I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, April 3, 2017

6 Encouraging Words

Words are powerful and important. They can either give you life or give you death. What you continue to say about yourself eventually becomes a reality.


Do you choose your words carefully or do you have (diarrhea of the mouth)? There are those that say things and wonder about the consequences later. That is somewhat backwards. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. I choose life.

Some Encouraging words are as follows:

1. Awesome

Awesome is my favorite word this year. Someone recently told me that awesome seemed like my favorite word. I thought about it. Yes it is one of my favorite words. When someone tells you that you are awesome or that you did an awesome deed that is a very good feeling.

2. Excellent

When I hear that someone did an excellent job, I think of the greatest. I do not think that they did a fair job or just a good job.  Have you noticed when completing some restaurant surveys, if you mark good or fair that they may ask you why was it just good? They may ask, “Did you have a problem today?” One of the reasons they ask is because they were hoping you would answer excellent. If they can correct the problem, then future responses may be excellent. 

 3. Great

When you hear, “That is great,” what comes to mind? Certainly good things as oppose to bad things. “You were great.” This is an encouraging word to give to another. Possibly you are not used to saying encouraging words. This is an excellent time to start practicing.

In my article Are You a Spiritual Being, I emphasized the importance of feeding yourself with the word of God. Words are important and it is important to renew yourself daily with God's word. Remember practice makes perfect. God's words will encourage you.   If you find yourself saying something negative or not encouraging, rephrase it and correct it at the time. Eventually speaking encouraging words will become commonplace for you.   

4. Marvelous

Psalm 118: 23-24

This is the Lord's doing; It is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. This word marvelous is found in bible scripture and it is indeed very encouraging to me.

5. Precious

When I hear someone say, “She is so precious” I immediately think of a small baby. Babies appear so innocent and delicate as well.  Maybe you have heard the expression, "precious stone."

These are just a few of encouraging words that come to mind. Will you make an effort to encourage someone today with your words? You can do this freely and it does not cost you.

6. Thank You

When someone does something for you, be sure to show your gratitude by saying “thank you.” That attitude of thankfulness can take you a long way. Ladies if a gentleman holds the door open for you be sure to say “thank you,” even if you do not know him. It is just the right thing to do

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Commons wikipedia.org., Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

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Karen Woodall said...

There is great power in these simple words... especially thank you. One other phrase I'd add is "I'm sorry." Asking forgiveness and expressing true regret does a great deal to end hostilities and bring healing. and btw, we are on the same page this week. My blog is on the power of our words as well if you'd like to read... http://www.switchbacks.org/2017/04/05/set-on-fire/

anointedtoday said...

Karen thanks for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

All of these are very encouraging. I use awesome, great, and thank you quite often. And precious too, especially when talking about my grandbabies or when someone posts a photo online of their baby or grandbaby. Thank you for attending the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. I shared your post.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Grammy. Awesome is one of my favorite words.

Camie said...

It's always nicer to be positive than negative, and even strangers need to hear kind words. Great post!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Canmie.

Joanne said...

Great encouraging words. Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Learn; pinned.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome.

Dr. Elise Ho said...

Thank you are two of the most underused words. HOw sad is that? Those two words can make a world of difference in someone's life.

anointedtoday said...

I agree Dr Elise. Thank you for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com.

Lynda Hardy said...

A good collection of words! Thanks for sharing with Party in Your PJs!

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Lynda.