I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, January 9, 2020

3 Of My Most Popular Articles

Just like you have your favorite books to read, you may also have favorite articles that you like to read. I have discovered 3 of my articles that have been quite popular.

                           * * * Why are these posts popular?* * *

Although there may be those that have not received effective communication training, some of the posts deal with how to communicate effectively. Comprehension and understanding is so relevant. The posts are listed below:


1. Kids Say the Dardnest Things

This particular article was a compiling of several sayings that kids have actually said. Although the children said these things innocently, they turned out to be quite funny. Laughter just makes you feel good. Who doesn’t want a good laugh? One of the favorite things from this article that I particularly liked was:

This grandmother was at her 6-year-old granddaughter’s school. The teacher introduced the grandmother as the student’s grandmother. The student objected and said, “That is not my grandmother that is my Granny.” Yes out of the mouths of babes.

Teen  dating violence

2. Have You or Someone You Know Seen These 6 Red Flags?

Did you know that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience physical violence by their intimate partner at some point during their lifetimes? That is according to the CDC. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). I can see why this is a popular post because there are so many families affected by domestic violence. Not only the adults, but their children that live in that type of environment. Domestic violence affects young, old, rich and the poor. It knows no boundaries.

In this article I share many of the signs to look for before becoming involved in the relationship also. Many times the signs are there but you just ignore them, because you have tunnel vision. Previously I had been in an abusive marriage for 12 years too long. It felt like being in an emotional and invisible prison. Once I was out of that marriage it felt like I had been released from prison. It took awhile, but I felt so good. I hoped that this particular article could help one or more persons. We all need some type of help at one time or another.  Don't you agree?

Communication skills

3. How to Ask Your Children Open-Ended Questions

These questions involve good communication skills. Who doesn’t want to communicate effectively with their children? Good communication can make all the difference in the world. Have you asked your child a question and the reply was just “yes” or “no.?” Open-ended questions cause your children to think and not just respond with a yes or no answer.


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