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I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Excellent Ideas For Better Sleep

Whether you are old or young there may be instances during your lifetime that you may have trouble sleeping. There are alternatives to help.

Just For You. . .


1. Sleep Formula

Some of the best sleep aides are available to you. Did you know that there is a sleep formula for sleep? Glamourmagazine. Co.uk talks about this. The method is no caffeine 10 hours before bed, 3 hours before bed, no food or alcohol, 2 hours before bed no more work, 1 hours before bed no more screen time,  and 0 numbers of times you’ll need to hit snooze in the AM. Now Dr. Andrade mentions this is purely a tip and may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you have specific health conditions.

2. Exposure to Light

Have you thought about your exposure to light? This is a great idea for better sleep. Did you know that spending more time outside during the daylight, letting as much natural light into your home as possible, and using a light therapy box can be useful during the short winter days according to HelpGuide.org. They also mention that at night avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of your bedtime, do not read with backlit devices, when it is time to sleep make sure your room is dark, and keep the lights down if you get up during the night.

I can really identify with the dark room. I observed when we go out of town and stay in a hotel the room is usually very dark, since we may not be familiar with the room, we still usually leave the light on in the bathroom so as not to trip on our way to the toilet.

3.  Best Sleeping Position

What is the best sleeping position? The sleepfoundation.org., suggests that sleeping specifically on the side or back is considered more beneficial for sleeping positions and that either of these positions make it easier to keep your spine supported and balanced which relieves pressure on the spine and enables your muscles to relax and recover.

4. Try Something New

New ideas to help you get better sleep may include aromatherapy, acupressure, ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response), listen to the Colors, paradoxical intention, sleep restriction, forgiveness, and a weighted blanket, are things you might want to try for better sleep. Webmd.com talks about these things.

Paradoxical intention sounds interesting. It involves the cognitive behavioral technique of you to stop trying to fall asleep, but rather stay awake as long as you possibly can. Supposedly, the theory is that it should ease the stress around sleep and let you nod off.

5.  New Mattress

Do you know the last time that you purchased a new mattress? I have a relative that purchase a new mattress that has sleep controls on it. Technology has improved mattresses for better sleep quality. She say she likes it because it has dual settings. She can control what is best for her sleep and her husband has settings that he can control.  I also recalled when we purchased a new mattress the sleep quality was so much better. So I know a mattress can make a really big difference.

6. Do You Need a New Pillow?

Do you realize when you need a new pillow? You may need a new pillow if your present pillow smells bad, your pillow has noticeable lumps, your getting Acne, it is flat enough to fold, your frequently wake up sneezing, you have neck and shoulder pain in the A.M., it is seriously stained, you’ve switched sleeping positions, you constantly re-fluff your pillow, or you often wake up Tired. Do you have any of these symptoms?

I discovered that I needed a new pillow when I observed myself having neck and shoulder pain. After getting a new pillow I could tell the difference immediately.  The pain went away.

7.  Sleep Journal

I am a big advocate of journals. A sleep journal is another great idea for better sleep. There are prayer journals, food journals, gratitude journals, so why not keep a sleep journal? I love my gratitude journal because there is so much to be thankful for. A sleep journal will give you a visual of your sleeping pattern. You may determine there are things that you see can be adjusted or just changed. You may discover things about your sleeping pattern that you may have otherwise not even considered.

8. Sleeping to Little or Too Much

Do you believe that you can sleep too little or too much? Well a new study done with participants ages 40-69 and approximately 40,000 participants is that less than seven hours and too much sleep more than nine hours affected the presence and volume of white matter hyperintensities and fractional anisotropy. This study done by Medicine.yale.edu further adds that these findings add to the evidence that sleep is a prime pillar of brain health. So although you may not get it just right you can strive to find a balance that is good for you. Strive to find a balance that will work for you.

9. Sleep Tracker Apps

Do Sleep tracker apps really work? Have you ever used a sleep tracking app? Do you know everything that a sleep tracker app monitors? Sleep Tracker apps monitor sleep duration, sleep quality, sleep phases, environmental factors, and lifestyle factors. Hopkins medicine.org further adds that a sleep cycle may last for only a few minutes, during the second stage which is fairly light, your brain waves begin to slow, during stages 3 and 4 you move into deeper sleep that is harder to wake from, this is the time when your body grows and repairs itself and boosts immune functions, and during during (REM) rapid eye movement, the final stage, your brain becomes more active and dreams occur. Your brain is processing information and storing long-term memories. Now I can understand when people say your body restores itself when you are sleeping. So it is wise to remember that better sleep is ideal for the body. Possibly take time today to relax and remember even though you have a lot to accomplish if your health is compromised then you possibly may not get anything done.


The ‘10-3-2-1-0 formula’ can help you sleep better and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, and it’s dead simple


Best Sleeping Positions


10 Sign’s That It’s Time For a New Pillow


How to Sleep Better

The Best Sleep Positions


New Ideas in Sleep Hygiene


Poor Sleep May Increase Markers of Pour Brain Health, New Study Finds


Do Sleep Trackers Really Work?


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Esme Slabbert said...

Love the method
Thank you for popping over and for participating and sharing at SSPS 325. See you again next week at #326 https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Esme. I am glad that you like it. Have an awesome Labor Day. Enjoy.