I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

What the World Needs Now (Is Love)

Would you agree that the worlds needs more love? Can you think of a moment that you saw Love in action? Do you know the difference between love and hate?

Strong Action

***Good News***

1. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5th vs. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, Vs. 6th Loves does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, Vs. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.

Now think about it. Are we seeing enough love throughout the world? Could the world give more love? Think about the homeless. Think about the wars. What abut the war between Russia and the Ukraine?

2. Pure Love

What is pure love? Is pure love about loving others just as much or more than you love yourself? What do you believe Pure Love to be? When I married, I requested the song “Pure Love” by Dottie Peoples to be played as guests arrived. It was a small wedding, but there is something about this song. Dottie talks about loving others like you love yourself. I am the first to confess that I am guilty of not always having pure love. Do you oft times think of yourself first rather than someone else? Do you sometimes say if I give this then I will not have enough for myself?

I recall going with my daughter to pick up her children from school one day. As my grandchildren got off the bus, there were only 2 of them instead of 3. My daughter asked my grandchildren where their brother was. This is their reply, “ I don’t know.” Their action showed they were not their brother’s keeper. My daughter frantically ran in front of the bus not in back of but in front of in an attempt to stop the bus driver after she drove off. When the bus drive stopped my daughter discovered my grandson had fallen asleep on the bus. We were thankful that he was okay. Today my 3 grandchildren are more like triplet siblings rather than older brother and twins; and they are very close and protective of each other.

I have often spoke about this in the past. When my 4-year-old granddaughter wanted to practice tying her tennis shoes, she asked her twin brother could she practice on him. He replied, “No.” She sucker punched him to my surprise.

I scolded her and told her to apologize. Not knowing what his response would be he just grabbed her and hugged her and told her, “That is okay, I love you.” I was so amazed, surprised, and happy at the same time.

3. Genesis 4:9

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know, “He replied, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Have you found yourself saying the same thing or possibly heard another say this?

4. Church Body

Do you recall the Pandemic? When it occurred there were those attempting to continue Church services and they were dying. Thank goodness for the internet we were able to have church online. There was great emphasis that the church is in us not in a building. My pastor always emphasizes that we are the body of the church. we all have a function, and when one hurts we all hurt. Pastor has used the analogy that if your arm or leg is hurting you don’t just cut it off you attempt to save it.

5. Acts of Random Kindness

Did you know that according to randomactsofkindness.org. It started more than 40 years ago.  In 1982 an activist Anne Herbert published the first known account of “Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Acts of Senseless Beauty. This act of kindnessmovement has spread throughout this world in various and different ways. There are so many random acts that I could not name them all. Random acts might include, giving someone free coffee, free dinner, a new car, smiling at a stranger, giving positive comments, and much more. The list could go on and on. How many ways of random acts of kindness can you think of?

6. 4 Types of Love

Did you know that there are 4 types of Love? There is Eros: erotic or sexual or passionate love, which isn’t always good for you, and it is addictive. There is Philia; Love of Friends and equals. Storge: Love of Parents for Children. Agape: Love of Mankind. This kind of love is love without any self benefits and love that is given whether or not it’s returned. These types of love are according to Healthcare.utah.edu. At some time during your life you may have experience one or all of the types of love described above. Do you remember what it felt like when you recalled it?

7. Love Is a Verb

Love is an action word. Why is action important in love? Would you agree that love is a verb? According to mind.body.align.com love is an action-word.   Love must be demonstrated; it must be acted out and acted upon. Have you given any thought to that? A person can tell you they love you constantly, but do their actions match their words. Animals especially dogs are very perceptive. When they have been mistreated and the new owner finds this dog and shows  the dog love, that dog responds. The dog might not respond right away because he is suspicious, but in time he sees and feels the love that the new owner gives to him. I saw this in a dog that my daughter now has. The dog is so much different and outgoing than she was in the beginning. You can learn a lot from watching the actions of animals. How have you seen love in action lately?


The History of Random Acts of Kindness Day-February 17th

The Four Types of Love: Some are Healthy, Some are Not


Love Is a Verb


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Esmé Slabbert said...

Thank you from your SSPS Team and Esme for sharing your various links with us at #267 SSPS Linky. Happy weekend to you

csuhpat1 said...

So very true. #seniorsalon

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for Stopping by Esme.

Susan said...

This is such a needed and inspiring post!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Susan. Thanks for stopping by.