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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Do You Know Your Triggers?

Did you know that there are various types of triggers? There are triggers that will cause you to relive traumatic events or episodes in your life? 

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Although you may not control your triggers it is important to be aware of them. Traumatic events of episodes may produce challenging behavior.

1. What triggers mean

According to verywellmind.com being triggered is not just about something rubbing you the wrong way; it also includes substance disorders such as eating disorders, and anxiety. It has even been said that a trigger may make you feel as though you are actually reliving the event or trauma.

2. Numerous triggers

Various types of triggers may include anniversary dates of losses or traumas. frightening news events, the end of a relationship, financial problems, getting a big bill, sexual harrassment, being yelled at, being around someone who has treated you badly, and certain smells tastes, or noises, according to mentalhelp.net.

3. Anniversary dates

How often have you seen statements on social media or have heard a friend voice how much they miss their deceased loved one? Possibly that person has a trigger when that date occurs. They may have memories that cause them to feel sad or gloomy around that that time. Possibly someone has lost a loved one or friend suddenly to sickness or violence. This can be quite traumatic and even more traumatic when reliving this over and over. I recall talking to a young lady that lost her brother. Her brother was shot in a store and killed. She is now raising her grandchild. Just seeing her grandchild daily could be a constant reminder of what happened to her son. I cannot imagine what her grandson feels on a daily basis.

4. Frightening New Events

It may not be a good idea to just listen or watch the news all day long. While there are great events that may be shown there are also events that may be frightening to some, especially the caronavirus.   Just the mentioning daily of how many have died from this disease can be frightening. If you have lost a friend or family member to coid-19 that can be frightening. I recall when my previous co-worker lost her husband and her only son to covid-19. I could not imagine how she was feeling.

5. End of a Relationship

I recall the end of several past relationships. There was a feeling as though I had lost a part of myself. It was quite emotional and painful as well. I recall ending an abusive relationship and the feeling was horrifying. I felt many different emotions, but eventually as I began to heal I started feeling good again. I started feeling hopeful and there was a great feeling as though I had been released from an emotional jail. My pastor, Bible scripture the word of God was most beneficial to me at that time and it still is. I learned the importance of memorizing scripture because there were instances that the Holy spirit would bring to my remembrance certain scriptures. The great thing about that is that I can think on those scriptures as opposing to reliving my painful events.

6. Financial Problems

As long as we live in this world we will have problems, but it is up to us how we handle those problems. Financial problems can cause triggers. Living paycheck to paycheck can cause problems. Not making enough money to feed your family can be a problem. Single parents trying to take care of their children on their own can be a problem. All of these problems can cause triggers. Sometimes you may not even be aware of the triggers at the time.

7. Being Yelled at

There may be those that are used to yelling, but some are not. I recall in the past my sister yelled at one of my children. She is a yeller. I stopped her right then and explained my children are not used to being yelled at. If she had a problem with them to see me. I always talked and tried to explain situations to my children.

8. Smells, tastes, or Noises

Have you heard an old song playing and started reminiscing? Possibly the song brings back good memories, but then it might bring back bad memories. I recall a certain perfume my aunt used to wear called “White Shoulders.” If I smell anything similar to that I think about my aunt. I loved that perfume. The memories that come to mind about my aunt was that she was very clean, her house was immaculate, if you smoked she emptied the ashtray before you finished your cigarette, she ironed her husband’s underwear, she ironed her sheets. The main thing I did not like was when she came to visit she always polished my tennis shoes white. I was a child. I liked dirty tennis shoes. Now did that trigger something in me? Possibly. I wear white but not too often. Since I did not live with her I guess that was not too traumatic when you look at the spectrum.

9. Flares

Flares may reflect symptoms for fight, flight and freeze and symptoms of unresolved problems including irritability or attacks of rage or frustration according to chronicillnesstraumastudies.com

 10. Intentional

Make it a point to identify your triggers. This may take some time so by living in the present you can monitor when the triggers occur and always have a plan of action. As I listened to a radio station the speaker on there made a statement that certain groups of people would be admitted to the hospital every year about the same time. She further added that many of them had triggers that would occur around the same time to cause them to drink to much or to do drugs too much. She emphasized about learning to identify your triggers.

11. Managing Your Triggers

According to Yourlifeyourvoice.com managing your triggers include recognizing the triggers that cause emotional or physical responses; then making a plan for what to do when you encounter the triggers. Planning could include grounding activities, stopping negative thoughts, deep breathing exercises, writing in a journal, calling a friend, exercising, and or praying.

Finally, if you have not started it is not too late to start managing your triggers today.

What are your triggers?

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Kristie said...

Thanks for sharing such an important topic

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Kristie. Thanks for stopping by.

Lisa said...

Excellent info about triggers...I think I have more than I realized. Thanks for sharing!

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.

Jennifer Wise said...

Great information. Triggers can be complicated! Thank you for sharing this post with me and with my readers at the Will Blog for Comments #34 linkup. We hope to see you there next week at #35, sharing posts old or new. Have a great weekend!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by also.

Jennifer Wise said...

I like your suggestions for managing triggers. For me, just taking the time to think about it (or plan ahead and think about it early) would be helpful. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #48 linkup. We hope to see you next week sharing more with us at #49. Have a great week!