I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, August 21, 2020

Choose to Take Care of Your Feet

 Have you ever tried to wear high heels and your feet were just aching? When your feet hurt, it is not a good feeling. Foot pain is serious. I recall many times taking my heels off in the choir stand just to get relief from my hurting feet. Oh what a relief it was to take the heels off, even if it was only for a moment.

                                            Foot Check Diabetes

I was not the only one that took my heels off in the choir stand, because sometimes when the pastor asked us to go into the audience many choir members were scrambling to get back into their heels. Foot care is definitely important. I am now more picky about what shoes or heels that I wear. One of my new improvements is that I now wear my shoes for comfort more than for styles or fads.

                                   ***Good New***

Style Shoes or Comfort Shoes?

1. Wearing Flip Flops

Did you know that when using a public shower like the gym you should wear flip-flops or shower shoes? Doing this can protect your feet from possible foot fungus such as athlete's foot and nail fungus. Also, according to boston.com culture you definitely should wear flip-flops when showering in a college dorm. Personally I love to wear flip flops. When I am wearing them my feet feel really free. I also love to go bare foot that is in the house.

2. Self Feet Care

According to Pediorthic.ca it is important to wash your feet often and to dry them thoroughly especially between the toes because this is where bacteria and fungi infections can develop. Now I recall as a child being told to always dry in between the toes but I was never told why. It is so important to explain to your children the why of what you are telling them.

3. Toenails Harden

Did you know that toenails thicken as you grow older? Yes according to nytimes.com. They further add that your feet are under constant stress from walking and poorly fitted shoes. I also recall my grandmother being taken to a foot doctor to get her toenails trimmed. I did not understand at the time why she needed to go to the foot doctor, but unfortunately he removed an ingrown nail and it would not heal properly. Eventually it was discovered my grandmother had diabetes and gangrene had occurred. First her toe was removed then her leg was removed. That was horrifying for me. I could not imagine having a limb removed. I was very young, but I remember this vividly. So taking care of your feet is very important.

4. Healthy Feet

According to Healthline.com you can be kind to your feet by giving yourself a foot massage, rolling a tennis ball under your feet, or soothing irritation with a vinegar foot soak. They also add that it is ok to wear socks to bed providing they are not overly tight and constricting. That is something that I tried in the winter-time. For some reason the sheets in the bed always felt cold and my feet always felt very cold. So wearing socks eliminated the cold feet. I am sure my husband appreciated it too, because my cold feet were always on him to get me warm. It is never too late to give your feet (TLC) tender loving care. Remember your feet deserve it.

5. Working on Your Feet

Healthline.com recommend wearing the correct shoe; shoes that give good arch support. I also have heard a few nurses praising sketcher shoes. Although I am not on my feet a lot I decided to buy a pair. I love Sketchers. Since I walk several times a week I find that Sketchers really feel good on my feet. I am so glad that I tried them.

6. Corns and Callouses

Do you suffer with corns and callouses? According to Webmd., corns and calluses are thick, hard patches of skin on your feet and may be painful when walking. They further suggest things you can do are to wear thick socks to protect your skin, rub your callus with a pumice stone while in the bath or shower, use corn pads, or wear prescription foot orthotics. I haven’t had calluses, but I have had corns in the past from wearing heels that were too tight. That was a learning experience for me. When your feet hurt, it is just a terrible feeling.

7. Diabetic Foot Care

If you are a diabetic foot care is very important for you. According to cdc.gov about half the people with diabetes have some type of nerve damage which can affect your blood sugar levels, being overweight, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. They further add you should never go barefoot, never trim your toenails straight across but at an angle, and to get your feet checked at every health care visit. I have observed that the doctor checking a diabetic’s foot will lightly swipe across the bottom of the diabetic’s feet and ask if the diabetic feels it.

Always remember your feet are an important part of your body just as your other body parts are important.


You better wear flip flops if you're showering in a dorm


Foot Care and Self Care God Hand-in-Hand


Toenails and Time


The Smart Girl’s Guide to Healthy, Happy Feet


If  You Work on Your Feet


How to Keep Your Feet Healthy


Diabetes and Your Feet


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Kristine said...

I personally tend to forget to take good care of my feet up until I get to a salon. Which should change soon. Great post

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Kristine. It is never too late to start. Thanks for stopping by.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I've had to start using a cream cos they were getting so dry! #FriendshipFriday

Menaka Bharathi said...

Feet are very important for are heal and every self care regime begins with taking care of the feet. Thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew

Michele Morin said...

Very practical advice here. I used to wear ridiculously high heels as a young woman, but now I respect my feet and show my appreciation for their hard work by not shoving them into impractical footwear!

Marielle said...

I saw your link on the Anchored Truth link up. Taking care of our feet is not something we think about often, but it's super important. Thank you for sharing!

Mayor Sonni said...

Great timing! I will keep these foot care tips in mind for next month. I will be showing my feet some extra care as part of a 30-day self-care challenge. Dropping by from the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party.

anointedtoday said...

It is good Lydia that you are taking care of your feet. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Menaka for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Michele. Thank you for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Marielle for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

30-day self care challenge is a great idea Mayor Sonni. Thank you for stopping by.