I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, February 19, 2021

What Is Your Purpose?

There have been those that may go through life never questioning or even knowing what their purpose is in life. Are you finding purpose in life? There may be times that others may have said they never felt a part of something or never felt that they belonged. Possibly they felt they did not matter. Maybe some have even questioned why bother?

                                           Theme: Purpose

                                         Purpose Driven Life         

My word of the year is PURPOSE. Last year my word was intentional. It is a good feeling to feel like you belong, but that may not be the case of some. Someone once said, “God takes you as you are imperfections and all.” I have often heard people say, “I will come to church when I get myself together.” Some may have a view that you have to be a certain way before you come into the church or before you accept God as your personal Saviour. Something they might want to think about is if you could do everything on your own then you would not need God.

Possibly people have chosen career paths only later to find that that is not the path they really want to pursue.

Remember: Everybody is Gods somebody.

1. Edify (win/win)

Do your words edify (build up) someone or do they tear down. That saying, “If you do not have anything good to say about someone do not say nothing at all might be something to ponder. If you look hard enough everyone regardless to how bad you may think they are has some good quality about them. When you are edifying or building up another it is a win/win situation). You never know what is going on in another’s life. Sometimes just a small positive word can do wonders in another’s life.

2. Why?

Although I sometimes forget, I believe it is important to know and understand the “why” of what you say or what you do. It is important to think about what you are attempting to accomplish when you say something and hope that it will be received in the way that you intended.

3. Individual Life Purpose

 Everyone’s life purpose may be different. You are all different individuals with possibly different goals. According to takingcharge.csh.umn.edu a few questions you might ask yourself who am I? where do I belong? Or when do I feel fulfilled?

As I listened to Kamala Harris speak,  something that she said really stood out to me. She emphasized as she grew up her parents always emphasized to her about giving back to the community. It is one thing to receive and another thing to give. Just think if everyone in a community gave something back to the community how much better that community might be.

4. To Receive or to Give

Is part of your purpose in life to get or make as much money as you can or to give as much as you can? There are those that are giver’s and others that want to get as much as they can of everything.

5. Purpose in another's Life

Sometimes we might not realize it, but we are a part of a person’s life for a season. We may want it to be a lifetime, but we have to realize material things do not last forever. Sometimes we are to learn a lesson or to be a light for another to see.  Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” You may be the person that always wants to be in the background, but God may want you in the front not the back.

6. Purpose in Career

Some put their purpose in their career. What happens when you get displaced? What happens if you get injured or receive a diagnosis of a terminal illness? Purpose can still be found. Just remember to change your way of thinking.

7. Purpose in Education

I recall something that my granddaughter said. She was only 15 at time time and very good in athletics. She could have possibly received and athletic scholarship. She told her coach that she wanted to excel and go to college not on her athletic abilities, but on her academic abilities. I was so proud of her, because she is a very smart girl and she knows what she wants in life. There are no if and maybe’s.

I also recall having eye surgery. That was one of the most humbling experiences. I love to blog. I was unable to type on the computer because my head would hurt after surgery. I could not drive or stand the headlights from oncoming cars. I thought to myself, “What am I going to do now?” It made me appreciate the gift of “seeing.” Our eyes are a precious gift from God. I concentrated on taking care of myself and healing. I believe it was about 2 months it took to get back to blogging. My eyes are still sensitive to light, but I am thankful for my eyesight which is precious and I won’t complain.

8. Time and Energy

I like a statement that success.com said, “Develop a habit of being a steward of your time and energy.” They further added that what you do with these two resources will determine the outcome of your life. I know that God gives everyone 24 hours in a day, but how do you use your 24 hours? How purposeful are you with your 24 hours? Are you gossiping on the the telephone? Are you plotting to do something devious? Are you talking about your neighbor? Or are you trying to help others?

9. Negotiating

Some famous person once said that we will negotiate something as long as we live. Life is about negotiating. Someone also said that as long as you live you will have problems. Although you may not like the problems it is very important how you handle those problems. This is a cliché but could also be true, “ When life hands you lemons make lemonade.”

What Is Your Purpose In Life?


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What Is Life Purpose?


What Is My Purpose in life?




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