I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, February 12, 2021

Random Acts of Kindness during Covid-19

During this Pandemic there is even more reason to show Random Acts of Kindness. There are those that suffered loss of loved ones and those that are still feeling the physical after effects of Covid-19.

                                         What are Acts of Kindness?

                                                 * * * Gratitude* * *

A. Side Effects of Covid-19

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention side effects that may occur to those that suffered with Covid-19 might include fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, joint pain, chest pain, brain fog, depression, muscle pain, headache, intermittent fever, heart palpation, lung function abnormalities, and much more. So even though a person may have survived Covid-19 they still may have other complications. That shows that this virus is far more serious and threatening than any other pandemics that we have had.

B. Benefits of Random Acts of Kindness during Covid-19.. . win/win

Did you know that the giver of Random Acts of Kindness benefits in that it lowers blood pressure, and causes pain reduction according to health/kindness-health-benefits-wellness. They further add that UK researches have shown that you will experience even greater joy if you’re creative with your acts of kindness. Also, note how you feel after giving. It can be a great feeling.

C. Memories

I recall a Field Trip to Chicago as a child in Kindergarten. I lived in Indiana at the time. We all needed to line up for the bathroom. One little boy could not wait. He had an accident in his pants. I recall feeling so sorry for him, but I did not know what I could do or say. He looked so sad. I was in shock that this had happened. We were far away from home too. The teachers did not seem too sympathetic either. That was the bad part about it. He did not have a change of clothing. Although I did nothing then, as an adult I now think of things I could have said to console him at the time such as “everything will be okay” or you will be alright.” So I say that to say, we may feel that we did not act as appropriate as we could at the time, but we can always think about what we would do if a similar situation happens in the future. Sometimes it may just be a smile or even a thumbs up. You may think this is a little thing, but it could do wonders.

20 Acts of Kindness that you can do during Covid-19:

1. Grocery Shopping

You may want to grocery shop or assist and elderly person with ordering groceries online.

2. Shoveling Snow or Cutting Grass

Your neighbors could possibly benefit from you shoveling their snow or cutting their grass.

3. Standing in line

When you are standing in line at the store possibly pay for the item’s of the person behind you.

4. Care Package

Send a care package to a college student or to a deployed soldier. You don’t want to forget them.

5. Donate

Donate clothing or toys. They are always needed.

6. Hold a Door

Hold a door open and allow someone else to enter before you. I recall a lady holding the door open at one time for my husband. He is a veteran. As he walked in the woman told him, “Thank you for your service.” That was an added bonus. Both my husband and I were pleasantly surprised. He was elated.

7. Gas Stations

Attach cash money to a gas station pump or offer to pay for that person’s gas.

8. Envelope

Leave an envelope of cash money on the shelf in the grocery store.

9. Children

Get your children involved by letting them draw pictures and take them or mail them to a nursing home.

10. Animal Shelter

Visit an animal shelter or even adopt a pet. Those animals will be overjoyed to see you.

11. Volunteer

Volunteer at an animal shelter. Volunteers are always needed. Or volunteer elsewhere.

12. Make a craft

Make gloves, caps, or blankets and donate them to the Cancer Society. They always need these items.

13. Dog Sit

Walk your neighbor’s dog or dog sit for your neighbor. I know of those that baby-sit a dog while their neighbor works.

14. Books

Read a book to a young family member on Facetime or Skype.

15. Leave a thank you note and cash for your mailman/or mail woman.

16. Vending machine

Have you ever wanted to use a vending machine only to discover you did not have change? That can be frustrating. Leave some coins in an envelope on a vending machine. I am sure it will be well appreciated.

17. Shopping Cart

When you return your shopping cart to it’s place in the parking lot leave an envelope with cash in it and a friendly note. I know the recipient will be well pleased.

18. Public Restroom

Leave an envelope of cash and a note attached to the mirror in a public restroom.

19. Tipping

During Covid-19 Restaurants had been shutdown, but now are reopened in Michigan. Even though distancing is required, there are still going to be people that will eat in the restaurant’s. A sense of performing an act of kindness can result in a sense of connection and satisfaction. I believe in giving a little extra for a tip when you have received good service. That is something that I will do, especially when I receive exceptional service. We must keep in mind that waitresses receive minimum wage and rely on tips.

Long John Silver’s Restaurant has a large bell in it. They ask you to ring the bell as you leave if you received good service. I like that concept, because everyone that assists you may not be friendly or even kind.

20. On the Road

When you are on the road, be aware of your surroundings. It does not hurt to yield to another car in another lane.


Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 

The health benefits of a random act of kindness


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Sheltie Times said...

Some of us have upped our cards for even small holidays. It is cheap, it is simple, and it let's people get something in the mail that brings a little joy.

Meditations in Motion said...

Thank you for these wonderful suggestions for random acts of kindness we can do. How appropriate that you would post this during Random Acts of Kindness Week! I love the idea of leaving some coins in a vending machine. What a nice gesture for someone in need of change!

anointedtoday said...

That is awesome Sheltie. Thank you so much for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Meditations in Motion. God gives us creativeness in
our spirit. There are oh so many ways to show acts of kindness. Thank you for stopping by.

Ana said...

Thank you for the wonderful suggestions to spread kindness. We can all use a kind gesture and a few words of encouragement. The benefits are good for both parties.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Ana for stopping by today. Have a good day.