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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, November 18, 2024

Keeping Your Brain Healthy

How healthy is your brain? Do you eat brain food? Are you taking steps to take care of your brain? Are you careful as to what you allow into your mind? What can you do to promote better brain health?

Did You Know?

***Good News***

Did you know that there are several brain training apps available to you for free without a subscription? These apps can possibly help you protect your brain and improve memory as well.

1. A few Brain Training apps:

A. Luminosity Free Games

This free version offers limited daily exercises and users can track their performance over time with essential performance tracking features.

B. Elevate

Elevate is good for enhancing communication and math skills through a series of personalized games and challenges. The app has exercises that support your strengths and weaknesses.

C. Peak Free Brain Training Apps

This app has diverse games aimed at boosting memory, language proficiency, mental agility, and problem-solving skills.

These apps are mentioned at ahaslides.com. They also mention several more games that may be of interest to you.

2. Mahjong

Have you ever played Mahjong? A study done according to pmc.ncbi.nih.gov showed that playing Mahjong for 12 Weeks improved Executive Function in Elderly People With Mild Cognitive Impairment.

3. What is Mahjong?

Mahjong in Chinese means sparrows. The goal of the game is to remove all tiles from play by matching identical pairs, a tile can only be used if it is open on the left or right side and is not underneath another tile, if no matches are possible, the game is lost. This is according to dictionary.com. According to origoeducation.com. Playing dominoe is ideal for strengthening knowledge and cementing key math skills. They further add that students benefit greatly from exposure to the different visual representations of numbers during a dominoes game.

4. Dominoes

Have You played dominoes? This is a game that I love. I play this a lot online. I recall after a funeral playing dominoes at a neighbor’s house. The men were playing mostly. Myself and a few other women wanted to play. They teased me about playing online as though I did not know what I was doing. Myself and another lady beat them several games. It was a really good feeling especially after all the teasing.

5. Fish

Did you know that research shows that fish, included as part of a healthy diet, can benefit your brain in the long term by improving your memory and reducing cognitive decline. Lcmchealth.org., further adds that regularly consuming fish containing omega-3-fatty acids reduces the risk of hear disease and high blood pressure.

This reminds me of when my grandchildren were younger. My grandsons would eat fish, but my granddaughter would not. One day my grandson told my granddaughter that eating fish was good for the brain. Sure enough, my granddaughter started eating fish.

6. Foods and the Brainpower Connection

Do you know what foods give you brainpower? Health.harvard.edu talks about the research that shows that the best brain foods are the same ones that protect your heart and blood vessels. They include green, leafy vegetables, fatty fish, berries, tea and coffee, and walnuts. They further added that a Journal of Nutrition showed that participants with higher caffeine consumption scored better on tests of mental function and caffeine might also help solidify new memories. This is interesting. I am not a coffee drinker, but I may drink it occasionally. My children are so funny. They stated that when I do drink coffee I am like a chatter box.

Also have you observed some older individuals seem to have youthful brains. I recall some older actors such as Betty Davis and Morgan Freeman. These great actors prevailed as they aged gracefully.

7. Brain Death

What is Brain Death exactly? Kidney.org., describes brain death involving a doctor to do tests to make a diagnosis. The tests are based on sound and legally accepted medical guideline, including a clinical examination to show that an individual has no brain reflexes and cannot breath on his or her own.

8. Physical Activity

Can physical activity boost brain health? It surely can. Physical activity can help you think, learn, problem-solve, and enjoy an emotional balance according to cdc.gov. They further add that it can reduce your risk of cognitive decline, including dementia. Physical activity could include walking your dog, parking farther away in the parking lot, or even carrying hand weights when you walk. Get creative. Think of ways that you may add physical activity in your daily life.

9. The Importance of Seat belts and helmets

I recall when it was announced that you should wear seat belts in the car. I did not understand the importance in the beginning. Also it felt strange wearing a seat belt in the car. Now wearing a seat belt has become common place. This new generation should be very comfortable with wearing seat belts even though all may not wear them. I now have learned that wearing seat belts and helmets are an effort to protect the brain and the body. Americanbrainfoundation.org., talks about Brain and spine trauma ranging from mild to severe. Do you recall hearing of car or motorcycle accidents where individuals were thrown from the vehicles because they did not have seat belts on?

10. Football and Concussions

Football is a sport that many love. Is football and concussions worth the risk? Choc.org.,states that it is up to parents to decide whether the risks of youth tackle football outweigh the recreational benefit. They further add that parents learn the youth concussion laws in their state, make sure your child is being taught “heads up” tackle technique, consider a baseline neurocognitive test, make sure your child is fitted properly with protective equipment and wears it all the time, know the symptoms of concussion, and follow the doctor’s orders exactly if your child has a concussion.



12 Free Brain Training Apps For A Smarter You


Frontiers in Neurology


What Does “MahJong” Mean? And How Is It Played?


Dominoes: More Than a Game, It’ll Help You Get Better at Math!


It’s not fishy: Eating fish lowers the risk of cognitive decline


Foods linked to better brainpower


Brain Death


Physical Activity Boosts Brain Health


World Brain Day: 4 Simple Ways to Support Brain Health


Football & Concussion: Worth the Risk?


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Jerralea said...

It was interesting to read about different things that can be done to promote brain health. I believe I need to take up Mahjong!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Jerralea. I believe you will like Mahjong! I love it. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Jennifer Wise said...

I love word games to keep my mind sharp. I have a friend who loves Mahjong. Thank you for sharing this post with us all at the Will Blog for Comments #52 this month. We'll be back at the bi-weekly schedule for linkup #53 which opens Monday morning January 6, and we hope to see more of your posts shared there. Happy New Year!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Jennifer. Happy New Year.