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I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, June 18, 2021

Facial Recognition. . . The latest Technology

I kind of like the finger print verification, but now the latest verification is facial recognition. This technology can be good and it can have a down side too it as well. What do you think of Facial Recognition?

                                                                Biometric Sensor 


                                              ***Good News ***

1. What is Facial Recognition?

This is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or video frame against a database of faces. It uses ID verification services while working to pinpoint and measure facial features from an image.

2. Face ID Used on iPhone

Face ID is used for unlocking the iphone in place of entering a passcode, supplying your Apple ID password or other passcodes, or authorizing Apple Pay transactions. This is according to lifewire.com. They further state that Face ID is supported by the full iPhone X series, the iphone X, iPhone XS and XS Mac, and iphone XR. For those that are comfortable with paying for purchases by phone Apple Pay makes that very simple. Most of the Millennials tend to purchase online as oppose to going into a physical store and I know of several Seniors that will “shop til they drop” online as oppose to going into a physical store. Digitalcommerce360.com states that Millennials now do 60% of their shopping online. Although I do not do a lot of shopping, shopping online is convenient. I prefer in-store to be able to touch the product most of the time.

3. Racial Discrimination

According to sitn.hms.harvard.edu a growing body of research exposes divergent error rates across demographic groups, with the poorest accuracy consistently found in subjects who are female, Black, and 18-30 years old. They further stated all three algorithms performed the worst on darker-skinned females, with error rates up to 34% higher than for lighter skinned males.

4. Bad Facial Recognition Match

In February of 2019, Nijeer Parks was accused of shoplifting candy and trying to hit a police officer with a car even though he was 30 miles away at the time of the incident according to nytimes.com. They further state that although the New Jersey police had identified him using facial recognition software a national study of over 100 facial recognition algorithms found that they did not work as well on Black and Asian faces. The saddening part of this is that false arrests takes a lot of time away from individuals and their family. It disrupts the family and truly hurts that individual emotionally and physically.  I could not imagine being falsely arrested or seeing a loved one or friend falsely arrested.  The thought of it pains me.

5. Is Facial Recognition Used by Law Enforcement in Your State?

Law Enforcement in Michigan does use Facial Recognition. In March, the ACLU sued Clearview AI, a company that provides facial recognition services to law enforcement and private companies. It is further stated according to apnews.com bans have been passed in Boston, Minneapolis, San Fancisco, Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon.

6. Facial Recognition Flaws

According to nysba.org algorithmic biases (believing without verifying a computer’s accuracy assessment) have led to unfairness and inequalities when seeking employment, securing a loan, and beings misidentified for a crime. Just like people are called into question computers should also be questioned at times.

In fact that makes me recall when Facebook Shut Down there AI (Artificial Intelligence System that they were working on for automated chat because the computer started creating it’s own language, a language that was not from human input according to gadgets, ndtv.com. Now can you imagine programming a computer for one thing and the computer starts to input it’s own language. Seemingly the computer is thinking on it’s own. That is cause for alarm.

7. Good or Bad

You would have to make up your own mind as to whether Facial Recognition is good or Bad. A lot depends on how it is used. According to forbes.com facial recognition technology is getting better and better with each passing month. They further state that when you verify your identity consent by showing your driver’s license that is much different than when walking on the street and a camera captures your image without your consent. What are your thoughts on this? Because crime is so high in areas cameras are heavily relied on. Criminals have become quite sophisticated.

7. Pros and Cons

Facial recognition helps find missing people, protects businesses against theft, strengthens security measures, reduces the number of touch points, makes shopping more efficient, improves photo organization, improves medical treatment, while it can threaten individual and societal privacy, impose on personal freedom, create date vulnerabilities, provide opportunities for fraud and other crimes, innocent people could be charged, and technology can be fooled according to itpro.com.

8. Causes for Concern

Besides the pros and cons that were listed above you may want to consider that  Facial Recognition puts us on a path towards automated blanket surveillance, it operates without a clear legal or regulatory framework, it violates the principles of necessity and proportionality, it denies citizens the opportunity for consent, and it implies there are secret government watch-lists this is according to theconversation.com. These are all concerns that you might want to consider and think about as to how it affects you and may affect you and your loved ones in the future.

9. Counties Ban Facial Recognition

According to cnn.com a county, King County, in Washington state banned all local government agencies—including local sheriff from using facial recognition technology. They further state that the technology will be allowed only to help identify missing children. I believe using it for missing children is a good thing too. What are your thoughts on this?  Do you know of anyone that was affected negatively by Facial Recognition?  


Facial Recognition System


How to Use Face ID on Your iPhone


Millennials now do 60% of their shopping online


Racial Discrimination in Face Recognition Technology


Another Arrest, and Jail Time, Due to a Bad Facial Recognition Match


States push back against use of facial recognition by police


Why Facial Recognition Technology is Flawed


Facebook Shuts Down AI System After Bots Create Language Humans Can’t Understand


Is Facial Recognition Technology Good or Bad?


The pros and cons of facial recognition technology


Facial recognition; ten reasons you should be worried about the technology


This Washington county is the first to ban facial recognition technology,official says


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