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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Your Body Rejuvenate Itself?

Have you ever asked the question, “Does the body repair itself?” Are you aware the important part that cells play in your body. God has made our bodies so that they are wonderfully made, but do you take care of your body?

Stem Cells

***Good News***

1. Your Body

Did you know that in 365 days, over 90% of your body’s cells are replaced with new ones. According to eatnauralheave.com. They further state that billions of cells are replaced every single day. Now that is a lot of cells.

2. Human Tissue

En.wikipedia.org., has stated that the body regenerates a full bone within ten years, while non-injured skin tissue is regenerated within two weeks.

3. Stem Cells

I personally know of stem cells that have been used with Cancer Patients. In some cases the stem cells which can regenerate damaged tissue are taken from the patient before Chemotherapy and can be used if needed when the Chemotherapy is completed to help regenerate certain tissue cells in that patient. I also know of stem cell therapy that is being used for hip and knee replacements. The great thing about this is the stem cells are taken from the person that needs the hip or knee replacement and inserted into the bone as oppose to replacing the joint. Isn’t this amazing? Stem Cells can be taken from your own body to heal another part of your body.

According to Medicalnewstoday.com stem cells can be used to grow a new kidney as opposed to waiting for a kidney donor, stem cells could treat brain diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s by replenishing the damaged brain tissue, and stem cells could be used to treat diseases such a leukemia or sickle cell anemia.

Who would have ever imagined that cells taken from your body could help repair or heal another part of your body? 2 Peter 1:3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, though the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.

4. How Long Your Cells Lives

I have never given any thought until now how long cells in my body live. Did you know that brain cells last 200 plus years, eye lens cells, last a lifetime, egg cells last 50 years, heart muscle cells last 40 years, intestinal cells (excluding lining) 15.9 years, skeletal muscle cells 1-15 years, fat cells 8 years, Hematopoietic stem cells – 5 years, liver cells 10-16 months, and Pancreas cells 1 year? Sciencefocus.com talks about this. The further added that cells on the surface of our bodies or in the lining of our gut are sloughed off and discarded, those inside our bodies are scavenged by phagocytes-while blood cells that ingest other cells, and the energy from the dead cells is partly recycled to make other white cells. Really. This sounds like our bodies are “a lean green machine. “ Again, the human body is wondrously made. How awesome.

5. What Parts of the Body Heal Faster?

Even though we are wondrously made, we are all still unique and different. Have you noticed that some heal faster than others? I recall when my husband was in the hospital. After major surgery they had him up walking the next day. Even more surprisingly after he started walking the nurse said he was walking so fast she could not keep up with him. They were amazed. So was I. His recovery was swift, even though he was still in some discomfort and pain and he complained that I hit every bump in the road while in the car as we traveled home. I also observed that when my husband had a tooth pulled there was very little blood and he did not need a lot of pain pills. Now when I had a tooth pulled I bled a lot and took many pain pills. Humans are unique and different. Now according to OrthoBethesda.com you can expect the mouth and tongue, fingers, upper torso and face to have speedier healing times. They further add that feet, legs, and knees, wrists, hips, elbows may be noticeably slower.

6. Where are Stem Cells Found?

Are you aware that embryonic stem cells can be found in the cord and in the tissue, stem cells can be found in the placental tissue, in bone marrow, peripheral blood, in fat, and in dental pulp. Cryo-cell.com talks about this. They further add that Dental Pulp is a new discovery and could hold future potential for heart and kidney disease.

7. Organs Your Body Can Live Without

Even though your body can rejuvenate itself, there are certain organs that you can live without. You can live without a spleen because the liver plays a role in recycling red blood cells and their components. You can live without a stomach because when it is removed the surgeon attaches the esophagus (gullet) directly to the small intestines. You can live without a reproductive system and a colon. Most people have two kidneys, but can survive with just one. This is all according to conversation.com.

There have been numerous cases where a relative or stranger that was a match may have donated their kidney to someone in need. Do you know of any cases like that? I personally know of those that have had gallstones removed and had the gallbladder removed at the same time, as the surgeon stated the gallbladder was not needed. I recall a relative having gallstones removed. The surgeon stated there were well over 100 gallstones. He added he had never seen that many in a patient. How many of you have had your appendix removed possibly because it burst? Possibly you know of someone that has had theirs removed. Again, I say the body is wondrously made. Do you agree?


How Your Body Rebuilds Itself in Less than 365 Day


History of the Human Tissue


What are stem cells, and what do they do?


What Cells In the Human Body Live the Longest


What happens to cells in our Bodies When They Die

Why Do Some Body Parts Heal Faster Than Others?


Where Do You Find Stem Cells, and Why Does That Matter?

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PaulaShort said...

Yes, I did know our body rejuvenates. Thank you for sharing this great information with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Paula.