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I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Do You Drink Too Much Soda?

Possibly there may be a time in your life that you have insomnia. Could soda pop add to the reason you are not sleeping well?  You may want to take a look at how much soda pop you are drinking.

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1. Soda Pops

According to the Sleep Foundation.org., soda pops may affect your sleep because of the caffeine content, it causes weight gain, heartburn, and a need to urinate. I have definitely observed that if I drink a soda I am constantly going to the bathroom to urinate. I also made the mistake of drinking a Mountain Dew in the evening. I noticed when working so many people were drinking Mountain Dew. I drank a small can of Mountain Dew about 5 in the evening. I was not able to go to sleep until 5 am the next morning, but then it was about time for me to get up for work. That was a learning lesson that I will never forget.

2. Memory Loss and More

Did you know that drinking soda pops can cause obesity, receding gums, excess belly fat, joint pain, infertility, memory loss, and many other problems? That is according to eaththis.com. I recall talking to a lady as I stood in line. She shared with me that her memory loss was becoming worse and people that she normally knew she could not think of their names. I asked her if she drank sodas? She confirmed that she had to have a coke-a-cola every day. I suggested she might want to stop or cut down on the soda pop. I recall my mother-in-law died with Alheimzer disease. She always had to have an RC soda daily. I had never made that connection earlier.

3. Type 2 Diabetes

According to healthline.com drinking as little as one can of sugary soda per day has been consistently linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. They further add that one 20-year study in 40,000 men found that those who drank 1 sugary drink per day had a 20% risk of having or dying from a heart attack compared to men who rarely consumed sugary drinks. I recall when my Aunt was diagnosed with diabetes. Before her diagnosis she would drink and RC soda daily.

4. Effects similar to heroin

The body absorbs all of the caffeine from the cola within 40 minutes, the caffeine causes the pupils to dilate and the blood pressure to increase, then the adenosine receptors in the brain become blocked preventing drowsiness, and 5 minutes later the production of dopamine has increased (the control of the pleasure center). That is according to Medicalnewstoday.com. They further add that according to the infographic the way that Coca-cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of Heroin and it triggers a person’s urge to drink another can. I never thought of it that way. That would explain why people felt the need to have a Coca-cola or other soda daily.

5. Your Bones

Have you ever considered that drinking soda pops can affect your bones? I never knew this, but according to beaumont.org., the phosphoric acid in soda makes it more difficult for your body to absorb calcium, which can cause osteoporosis.

6. Your Kidneys

Do you ever think about your kidney function? Have you noticed when you drink a soda pop that you have the urge to urinate more often? Well according to healthgrades.com soda puts your kidneys at risk, especially if you are a woman drinking two or more diet versions daily.


So only you can determine if you are drinking too much soda. Have you experienced any of the side effects that I have listed above? Because it might not be easy to stop drinking soda, especially if you really like and enjoy drinking them, but if you are determined to stop you might consider other alternatives to the Soda Pop.

7. Alternatives to Soda

You might try adding a lemon or orange slice to water, natural green tea, juice fresh vegetables, or just start drinking more water. This is according to everydayhealth.com. After all your body is mostly made up of water so you need to make sure that you replenish it so as not to become hydrated. I recall when sitting in the Emergency Room with loved ones many coming in with diagnosis of being dehydrated. Sometimes you may just forget to drink water. I know I tend to forget in the winter time for some reason. So you might need to put a reminder on your calendar to drink more water daily.

8. Liquid Sugar vs Solid Sugar

Although too much sugar is not good for you have you considered the difference in liquid sugar as oppose to solid sugar? According to  herbiechefnution.com liquid sugar calories do not register in your brain the same way as the calories from solid food. They further add that studies have shown that drinking calories doesn’t elicit the same fullness signals as eating them. I know that I have read eating foods that will convert easily into natural sugar is healthy. I never considered effects of liquid sugar.

9. Hydration Apps

Did you know that there are various free hydration apps for Android and Smartphones to help you keep track of your Daily water intake? Yes there is Daily Water Tracker Reminder for Androids and Iphone, Water Drink Remind for Android, My Water and Drink Reminder for Iphone, Drink Water Reminder for Android, and many more according to healthline.com.

Well let me know. Are you drinking too much soda?


Soda and Sleep


Eat This; Not That


13 Ways That Sugary Soda IsBad for Your Health


Is Coca-Cola bad for you?


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Lydia C. Lee said...

I don't drink any. But I probably make up for that in sugary cocktails at the moment. Just one but almost every night in lockdown.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Lydia C. Lee.