knew about


5 Technology Trends Already Changing the Future


How To Instantly Put A Telemarketer On Your DO NOT CALL LIST


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Guest Blogging is another avenue for great exposure to your blog.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Excellent Ideas For Better Sleep

Whether you are old or young there may be instances during your lifetime that you may have trouble sleeping. There are alternatives to help.

Just For You. . .


1. Sleep Formula

Some of the best sleep aides are available to you. Did you know that there is a sleep formula for sleep? Glamourmagazine. Co.uk talks about this. The method is no caffeine 10 hours before bed, 3 hours before bed, no food or alcohol, 2 hours before bed no more work, 1 hours before bed no more screen time,  and 0 numbers of times you’ll need to hit snooze in the AM. Now Dr. Andrade mentions this is purely a tip and may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you have specific health conditions.

2. Exposure to Light

Have you thought about your exposure to light? This is a great idea for better sleep. Did you know that spending more time outside during the daylight, letting as much natural light into your home as possible, and using a light therapy box can be useful during the short winter days according to HelpGuide.org. They also mention that at night avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of your bedtime, do not read with backlit devices, when it is time to sleep make sure your room is dark, and keep the lights down if you get up during the night.

I can really identify with the dark room. I observed when we go out of town and stay in a hotel the room is usually very dark, since we may not be familiar with the room, we still usually leave the light on in the bathroom so as not to trip on our way to the toilet.

3.  Best Sleeping Position

What is the best sleeping position? The sleepfoundation.org., suggests that sleeping specifically on the side or back is considered more beneficial for sleeping positions and that either of these positions make it easier to keep your spine supported and balanced which relieves pressure on the spine and enables your muscles to relax and recover.

4. Try Something New

New ideas to help you get better sleep may include aromatherapy, acupressure, ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response), listen to the Colors, paradoxical intention, sleep restriction, forgiveness, and a weighted blanket, are things you might want to try for better sleep. Webmd.com talks about these things.

Paradoxical intention sounds interesting. It involves the cognitive behavioral technique of you to stop trying to fall asleep, but rather stay awake as long as you possibly can. Supposedly, the theory is that it should ease the stress around sleep and let you nod off.

5.  New Mattress

Do you know the last time that you purchased a new mattress? I have a relative that purchase a new mattress that has sleep controls on it. Technology has improved mattresses for better sleep quality. She say she likes it because it has dual settings. She can control what is best for her sleep and her husband has settings that he can control.  I also recalled when we purchased a new mattress the sleep quality was so much better. So I know a mattress can make a really big difference.

6. Do You Need a New Pillow?

Do you realize when you need a new pillow? You may need a new pillow if your present pillow smells bad, your pillow has noticeable lumps, your getting Acne, it is flat enough to fold, your frequently wake up sneezing, you have neck and shoulder pain in the A.M., it is seriously stained, you’ve switched sleeping positions, you constantly re-fluff your pillow, or you often wake up Tired. Do you have any of these symptoms?

I discovered that I needed a new pillow when I observed myself having neck and shoulder pain. After getting a new pillow I could tell the difference immediately.  The pain went away.

7.  Sleep Journal

I am a big advocate of journals. A sleep journal is another great idea for better sleep. There are prayer journals, food journals, gratitude journals, so why not keep a sleep journal? I love my gratitude journal because there is so much to be thankful for. A sleep journal will give you a visual of your sleeping pattern. You may determine there are things that you see can be adjusted or just changed. You may discover things about your sleeping pattern that you may have otherwise not even considered.

8. Sleeping to Little or Too Much

Do you believe that you can sleep too little or too much? Well a new study done with participants ages 40-69 and approximately 40,000 participants is that less than seven hours and too much sleep more than nine hours affected the presence and volume of white matter hyperintensities and fractional anisotropy. This study done by Medicine.yale.edu further adds that these findings add to the evidence that sleep is a prime pillar of brain health. So although you may not get it just right you can strive to find a balance that is good for you. Strive to find a balance that will work for you.

9. Sleep Tracker Apps

Do Sleep tracker apps really work? Have you ever used a sleep tracking app? Do you know everything that a sleep tracker app monitors? Sleep Tracker apps monitor sleep duration, sleep quality, sleep phases, environmental factors, and lifestyle factors. Hopkins medicine.org further adds that a sleep cycle may last for only a few minutes, during the second stage which is fairly light, your brain waves begin to slow, during stages 3 and 4 you move into deeper sleep that is harder to wake from, this is the time when your body grows and repairs itself and boosts immune functions, and during during (REM) rapid eye movement, the final stage, your brain becomes more active and dreams occur. Your brain is processing information and storing long-term memories. Now I can understand when people say your body restores itself when you are sleeping. So it is wise to remember that better sleep is ideal for the body. Possibly take time today to relax and remember even though you have a lot to accomplish if your health is compromised then you possibly may not get anything done.


The ‘10-3-2-1-0 formula’ can help you sleep better and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, and it’s dead simple


Best Sleeping Positions


10 Sign’s That It’s Time For a New Pillow


How to Sleep Better

The Best Sleep Positions


New Ideas in Sleep Hygiene


Poor Sleep May Increase Markers of Pour Brain Health, New Study Finds


Do Sleep Trackers Really Work?


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