Jesus is My Boss- Set of

Jesus is My Boss-  Set of
Jesus Is My Boss- Set of Coasters-

Monday, February 27, 2023

Are You A Spiritual Being?

Are You A Spiritual Being?

Are you a spirit living in a body (tabernacle)? Do You believe in God? Do You believe in a higher power? Do You believe you can do it all by yourself? Do you believe in anything? I am a spiritual being.


How is your spiritual health? Have there been times that there may not have been anything physically wrong with you that you were aware of, but you just felt emotionally bad or possibly drained?

1. Peace of Mind

I realize that when I am feeling emotionally drained I can be fed by reading and studying the word of God. God's word gives me that inner peace that the world cannot give to me. How often have you heard people say that they felt empty or that something was missing. Did they ever think possibly they were missing the word of God? Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

2. Feeding

Speaking of feeding. You know that if you don't eat your physical body will die. Some may eat more or less than others. Some just love to eat. Others may over eat. Your spiritual body needs to be fed. If you are not full of God's word, there is nothing in your spirit to give to others. In other words you are like a cup that is empty. Romans 12: 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Is your bible up on the shelf until Sunday? If you go to church is Sunday the only time you read your bible? Your mind needs to be renewed daily in order to stay full of God's word. Someone once said, you cannot give what you do not have. I thought about it and that is so true.

3. Storms

There may be storms and difficult circumstances all around you. That may be a given in life, because no one said life would be easy or even fair, because bad things happen to good people. You can rest assured that God can give you that inner peace that will calm you and put you at peace. I am a spiritual being.

Photo Caption: Pixabay, CCO Creative Commons

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Dr. Elise Ho said...

Feeling emotionally drained is something that I have experienced and dug deep in myself to find exactly what would be most healing.

anointedtoday said...

Dr Elise I have felt roar too. The body needs rest and sleep. I can read the word of God and get renewed during times like that.

Roseann Hampton said...

God's word is definitely the way to be spiritually fed! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life

Slabs said...

Thank you so much for sharing your post at SSPS #250 - and to answer your questions, I am a Christian and believe. Share on SM

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Slabs. I am so glad that you are a Christian.

PaulaShort said...

I appreciate you sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

I appreciate you Paula for having me at Sweet Tea& Friends this month. Have a good day.