I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, July 19, 2021

Yes, Do Clap Your Hands

 Have you ever observed the times when you clap your hands? You may clap for joy. You may clap because you just heard an amazing ovation? You may clap to get another’s attention. There are many reasons that you may clap your hands. Be thankful that you have hands to clap.

                                                Clap Your Hands

                                 * * * Good News * * *

Did you know that there are benefits to clapping your hands?

1. Clapping Therapy

Did you know that clapping therapy includes applying coconut, mustard oil, or a mix of both oils on the palms for absorption in the body? Yes this is according to healthsite.com. They further add that clapping 20 to 30 minutes in the morning keeps you fit, and is effective for digestive disorders, sharpens the brain of children, increases immunity, and much more.

2. Hidden Benefits

According to Juniperpublishers.com the palms of your hand contains specific nerve and blood vessel endings and stimulating them through clapping helps improve the health of your organs like the kidneys, digestive tract, and lower back. I can identify with that. I have observed after clapping my hands in church along with singing I feel so good afterwards. That good feeling is something that cannot be explained. All I can say is, “It feels good, it feels real good.” Even though during this Pandemic church service is online it does not stop me from clapping my hands while in my home watching.

2. Biblical

Is it biblical to clap hands? Let’s see what the scriptures say about it.

Psalms 47:1 O clap your hands, all ye people: shout unto God with the voice of triumph. 2 Kings 11:12 And he brought forth the king’s son, and put the crown upon him, and gave him the testimony; and they made him king, and anointed him; and they clapped their hands, and said, God save the king.

3. More Benefits of Clapping

Did you know that clapping is one of the ancient Yogasna (yoga poses) in Hindu scriptures? Yes according to indoamerican-news.com and they further add that there are 39 different acupressure points for almost all the organs on the palm which are activated by clapping; this improves your health slowly but effectively.

4. Hand Clapping Games

Do you remember playing hand clapping games when you were a child? I certainly do. Icebreakerideas.com talks about several different hand clapping games. They also include videos which are awesome. One game that I vividly remember is Miss Mary Mack. I just loved that hand-clapping game. I recall my friends and I playing that hand clapping game often. Another hand clapping song was Patty Cake Baker’s Man. These were hand clapping songs that I grew up loving. What about you? What hand clapping songs do you remember when growing up?

5. Clapping Hands in Church

When I look back over my life, the first church I attended was a Methodist Church. At the time I did not know the difference in Methodist or Baptist. I just knew that I loved and enjoyed going to church. I was seemingly always hungry for the word. I do not recall any hand clapping in that church, nor any in the second church I attended which was a Baptist church.

The present church that I attend, believes in hand clapping. Hand clapping during praise and worship felt awkward at first. In the beginning I did not understand why people were clapping their hands. I was just comfortable sitting and listening. I soon discovered people clapped when they were happy. I could then identify. Clapping while singing and feeling happy just felt good and felt like the right thing to do.

My daughter was a member first. Then I joined shortly afterwards. I asked my daughter, “Are you sure this is a Baptist church and not sanctified? I have observed more and more Baptist churches clap their hands during praise and worship service. Clapping during the praise and worship service is now commonplace for me. I clap and praise God, not anyone else. It is a good feeling too that as I stated earlier is in-explainable.

I have visited several churches including my daughter’s church in the south. I was so comfortable at her church. I felt like it was my own church. The clapping and praise was awesome. I noticed a few just sitting around and just looking, but that is their right to do so.

6. Happy and You Know It Song

Hand clapping has become so popular that a song was made, “If You are Happy and You Know It, Clap your hands. According to en.wikipedia.org., this song was published in various places through the decades following the late 1950’s. They further add the distribution included a volume of constructive recreational activities for children in 1957, a book of drama projects for disabled children in 1967, and a nursing home manual in 1966.

7. Happy- by Pharrell Williams

This song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams has resonated with many young and old. His lyrics talk about reasons to clap your hands. It is a very catchy tune that I really like. I recall it was played at my Pastor’s Banquet. The young people started dancing to it. They were dancing for our Pastor, but then they went into the audience and brought adults including their parents to the dance floor. It is a moment that I will never forget. Nearly everyone was dancing on the floor. I do not believe the adults were expecting this it was sort of a surprise. I know that I was pleasantly surprised. So if you have not heard the song, the lyrics tell you many reasons to clap your hands. I remember that event vividly. In fact my granddaughter and myself were the last two people on the dance floor.

What instances do you clap your hand?


10 health benefits of clapping that will surprise you

Clapping has Incredible Benefits

Spiritual and Physical Benefit of Clapping Hands

15 Awesome Hand Clapping Games with VIDEO

 History of the Song

 Happy-Pharrell Williams


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Genna Stotts said...

I love how clapping can be a form of worship for the LORD! What a physical way of praising God out loud. It gives honor to His name.

annies home said...

we just learned the song with my 2 year old grand-daughter "If you are happy and you know it...." so now we do a lot of clapping hands
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Genna. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Annies home. Thanks for stopping by.

Vikrant astrologer said...

Yes clapping therapy is a very effective health further add that clapping 20 to 30 minutes in the morning keeps you fit, and is effective for digestive disorders, sharpens the brain of children, increases immunity, and much more.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Vikrant astrologer.

laurensparks.net said...

This is so interesting. I teach exercise classes and it's all been on zoom in the pandemic so I ask them to give themselves a self-high-five since there aren't classmates around! That is just a big clap overhead! Always brings a smile.

anointedtoday said...

laurensparks.net that is awesome. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good day.

Mihaela | https://theworldisanoyster.com/ said...

This explain why I used to feel so good after a theatre production that deserved 20 minutes of clapping! My palms were red, but what a feeling!

anointedtoday said...

Yes Mihaela that is amazing. Thanks for stopping by.