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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Excellent Positive Affirmations

Do you know the power of positive affirmations? Do you know the importance of what you tell yourself? Do you tell yourself negative thoughts?

Did You Know?

1. Positive Affirmations

What Is Positive Affirmations? Positive affirmations are made up of phrases that you can say aloud to yourself or in your head. Daily affirmations can be very helpful to you. You can also write them down and make sure they are always visible. This is according to Webmd.com. They further add that they are meant to help build you up and improve your confidence, even when things are difficult.

2. Negative Thoughts

Let’s face it can anyone say that they have never had a negative thought? Can anyone say that sometimes seemingly a negative thought will just pop up in your mind and you might say to yourself, “I know that is not right?” Well you are human and you are emotional. Some are emotional more than others. Someone once told me that when you think a negative thought you can and should replace it with a positive thought. Something like rewriting a script. Have you seen people that seemingly always find the good in others. Even though you are not perfect and have your weaknesses and flaws it is not necessary to concentrate always on your flaws, but rather promote your strengths.

2. Positive People

Have you noticed how you feel around positive People? Isn’t that a very good feeling? Have you noticed that you gravitate toward positive people and tend to avoid the negative ones? Is it possible that negative people would benefit from positive affirmations? I believe that they could. If a negative person only talks negative most of the time, I could not imagine the story that person is telling themselves. I recall when I used to Mystery shop one of the employees was very negative and even though I tried to keep him or her on the positive side of talking there was repeated negativity talk regarding the boss. Unfortunately I ended up reporting that. I did not feel good about it, but I knew the negativity could be very upsetting in a work environment. Sometimes when you are talking to others you may not know who you are talking to. In some organizations there are relatives working.

I recalled when I worked at the bank and I was on vacation I went to Home Depot to make a purchase. They told me my debit card was declined. I told them their must be a mistake I work at the bank. There was a long line and everyone looked at me as if to say, “Yeah right.” I was not irate, but the cashier called her subordinate and told me I could call the bank. So I did. I was told their was a computer mix up and everyone’s account atleast employees was showing negative balances. I explained my situation and she said they are in the process of correcting and how much do you need? She also explained this to the cashier. So that was corrected right then, but had I been irate, or started making a seen with negative comments, or have gotten loud that could have been a much different outcome. Have you seen others in public becoming irate and the only words coming from their mouth were negative? Could that person have benefited from positive affirmations?

4. Positive Affirmations

I am grateful for what I can do

I am Confident

Life is Beautiful

Remember “I am” affirmations can be very powerful.

5. Why Positive Affirmations are Powerful

Why are Positive Affirmations powerful? They are powerful because as human beings you do not feel the same everyday. Some days you may feel sad and other day you may feel another emotion. Regardless science has proven that words can manifest into reality.

6. Creating Your Reality

Did you know that your thinking does create your reality? According to Psychology today. Com. There is nothing magical or woo-woo about it. It is simply the way our brains operate. They further add that you write the story of what you think is likely and/or possible based on what you believe is true and then you take actions consistent with those expectations.

7. More Power Affirmations

I am Enough

I Am Capable

I Am Loved

I am Worthy

I Appreciate You

That is one of my favorite affirmations, “I Appreciate You.” I remember someone telling me this. It made me almost melt. I received a great feeling from hearing this. So I make it a point to let others know when I appreciate them. I make it appoint not to miss that opportunity. People love to be appreciated. They love to hear that and need to hear it, because they are human and not just machines that run daily.

You may have your own affirmations that you want to write. Why not? It is your life and your life story. Everyone's life is different. Everyone does have the same goals or aspiration. God made people unique and different.

8. Comparing Yourself to Others

Do you compare yourself to others? I have others say, “If I only had a big car like my neighbor?” “If I only had.” I used to think everyone needed to like me. I did not understand everyone will not like me. I realize when I was in an abusive marriage before my present marriage I was always trying to fix everything. Then a friend of mine told me, “Betty you could be an angel and it will never be enough.” I then began to realize I need to stop comparing myself to others and realize some may like me some may not even know me and not like me, but rather to be the best “Me” that I can be. I once thought about those that bully others. Even though they may bully another there is always another bigger bully. So the comparison to others needs to stop. It is important to work on your self and create and write the best story for yourself that you can. That can be done with good affirmations. You cannot control others, but you can control your thoughts for yourself. Accept the things that you cannot change and work on the things that you can.


What To Know About Positive Affirmations


How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality


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Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

This excellent post will be one of my features for this week's SSPS. Thank you so much for sharing with us, we appreciate it!

Jennifer Wise said...

#8 is such an important thing to avoid. It only causes negativity. I like your example of the bank--if we start with positivity, everyone can feel better. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #45 linkup. Hope you'll share more posts with us at #46 which starts Monday.

anointedtoday said...

Jennifer so glad you liked number 8. That is one of my favorites. Have an awesome Labor Day.

PaulaShort said...

What a mindful article Betty. Great advice and really informative.
Thank You for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's August link up.