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Thursday, July 29, 2021

How Do You Handle Stress?

It would be nice if we lived in a stress free world, but unfortunately that is not the case. Think about how you handle stress. People handle stress in a variety of ways.


                                                     Release Stress

                               ***Good News***

I recall a man that did not handle stress very well. In fact when he was stressed some of the things he said was, “Oh I have so much to do, I am so busy.” He would say this almost in a panic mode. Well there are a lot of people that have a lot to do. I guess you can complain about things or you can do something about it.

1. Stress Affects Your Body

According to, stress can affect your body by causing you to have headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, stomach upset, and sadness or depression. Do any of these sound familiar?

2. Panic Attack

Have You ever had a panic attack? I recall a friend was taken to the hospital. She thought she was having a heart attack, but was diagnosed as having a panic attack. I am sure the pain that she felt at the time was probably as painful as a heart attack. Stress can cause panic attacks. According to, panic attack symptoms could include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain, feeling dizzy, or numbness or tingling sensations. They further add that severe stress such as death of a loved one, divorce, or job loss can also trigger panic attacks.

3. Worrying

According to excessive worry and anxiety can trigger the stress response. Being in that fight or flight mode too long is not good for the body.

Also, if you think about it worrying will not accomplish anything. The Bible addresses worry and fear. 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I have found myself memorizing and repeating this verse many times. I recall there were times when starting a new job or job procedure repeating this scripture that I know now from memory gave me great peace of mind. Then there is the scripture Phillipians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

There are numerous ways to relieve stress:

4. Say No

Did it ever occur to you to say “No” to something? Do you feel compelled to say “Yes” every time? It used to be difficult for me to say no, but I learned the hard way. I also learned some things you do not have to give an immediate answer too. You can say “ I will think about it.” or “I will get back to you about that.” When you accept and take on too much, you can just become worn out. When that occurs, you are not helpful to yourself or to anyone else.

5. Control

Have you tried focusing on what you can control as oppose to focusing on what you cannot control? I recall sometimes telling others that I have seen unhappy that, “Some things are out of your control, but you can focus on the things you can control.” Also, I have had to take this same advice that I gave to others. I recall recently a lady telling me she was doing the best she could and a few customers cursed her out. She felt really bad. I suggested that some people’s heart s are hardened. While you might not be able to change them you can tell God about it and he can do something about it. You can control how you respond to others even though you might feel like cursing back at them.

I recall another situation at an event I witnessed a lady being very rude to another. Now what she did not know is that the lady she was rude to has been known to start fighting over an incident like that. I observed rather than fighting she went and got the manager. The manager did resolved it. I had to tell her that I was so proud of how she handled the situation, because she really surprised me.

6. Call Someone

How about calling a friend or relative? Sometimes just hearing another’s voice can help. Sometimes after talking with someone else you discover they might be in a worse situation than you are or you may be able to help them and forget about yourself.

7. Dancing

Do you have a favorite song that you like to hear? Dance to your favorite song around the house. You do not have to go to an event. The body was made to move. So move that body.

8. Read a book

Some people will read a book at night before going to sleep. You do not have to wait until bedtime to read. Reading can be relaxing. Read something that is of interest to you. Reading is good for the mind.

9. Turn off Social Media

Try going a day or even several hours without social media. Remember there was a time social media did not exist. There was a time that cellphones did not exist.

10. Revisit your To-Do List

Do you have a daily “To_Do” List? Are you so busy adding to this list and attempting to complete it within a day that it is stressing you out? I am a stickler for a “To-Do” list, but I discovered I was putting too much on it. I revisited it and discovered there are some things on the list that could wait until tomorrow. I did not have to do it today.

11. Lavender

Did you know that Lavender contains an oil that seems to have sedating effects and might relax certain muscles according to They further add that it also seems to have antibacterial and anti fungal effects. I have several lavender body baths. They do work.

So what do you do to relieve stress? I would love to hear from you.

Photo Caption:

Pixabay, Gundula Vogel


Stress Management

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

How Worrying Affects the Body



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Michele Morin said...

Even remembering to breathe deeply is a good stress buster!

anointedtoday said...

You are so right Michele. Thanks for stopping by.

Gina Abernathy said...

I love to smell lavender. I keep essential oils handy and rub them on my wrist at times.

anointedtoday said...

I love the smell of lavender also Gina. Thanks for stopping by