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I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bloggers Meet and Greet – July- Getting Those Steps In

Hello everyone. Today’s Meet and Greet will be about getting those daily steps in. Because you are creative you will discover numerous ways to get those steps in.


                                                ***Good News***


Various Ways to Step

1. At the Office

I have observed people in several offices that walk during their lunch breaks. Usually 2 or more will walk together. You could walk around your office building or you may be fortunate to have a walking trail nearby. Whether you walk 15 or 20 minutes this will be so beneficial to your body. I even recall a colleague of mine walking up and down the stairs during her lunch break. In fact instead of taking the elevator how about taking the stairs to get to the floor that you work on?

2. Pedometers

Pedometers are great for monitoring how many steps you are getting in a day. I recall being on my feet most of the day at work. I would really get a workout. I purchased a pedometer that is so easy to carry on your person. I discovered I would walk at least 2 or 3 miles daily at work. Pedometers can be purchased for a very low price. If you prefer you can download different pedometer apps directly on your cellphone. Verywelfit.com suggest Pacer Pedometer & Step Tracker, Fitbit, MyFitnesspal, StepsApp, and much more. I personally like MyFitnessPal because besides it adjusting and showing how many steps you walked for the day it also allows you to keep track of your calorie intake. I like that cellphone pedometer apps are more convenient since you carry your cellphone with you most of the time.

3. Treadmill Desks

According to bestproducts.com the commercial-grade treadmill has a silent motor that won’t drown out your meeting and it has a unique design unlike any other treadmill desk. So if you are lucky enough to have one of these in your office at work or at home you should take advantage of that.

4. Your Yard or house

Regardless to how small or large your yard may be you can exercise by walking around your yard. Use your pedometer to determine how many times that you need to walk around.

5. Condominium or Block

What about walking around in your condominium community? You and your spouse or neighbor may decide to walk together. Remember walking is free. Why not take advantage of that.

6. House Bound

Possibly you are not able to get out of your house. You can still walk around in your house. Observe your pedometer and pace yourself walking throughout you house. If you have a basement walk up and down your basement stairs. Since you are at home possibly turn on the music that you love and listen to it while walking in the security of your own home. The good thing about walking in your home is that you decide when and how much walking that you will do.

7. Walking with your toddler

Have you thought about taking your baby or toddler for a walk in the stroller. The fresh air alone can be enough to relax your little one and make for a good night’s sleep.

8. Walk your dog

Did you know that dogs love to walk and run? Why not take your dog for a walk. I recall my dog would physically go get his lease and bring it to me when he wanted to go walking. He would anxiously run to the door. Dogs are so smart. This is good exercise for both of you. So it is a win/win situation. You must admit. Also some places have dog parks. You can walk you dog in the park. A few in Michigan are listed below:

Davison Area Dog Park, 1285 N. Gale Rd., Davison, Mi 48423

This park is free. You can walk and pick your area or you can just walk the paths.

Thompson Road Regional Dog Park, 1343 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, Mi 48430. It is open every day from sun up to sun down. Again it is free.

Grand Blanc Dog Park, 1505 E. Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc, Mi 48439

9. Nature Walks

Parks are a good example of nature walks. Possibly when walking in the park take time to smell the fresh air. Do you take time to notice your surroundings? What are you seeing? Have you ever observed a beautiful sunset or sunrise? Using all of your senses when walking can be quite exhilarating. Michigan has many beautiful nature trails. A few are listed below:

Timbers Recreation Area, Grand Traverse Michigan, 49685,7997-7825 Timbers Trail

Bare Bluff Trail, Upper Peninsula Michigan, Smith’s Fisheries Dr. Copper Harbor, Mi, 49918

Provin Trails, 2900 4 Mile Rd. Grand Rapids, Township, Mi 49525

10. Astounding Benefits of Walking

According to Mayoclinic.org., walking improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens your bones and muscles, increase energy levels, improves your balance and coordination, and reduces stress and tension. Now knowing all of this  who would not want to take advantage of reaping the benefits of walking?

Whatever state that you live in you are sure to find free hiking or walking trails nearby. Take time to search them out. It will be worth it. Possibly you have not been walking. It is never too late to start. Why not start reaping the benefits as soon as possible. If you prefer jogging then do that. I have never been much of a jogger, but I can definitely walk. The good thing about walking is that you can do it at your own pace and not someone else's. Learn to pace yourself and not over do it. Remember you are not walking a sprint, but more of a marathon. Take it nice and easy. How has walking benefited you? I would love to hear about it.


Best Pedometer Apps


These 9 Best Treadmill Desks Let You Walk While You Work


Walking: Trim your waistline, improve your health


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onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

Hello new friend...stopping by after seeing your post linked up with Penny at Penny's Passion. I have been doing StepBet for about 6 months and it has really encouraged me to walk more. You earn money for walking!! https://waybetter.com/stepbet

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by onceuponatimehappilyeverafter. Also thanks for sharing. Have a good day.

CookBakeLive said...

Such great ideas for getting those steps in. I know I need to work on this more.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks so much CookBakeLive. Thanks for stopping by.