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I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, March 5, 2022

DNA and Music

Is music in our DNA? Have you even thought about how music is used in your life? Have you ever thought about your different preferences for certain types of music?

                                                              DNA test

                                                 ***Good News***

Music is used in nearly everything. Is Music in your family history? Have you ever considered how genetics is a part of music in your family history? Have you ever thought about a song that you may have heard on the radio? Possibly it keeps playing back over and over in your head.

1. Crack the Code

According to futurism.com researches have tried to determine why some tunes, known as “earworms," get stuck in our head. They further add that DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), is a record of genetic information written in a chemical language and the human genome has a sequence of 3.2 billion base pairs. I have even observed that certain commercials have sticky tunes that just seem to stick with you. Sometimes after hearing the tunes I will probably go throughout the day singing or humming the tune. Some of the tunes are not only sticky (sticking in your mind), but they are catchy and easy to remember.

2. Music and the Soul

A study published in the journal Music and Medicine used music therapy for hospice care. The goal was to relieve the pain, encourage relaxation, and increase quality of life and improve mood. That is according to saybook.edu. They further added that the results were so positive that a few of the families requested music be played at the time that they died; saying music soothed the soul during the most deeply soulful and spiritual points in life.

Did you know that music belongs to everyone regardless of race, creed, age, or status in life. In the 1970’s Steven Spielberg science fiction film, “ Close Encounters of the Third Kind” showed how music is able to be a means of communication between humans and beings from another planet through a series of musical notes according to daytranslations.com. I can also see even though it was fictional how it could actually happen.

I have mentioned in a past article that dancing was a part of my family at an early age. Also the music was commonplace in my household growing up. I just assumed all families danced, sang, and listened to music. I discovered later in life that was not true of all families. My family history was full of music. I remember watching television at a very young age and singing along with the songs that would come on. I even recall one point living with my aunt and uncle. They fought a lot. So I thought if I sang and performed for them that would distract them. It did work for a while, because I would eventually having them laughing. I always told them they needed to be my audience and watch me perform.

3. Music and Pregnancy

I do recall when caring my children in the womb they would always start kicking whenever they heard music. At the time I would play a lot of gospel and slow jazz music. I later learned that I really liked classical music and country music. For me classical music was oh so soothing for me. I surprised myself that I like the different variety of music.

4. Translation DNA Code As Music

A Spanish scientists unraveled DNA’s double helix, pictured it s components lined up like piano keys and assigned a note to each. The results is a 10-tune CD according to myplainview.com. They further add that maybe that is why people like music; It’s already inside them.

5. The Bible and Music

Music has existed throughout time. Besides the fact that Lucifer was adorned beautifully, it has been said that when he walked around music just flowed from him. Ezekiel 28:13 Thou has been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was the covering, the sardius topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold; the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in the day that thou was created.

6. Music and animals

Did you know that animals react to music? A study done on the behavior of 117 dogs in a kennel revealed that after playing several types of music classical music helped them to relax according to mentafloss.com. That is not a surprise to me because if music is relaxing to humans; why would it not be relaxing to dogs? They further add that cows produce more milk when listening to music; that it had a calming effect on them; they found “everybody Hurts,” Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water,” and Beethoven’s “Pastoral Symphony” actually resulted in the cows producing 3 percent more milk-0.73 liters per cow per day.  Can you imagine?

7. Perfect Pitch or Tone Deaf

Have you heard the expression perfect-pitch? Have you heard someone say, “ He is tone deaf?” People with absolute pitch don’t need a tuning fork-they instinctively know whether what they are hearing is an A, G sharp, or B Flat; Studies have shown strong links between genetics and this ability. They further add research has found a strong genetic component to tone-deafness, or what scientist call “ Congenital amusia.”

8. Prince Unreleased Music in Prince’s Vault

I could not help but think about Prince as I watched 60 minutes on television. I was amazed. A preview was given to “Welcome 2 America.’ As a few pieces were played that had never been heard by America it gave me goosebumps. As famous as he is, he still had over 8,000 unreleased songs in his vaults. That is a lot of music flowing from one person. I have no doubt music was in his DNA.

Finally do you have certain music that you like? Do you have certain tunes that always seem to stick in your head? I would love to hear from you.

Photo Caption: Gordon Johnson/ Pixabay

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Is Music in Our DNA?

Music is Good for the Soul- And Music Therapy is Good for the Body.

The Magic that is Music: The True Language of the Human Soul

Researchers Translate DNA Code As Music

Ezekiel 28:13

7 Scientific Studies About How Animals React to Music

The Music in Your Genes

Exploring the Unreleased Music in Prince’s Vault


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Lydia C. Lee said...

Interesting. If it's in your DNA though, why does your taste evolve in genres (not arguing, asking)? I used to listen to a lot of rap but now I'm all EDM. Before that 60s/70s pop but now I can barely listen to it. Lot to ponder

Lisa@fluxingwell.com said...

It’s true that music can trigger powerful emotions. Some people are very gifted. Thank you for your thought-provoking post.

Mihaela | https://theworldisanoyster.com/ said...

Music is precise mathematics, too. Just this morning I saw on news how music impacts dementia and how it brings people out of what must be a very scary entrapment in one's own mind. Amazing stuff!

Ana said...

Very interesting post! Music is something we naturally connect with and enjoy-- not surprising, it's very much a part of who we are. Thanks for the insight.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Lydia. We change over our lifetime. I am sure genres do too. As a teenager I only liked R&B and gospel. I now like in addition classical and country music, and slow jazz.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

That is so true Mihaela.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Ana. Thanks for stopping by.