I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Bloggers Meet and Greet December – Are You Grateful?

Hello. First of all Thank you to all the Front line workers during this Covid-19 Pandemic. At Today’s meet and greet I will discuss gratefulness. Do you realize what you are grateful for? Things could be much worse. Yes we there is a Pandemic going on and even though this Covid-19 Pandemic is rough, it is not the first Pandemic that the world has experienced.

                                                      Daily Gratitude


1. Creative

People are becoming more and more creative during this Covid-19 Pandemic. According to 9News.com a family built a drive-through window this year for Thanksgiving takeout meals. This large family usually would have family and friends over, but decided to do this instead this year because of the Pandemic. Family members could drive-through and pick up their meals. The meals even had their names on it. Now that is creativeness. The father built this window and emphasized he did not want to get sick nor make any of his family members sick either.

2. Learning

The Covid-19 Pandemic has been a deadly learning experience for some. Because there is still so much unknown about this Pandemic, there have been those that paid the price of losing their life or losing the life of a loved one.

3. Thankful

You can be thankful that things are not worse. It could be worse.

4. Church

Who would have thought that church services would have been impacted the way that it has. There were some good things and there were some not so good things. Church goers are used to traditionally going to a building to worship and dressing in their fancy clothes, but when the Pandemic occurred that changed. There have been many deaths for church goers and non church goers as well. The not so good thing is that it has been difficult to assemble in the physical building especially with large number of people over 50 or more. The good thing is that church goers realize they are the church. You can worship in the comfort of our homes. You can wear what you like in the comfort of your own home.

Also during church service you may have only reach those within the walls of your church. Now since the Caronavirus you are reaching people all over the country spreading the Good News about Jesus. Now you are reaching an entire new group of people all over the world. The internet has made that possible. You are now watching other church services online not just your own services.

5. New Court Ruling

According to CNN. Com there has been a new court ruling stating that the state could not limit the size of religious gatherings. this occurred the day before Thanksgiving.    Now even though the Supreme Court has ruled people will need to use there own common sense regarding this. The main goal is to keep people safe and seemingly everyone has different opinions as to how to go about doing this.

6. Wearing a Mask

Wearing a mask is a selfless act. There have been those that believe even though data shows that wearing a mask saves life, they do not believe it and will not wear a mask. Then there are others that will wear their masks religiously. Even though during past Pandemics mask have shown to save lives, there are still those that do not believe it.

As history tends to repeat itself, there seems to have been some type of Pandemic every 100 years or earlier. I have observed something that has been prevalent in most of them and that was the distancing and the mask wearing. There is something about distancing ourselves at least 6 feet apart to prevent the spread of the virus.

7. Front line Workers

Are you truly thankful for the Front-Line Workers that have continued to work on the front lines and have had to mask up and take precautions while helping others? They have been risking their lives to save others. I can’t say thank you enough. Nurses and doctors are working 12 hour shifts during this Pandemic. Some are opting not to come home to their families, but rather staying in RV’s as to not take the chance of bringing this deadly virus home to their families. Unfortunately some states are in worse shape than others.

8. Teachers are Scared

The teachers are scared in the classrooms now that the decision has been made by some to open schools back up. Everyone is trying to adjust, but some schools are being opened only to be closed again because of Covid-19 outbreak. Some schools are having hundred and hundred of teachers calling in sick because they do not feel safe with schools reopening. I do not think that I would want to be a school teacher during this Pandemic. Children are dying as well as adults. I am sure that the teachers are not the only ones that are scared. I am sure many front-line workers are scared as well. Many of them facing seeing their patient’s die alone without their family.

9. Time

Although there are 24 hours in a day, are you thankful for the time that you have with your family? You should be because they could be here today and gone tomorrow. Time is very precious. I recall my mother died at the age of 45. She had been very sickly. As I looked at her in the coffin, she seemed to have a smile on her face. I do not know if that was because the funeral home did such a great job or because she was finally at peace and was at rest. Her expression is something that I will never forget. Again I say time is precious.

10. Happiness

This is something that comes from within. I realize that only God can give that peace within. Have you noticed that there are those that it does not take a lot to make them happy? Some are happy with a little while others may seemingly have a lot and be so unhappy. Happiness is a state and a choice. Which one do you usually choose?

11. The Spirit

You can be thankful that even though the body ages, the spirit never ages. I recall my grandson telling me, “Granny you have a young spirit.” (Out of the mouths of babes) I know that even though the body ages, the spirit does not because it can be renewed daily for those that believe.

Romans 12:2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. My spirit can be renewed on a daily basis. I am thankful for that.

12. Thankful for Children

Did you know that children are a blessing from God? Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. I recall in the past believing I did not have enough money. My daughter told me, “Mama if we have money you have money, don’t worry.” I am thankful for all of my children. They have proven to be a great blessing from God. Many children become adults and still expect their parents to provide for them. Some have that “gimme mentality” or “you have to do for me mentality.” Be thankful for those children that become adults and are more than willing to provide for their parents not because they have to, but because they love them and want to.   


What are you grateful for today?


Family builds Thanksgiving “drive-through’ window outside their home


In a 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court sides with religious groups in a disputeover Covid-19 restrictions In New York


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laurensparks.net said...

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Visiting you from the Happy Friday blog party link up.

anointedtoday said...

Hi Laurensparks. You are welcome. Thanks for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com.

Down The Hobbit Hole Blog said...

We are so thankful for frontline workers!! For our children and for the blessing of being able to spend more time at home together this year. It's been a miserably trying year but there have also been a lot of amazing moments!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Down the Hobbit Hole. I agree with you.