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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Benefits of Wearing a Mask

Although there are those that believe wearing a mask during this Caronavirus does not help. I am sure that those on the front line as well as scientists would surely differ. There are benefits to wearing a mask during this Pandemic.


1. What is a Pandemic?

According to The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global health threat. Pandemics have existed and occurred over many years.

2. Types of Pandemics

There have been various types of Pandemics, but when they occurred more than thousands of people perished. According to the Bubonic Plague first recorded case was in China in 224 B.C.E. They also added that an epidemic is when there is a sudden increase in cases, but a Pandemic occurs when the disease then spreads across several countries affecting a large number of people. When you look back through history, you will see numerous pandemics that have occurred sometimes 75-100 year span. Each pandemic being slightly different, but still killing over thousands of people.

A theme that has prevailed through many of them is that mask wearing does help, especially when a vaccine has not been created and that takes time also, because scientists do not know enough about each particular pandemic.

3. Strains of COVID-19

Did you know that there are several strains of COVID-19? According to there are 7 strains of COVID-19. So this Pandemic is quite complex. It is not something simple.

Lets look at some of the benefits of wearing a mask:

4. Asymptomatic Spreading

Because there may be people that have Covid-19 and are walking and talking just fine, they could still spread this infectious disease to others that might be more vulnerable to the disease. An Asymptomatic person could spread it when they talk or cough. Wearing a mask will reduce the spread of this. The strange thing is that you cannot just look at a person and see whether they have it or not. It is an invisible enemy that kills and destroys sometimes rapidly.

5. Win/Win

By wearing a mask you protect yourself and protect others that you may come in contact with.

6. Hospital Population

Because of the fact that this Caronavirus is spreading so rapidly, wearing a mask will help to not overload the hospitals.   Some of the hospitals in some state are overloaded.  At one time there were not enough rooms nor ventilators for patients. That is a loosing situation.

7. Respect

It shows respect for the front line workers who are risking their lives on a daily basis to save COVID-19 patients. Note: Some of these front-line workers also contract COVID-19 and do die as a result. Think of the hardship on their families. Some families left without a mother or father.

8. Solution

Wearing a mask shows that you are part of the solution to the problem. It shows that you are doing your part. You can feel good that you are part of the solution. Everyone can do their part.

9. Selfless

You can be selfless meaning you are not necessarily thinking of yourself, but that you are thinking of others. Do I like wearing a mask? “No.” But will I wear my mask? “Yes.” I will wear my mask because I know that it is not about me, but about humanity.

10. Saving Life

Life is precious. Wearing a mask could make the difference of saving a mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, uncle or aunt. It is just that simple.

11. The Big Picture

Possibly some do not see the big picture. I observed when the beaches were open young people stating they wanted to live their lives and have fun. Everyone wants to live their lives, but if your dead sooner than need be you don’t have a life to live. Will it be like this always? I believe that it will not be this way always. I can see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. How long will it be? That is a question I do not know the answer too.

12. Long-Term Effects

When Flint first experience the lead poisoning in 2014, know one knows how long the effects from it will last. It is now 2020 and we have no idea of the long-term permanent damage that was done to our babies, but we are not giving up. We are striving daily to move forward. We are still using bottled water. We still have long lines when picking up bottled water. Yes it feels like a 3rd world county, the difference is that we wait in our cars in line as oppose to walking miles and then standing in line. There is still distrust of the government. That still exists. There are houses still that do not have their lead pipes removed. So besides the Covid-19 Pandemic we are still dealing with the water issues in 2020. The damage has been long lasting.

Are there residual effects from this COVID-19? I have listened on television to those that are survivors of COVID-19 that they still have physical problems to their bodies. So Covid-19 leaves a nasty effect on individuals.

According to CDC. Gov survivors of COVID-19 still may experience symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, joint pain, chest pain, headache, depression, intermittent fever, dermatological rash, hair loss renal, acute kidney failure, and much more that may last up to several weeks or months. There is still so much that is unknown about this infectious disease.

Thank God a vaccine has finally been made available, but this is just recent. The Covid-19 has been running rampant since 2019. The residual residue that survivors may endure after Covid-19 is nothing to play with. It is real and it is serious.

I will do my part to wear a mask and even go a step further to be sure to social distance. Thank you again to front-line workers and thank you to the meals on wheels that deliver meals to those residents that are unable to get out to get food.

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Global COVID-19

 Bubonic Plague: Epidemics of the Past

  Strains of Caronavirus

 Long-Term Effects of COVID-19





Meditations in Motion said...

Thank you for the wonderful information. I will be wearing my mask to protect others. Great post!

Anonymous said...

Yes...yes...YES! Oh that ALL would see the mask in these lights and not a political tool! Thank you for putting this out there!

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Meditations in Motion. Thanks for stopping by.

Michele Morin said...

Yes, we are committed to the good of otgers, and therefore responsible for doing what we can to protect and make others feel safe.

anointedtoday said...

You are most welcome Being Woven. Thanks for stopping by.

Lisa notes... said...

I have been wearing my mask every time I go out. It seems like the kind and right thing to do to help prevent the spread of covid. I believe the scientists who say that the makes do help. Thanks for sharing this.

anointedtoday said...

Michelle I agree with you. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Lisa. Thank you for stopping by.

Ana said...

Great information. Wearing a mask is a simple way we can all help in this crisis. I'm hopeful that we're heading in a good direction now with a vaccine. Stay well.

anointedtoday said...

Thank You Ana. I believe that we are headed in the right direction. Thanks for stopping by. You stay well also.

Britt K said...

Honestly, if wearing a mask is what they need the average person to do, I feel like that's a pretty minimal sacrifice compared to what our healthcare professionals are doing throughout all of this!

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Britt K. Thanks for stopping by.

Alicia Stephenson said...

Hi, I really love how you expound on each matters, it has enlightened me to follow the protocols in order to not spread or become infected with virus. thanks!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Alicia. Glad to hear that yu are enlightened. Thanks for Stopping by.