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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Bloggers Meet and Greet – Covid-19 During the New Year

This New Year will be like no other New Year. This New Year is occurring during the Caronavirus. Some things will be done differently than in the past.


                                                    ***Good News***


Do you know when New Year’s Day was first celebrated? According to History.com the first New Year’s Day was celebrated on January 1 in 45 B.C. They further added the celebration fell out of practice during the Middle Ages because Caesar and Sosigenes failed to calculate the correct value for the Solar year as 265.242199 days, not 365.25 days. Also the church became aware of the problem and in 1570 Pope Gregory XIII commissioned Jesuit astronomer Christopher Calvius to come up with a new calendar, resulting in 1582 the Gregorian calendar which omitted 1- days for that year and establishing the new rule that only one of every 4 centennial years should be a leap year. I have often wonder how leap year was established.

1. New York

In the past I loved watching the New Year’s Eve Ball drop in Times Square on television. According to fodors.com this year the event will be held virtually. So they will still celebrate the New Year, but instead of in person it will be virtually.

2. Auckland

According to fodors.com Auckland is going ahead with fireworks and celebrations this year. Auckland is in New Zealand. They further add that this country has managed COVID-19 very well. That is awesome to hear. I truly wish the United States could say the same. Various cities are handling the New Year’s differently.

3. A Few Things to Consider in the New Year

A. Will the event be indoors or outdoors?

B. How Long Will the Celebration Be?

C. Will There Be Shared Food?

D. Will There Be alcohol?

E. Will Everyone Be required to Wear a Mask?

4. Celebrating the New Year During Covid-19

According to connecticutchildrens.org., a few ways to celebrate the New Year virtually are as follows:

A. Toasting Each Other

B. Discuss future goals for 2021

C. Suggestion that children introduce dancing during the virtual celebrations

D. Have a Countdown to the ball drop

E. Show and Tell (Each person show an item that know one knows about)

4. Roof Top Party

According to elitedaily.com if your apartment has access to the roof possibly throwing a rooftop party with just a few of your closest friends.

5. Church

In the past several churches would have a New Year’s Eve gathering. This Year because of Covid-19 that might not occur, unless some churches choose to do so online. Who would have imagined in 2019 that churches would be shutdown temporarily and service would be online? Technology has allowed many churches and businesses to still function online.

6. Resolutions

To those of you that make resolutions each year, possibly you may want to meet online with family members and friends and share your New Year’s resolutions.

7. Businesses in the New Year

It is very sad that many businesses have had to close because of Covid-19. Many small businesses I am sure started their own business in order to take control of the direction of their lives and livelihood. No one could have foreseen this Pandemic. Some businesses have gotten creative and offered take-out service as an alternative. Just as individuals have become creative businesses will need to attempt to do so also.

8. Layoffs

Because of the Pandemic there are many that have been layed-off work. This New Year is so much different than last year. There may be those that want to work, but because of the Pandemic are unable to work. So many have had not choice but to rely on unemployment. Many are doing the best that they can just to survive.

9. Schooling

Schooling is definitely different this year. Many children are learning remotely. Some of those children are falling behind, because remote learning is not for everyone, especially for the younger children.

I do believe this New Norm during Caronavirus will past even though we don’t know when it will happen. According to wgu.ed there may be times that the students have problem with the internet.

They further add that when working online you can have more flexibility. So although in the past the in classroom teaching was the norm, everyone is doing the best that they can to learn remotely. This is the best that we have for now. Students and people are resilient. There was a time that the internet did not exist, but just think of the many positive things that have come out of using the internet.

10. Nursing Homes

Since the Pandemic there were numerous outbreaks of the Pandemic in the nursing homes. There have been numerous deaths in the nursing homes. Many families are going into this New Year after the loss of their loved ones to Covid-19.

11. Dying Alone

During the Pandemic many family members and friends that were hospitalized died without family members being there in the room with them. I recall talking to a woman that shared her elderly mother died alone in the hospital. Even though her mother did not have covid-19 family members still were not aloud in the hospital to be with her. That is so saddening. This Pandemic is so terrible that these actions have been taken. This is a tragedy that many never saw coming. This too shall pass.

12. Front-line Workers

This New Year will be so different from front line workers. Many are already complaining of being exhausted and overwhelmed with so much death from the Pandemic. I recall listening on the television as one Nurse stating, “Her floor in the hospital feels like a war zone.” That has to be a terrible feeling. I cannot imagine. This New Year is different in that because of the Pandemic many nursing students were graduated early because of the need. In Closing I cannot say “thank you” enough to those on the front line during this Pandemic. Those on the front line that are selfless and giving of themselves to help others.

How Will you Celebrate the New Year?

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More guests are always welcome as this will provide more networking opportunities for you. Above all be sure that your blog post is family friendly.

Definitely, feel free to take advantage of this FREE networking opportunity.


The Julian calendar takes effect for the first time on New Year’s Day



14 Ways to Celebrate a Virtual New Year’s Eve Party During COVID-19


7 Best Things To Do On New Year’s Eve Without Going Out That Are Justas Fun


Distance Learning Pros and Cons


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3 Winks Design said...

Hi! This is Helen from 3 Winks Design! Here is our latest post. It has a free printable that will come in handy this new year. https://www.3winksdesign.com/home/24-journaling-prompts-for-everyday

anointedtoday said...

Hi Helen. Thanks for the info about your free printables for the New Year. Thanks for stopping by.

Sarah said...

It was interesting to read about the history of New Years Days. I can certainly see how Covid will change the celebrations this year for most people. We will be doing the same thing we do every new year, staying home, probably watch a few movies and then go to bed - which may or may not happen before midnight.

Down The Hobbit Hole Blog said...

New Years certainly will be different this year with covid-19 going around. I so hope that people will choose to stay in and find creative ways to celebrate. It's unusually cold and rainy here in TX and I hope that encourages more people to not go out. We need to work together creatively in the new year to flatten the curve again.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Sarah. Thanks so much for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Down The Hobbit. Working together would be so much better for all. Thanks for stopping by.

csuhpat1 said...

Thanks for hosting and teaching during COVID is a really interesting deal. Here is my latest: https://csuhpat1.blogspot.com/2021/01/a-visit-to-kite-hill-park.html

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by csuhpat1. Love the pictures from Kite Hill Park. They are awesome.