Jesus is My Boss- Set of

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Jesus Is My Boss- Set of Coasters-

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Why Believe In God?

 Why believe in God is a good question, because there are those that clearly do not believe in God, but believe in themselves or science. Sometimes there is no explanation as to why things happen. Sometimes even doctors admit that they have done all they can do.

*** Good News***

Why Not Believe In God?  God is Great.

1. Pray In School

Do you remember when prayer was taken out of the schools? According to prayer was taken out of schools in 1962 because it violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment, yet if you look at our paper money and our coins it states clearly, “In God We Trust.” Although everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, the fact is there are those that do not believe in prayer.

I recall a principle at one of the high schools confided in me that even though prayer was taken out of the schools she would get up early in the morning before school started and walked the halls praying. This was her individual prayer. Even though it was taken out of the schools she still was committed to praying.

I recall another incident regarding a school field trip involving myself and my grandson. We were outside at a table about to eat. I realized prayer was not allowed in the schools. So I asked my grandson to bow his head and I prayed allowed quietly. To my surprise after finishing praying everyone at the table had stopped what they were doing and said, “Amen.” I had no idea they were listening. I guess that old saying that you never know who is watching you is true. I never knew.

2. Faith

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Faith gives you something to hope for. How many times have you seen people just give up on life or even just give up on others? When the doctors have said they have done all they can do, you can be reassured that God is supernatural and can do what no man can do. How many times have you heard people say it is a miracle, we don’t know the how or what but it is? Have you seen babies that they call miracle babies? Babies that defy all odds, that were given only so many days or so many years to live, yet they lived much longer than the time that doctors predicted? I personally know of a miracle baby that lived many years and beat all odds.  

I have twin grandchildren. The one twin weighed 5 pounds when born, yet the other twin was 2 ½ pounds. Today they are both healthy and the 2 ½ pound twin is tall and solid.


3. Jealous God

Exodus 34:14. For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Before starting a project or before doing anything major do you pray to God or is the praying done in reverse order. Do you pray after starting when things are not going as well. You are not alone. I must admit I have done this also in the wrong order. God made us in his own image. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. He wants to hear from you when things are going well not just when things are going bad. Just like those that are mothers and fathers. We love our children, but we also love hearing from them when things are going well not just when there is a problem.

4. Hope

Believing in God gives us hope for tomorrow. I believe that God is Great. Have you seen patients in the hospital on their death beds holding on until that 1 child could come and see them 1 last time before death. You wonder how do they hold on. They have hope. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

5. Atoms

According to you can’t see atoms with the naked eyes, but we know they exist. Someone once said God has no phone, but they talk to him, God has no Facebook but he is still their friend, and God has no Twitter but they still follow him. When you believe in God you will talk to Him and follow Him.

6. Believing

For those that do not believe in God their may come a time in your life when you are in a situation that is dependent on God and only he can help you. As a young child there was a time in my life I was in a household of drinkers and fighters. I was constantly in prayer, because I did not want anyone to be killed. Thank God no one was ever killed, but living in the fear of that constantly caused me to be dependent on God more than ever. It also caused me to always remember how far he has brought me.

7. Curious

At a very young age I observed my neighbors always going to church. My father nor my grandmother went to church. So I wanted to know what was church all about. After only going one time, I knew that I loved church. I would really pray during the service. I already believed in God because we only had 1 book in our house that was the Bible. So I started reading it early. I did, however, find out later that there were different religions. I had no idea my first church was Methodist until many years later when I attended a baptist church. Also, my sister attended a sanctified church. I was amazed at how many different churches existed, but there was one common theme that was God. I never stopped believing. Again there are those that believe in God and others that may not believe until an incident or something drastic happens in their life, but these are reasons to believe.

8. Emptiness

Have you ever felt that you have done all you can do, but still felt empty? Have you been with a crowd of people, but still felt lonely? That type of emptiness is something that only God can fill. Have you been in a storm of problems or circumstances and felt there was not way out, but after reading God’s word discovering that God can give you a peace that the world cannot give. The Joy of the Lord is reassuring.   Even in the midst of the storm you can still feel peace within. That is God. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


The First Amendment Encyclopedia


On Seeing Atoms.


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Kym said...

Indeed, things may not always go the way we want or expect, but we can trust Jesus and he will NEVER let us down! Visiting from Sweet Tea & Friends today

Donna Reidland said...

I think it takes more faith not to believe than to believe. The evidence is all around us, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

anointedtoday said...

Well said Khym. You are most welcome.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Donna. Thanks for stopping by.

Esme said...

Thanks for liking up with this post to SSPS #256

anointedtoday said...

Your Most welcome Esme.

PaulaShort said...

Betty, this is lovely what a wonderful message.
I appreciate you sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Paula. Thanks for stopping by.

Jennifer Wise said...

I love that the principal still walked the halls praying. It can be hard to reconcile unfair things or bad things happening in the world, but if we understand the purpose of life--to be challenged, to learn, to grow--we can trust God and wait for His hand to make everything right through Jesus Christ. I personally think that having experiences with God is the best way to get to know Him, and that can best happen through prayer and the scriptures. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #28 linkup. Hope to see you next week, too.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by.

Elena said...

These are great reminders why we can believe our God is real! I wrote recently about how being connected to Jesus, like the Vine (or like a power cord connected to our phone) is what helps me through every season to have the power I otherwise cannot have. That is proof to my house over and over that He is real -- seeing Him to in my life what I could never do in my own limited power! (I will link the post into my name, if interested!)


anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Elena.