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I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Are You Prepared For a Law Against Texting While Walking?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Should there be a law against texting while walking in public?” 100 years ago to see someone walking and texting would seem so strange, but now it seemingly has become common place.

Should It Be Illegal to Text While Walking in Public?

***Good News***

1. Check Yourself

Are you among those that walk and text at the same time? Have you thought about why you do it? Is it something that could wait or do you have the urge to get more information as soon as possible? Remember there was a time that cellphones did not exist. What did you do then? Possibly go to the nearest corner pay phone booth or wait until you were at home to use your landline telephone?

2. Statistics

Pedestrian deaths in the United States were at their highest point since 1990 according to nytimes.com. So if you are fixated on your cellphone screens it can be dangerous in that distracted drivers could possibly hit you. They further state that studies have shown that our brains feel rewarded when receiving information, which drives us to seek more; similar to how our appetites feel after we eat.

One United States studies showed that it is not just texting that causes dangers but the association with headphones used by pedestrians. Of the 116 deaths reported between 2004 and 2011, 68% were male and 67% were under the age of 30 according to usnews.com. It was further added that younger adults are more at risk texting, social media and other addictive apps.

3. Tripping or Falling

If you are focused on your cellphone you are not paying attention to what is going on around you and that can amplify the risk of tripping or bumping into another pedestrian, or even taking a wrong road according to ncbi.nim.nih.gov. They further state people using a cell phone while walking to being a “smartphone zombie.” Can you imagine being compared to a zombie?

4. Cellphones Created

his generation probably could not imagine a life without cellphones. They have no clue what it was like without cellphones. In fact I remember a time that my house was vandalized. Cellphones did not exist at the time. As I entered to assess the damage I then decided to call the police to report it. I also then discovered my landline phone and answering machine was taken during the break in. That was a rude awakening. I then went to my neighbors house to use their telephone and report the break-in. I sure could have used a cellphone then. Cellularsales.com mentions that the first handheld mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Motorola and the first call was made by Martin Cooper.

My first cellphone was with pre-paid minutes as I purchased it for emergencies. We all now know cellphones are used for much more than emergencies. I was an Avon lady and discovered a cellphone was so much more convenient. I would call my customers while out on the road and set up the appointments to deliver their products. This was so much easier for my deliveries. Today we use cellphones to make purchases, look at social media, see doctors, and so much more. Can you think of the many more uses of our cellphones today?

5. Law Against Texting While Walking

Should there be a law against texting while walking? Although Michigan does have a new law against texting while driving there is none about texting while walking. I like that Michigan has this law. I have already gotten my hands-free cellphone holder and my earpiece for my cellphone to keep my hands free while driving.

Did you know, however, that there is a law against texting while walking in Honolulu, Hawaii. Yes, according to learningenglish.voanews.com texting while crossing the street was banned in the city as of October 24, 2017. They further added you could be fined from $15 to $99 if you step into a Honolulu street while looking at your phone. I like this idea and believe more states should put this law in place. It is a win/win situation for drivers as well as pedestrians, because I have observed so many pedestrians walking using their cellphones as opposed to looking and watching their surroundings. This could be a matter of life and death. Just think about it?

6. Cellphones and Children

There has been much controversy as to what age a child should be allowed a cellphone. Parents have had to decide if their child is mature enough to handle the responsibility of a cellphone. I recall my parent always reminding me to keep some change with me in the event I was away from home and needed to call home from a payphone that usually sat on various corners of the streets. Now a cellphone makes it so much more convenient for a child to call their parents in the event of an emergency.

Also this generation is so much more computer knowledgeable. This generation can learn rapidly the workings of a cellphone and apply the knowledge within minutes. If you have a questions regarding a cellphone you can ask nearly any child and remarkably they will be able to answer you intelligently. In fact, it seems to come quite easily for children. 100 years ago who would have guest that we would be talking on cellphones or that we would have gps( global positioning systems) in place.

I mentioned in one of my other articles I could have used a gps when my husband and I first married and took a trip to Kentucky to see his mother for the summer. We did not even know how to read a map. We were traveling North to get to Kentucky until I saw the sign that said Mackinw Bridge. I told my husband who was from the south, “We are traveling the wrong way and if we cross that bridge we are really up North and and not traveling south.” That was another rude awakening, but a learning lessons.

7. WhatsApp

There are so many numerous free texting apps such as Facebook messaging, direct messaging on twitter and Instagram apps that are available on your cellphone that just makes it so easy to text and the fact that it is instantaneous is another plus. According to Wiki How there are many advantages to using the WhatsApp in comparison to regular texting: They are as follows:

When traveling abroad you avoid international charges that come with most mobile plans, they offer greater security and privacy than SMS(short message service) end-to-end encryption, it allows chat on your computer, it is free, you can unsend messages, and much more. I can attest to liking the unsend message feature. Have you ever regretting a message that you sent?

So what are your thoughts? Should there be a law against walking and text? I am all for that law. It may save thousand of lives.


Texting While Walking Is Dangerous. Here’s How to Stop


Study Confirms it: Texting While Walking Is Dangerous


Texting on a Smartphone While Walking Affects Gait Parameters


Cellphones vs Smartphones


United State City Bans Texting while Walking


Why do People Use WhatsApp?


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PaulaShort said...

Betty, yes, I think there should be a law against texting while walking. It's really unsafe for the texter, those around them and the potential harm to them and driver's if their not paying attention while crossing the street. Great points today.
Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

Jennifer Wise said...

I think this is a good idea. I can't tell you how many times I have been driving and had a person step out in front of me while texting. It's usually at an intersection, and sometimes at a stop sign, but the idea of just walking into a road without looking because your eyes are on your phone is absurd. Pedestrians should be as aware of their surroundings as drivers. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #27 linkup. Hope to see you next time, too. Have a great week!

anointedtoday said...

Glad to hear from you Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by.

Joanne said...

I do think this is a good idea; I have texted while walking on a sidewalk before (though I typically do step to the side and stop because I'm just coordinated enough to do both!) but can not imagine trying to step into or cross a road without putting my phone away.

anointedtoday said...

Joanne it is good that you step aside when you are texting. It is just so dangerous to text while walking, because drivers as well as the texters can become so distracted. Thanks for stopping by.