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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Do You Know the Awesome Rewards of Hugging Your Children? (OMG)

Have you had your free hugs today? Are you a hugger? Some people will automatically hug those that they meet, while others may just shake hands or give a nod. Still there may be those that say it depends on the situation.

hug therapy

Did you know that there are free hugs? You can receive and give hugs freely. There are different types of hugs. Best of all hugs can make you feel really good.

How Many?

Dr. Mercola discusses hugging emphasizing we need 12 hugs a day for growth. He further adds that hugging makes you healthier by boosting your immune system and easing depression. I know after receiving a hug there is a great feeling that comes over me. Almost a type of calmness.

Feeling Good

Besides balancing our nervous system, hugs can increase oxytocin levels that heal feelings of isolation and anger according to I have observed that when someone is upset  a hug can just calm them right down. Someone once said that because hugs are free you do not even need a receipt. Hugging can be a win/win situation for parent and child.

Why Hug Your Baby?

There have been studies done that people who have trouble handling stress as adults may have not been hugged enough as babies according to Cnn.Health. They further add that babies development is controlled by nature and nurturing. I know personally that hugging your baby gives your baby a sense of comfort and reassurance. I also have observed that each child is unique and divine. Some children need more hugs than others. I have observed this with my grandchildren. I have one grandchild that may hug me several times a day and express so much gratitude, while my other grandchildren may hug me once that day. This also makes me aware that I need to give them and my daughter hugs as well. It does not mean that I love them or they love me any less, but shows their needs are different.

Good Behavior

Did you know that Hugging can reinforce good behavior while lowering blood pressure according to everydaylife It is never too late to hug your child. Have You hugged your child lately?

Do You Trust Me, Hug Me? Social Experiment- Free Hugs

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Why Kids Need Hugs, by Christopher Michael,

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Unknown said...

12 hugs a day? I had never heard that. Thanks so much for sharing!

anointedtoday said...

Miranda that was the first I heard that too.

Unknown said...

We love hugs! We just read a cute kids' book about this called, "Hug Machine." Thanks for sharing. I found you at Tell it to Me Tuesday! :)

anointedtoday said...

I will have to check out that book Kristi. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

I love hugs! 12 hugs - I can do that! Yay!

Simplycandycane said...

I love hugs. They make me feel loved.

Unknown said...

Hi Betty,
I am not surprised that hugging can reinforce good behavior while lowering blood pressure. I have always been a natural hugger. I find that it is calming for both children and adults. You are never too old to benefit from a hug. The power is touch is so remarkable. I am so delighted that you shared these valuable insights with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! I’m pinning and sharing!

Unknown said...

What a coincidence! I just wrote a blog post on the power of touch, too! Thanks for reinforcing the amazing power of hugs.

Unknown said...

By the way, that it such a cool video! I'm going to reshare it.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Deborah. Thanks also for featuring this post at Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. This is so awesome.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Heaven Smiling. God is amazing.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Heaven Smiling. I was really impressed by the video also.

Holly @ Coordinator of Chaos said...

Heading out to get in a few extra hugs today! Thanks for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday!


anointedtoday said...

Your welcome holly. It is a pleasure

Melanie Redd said...

Oh, I like hugs!! I do think our kids and we need to be hugged a lot more than we are! What a great post, Betty!

I used to stand in the hall at my church and hug little ladies as they came our of their Sunday school classes. They just loved it! I called it my "hall ministry."

Thinking we all need "hall ministries" in our lives!

Came over on Tuesday Talk. Hope you have a blessed day~

anointedtoday said...

I agree Melanie.

anointedtoday said...

I agree Candance. Thanks for stopping by http://anointed

anointedtoday said...

I do too Deb.