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I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Do You Skip Breakfast?

Do you feel you do not have time for breakfast? Possibly you just do not like to eat breakfast? Oatmeal is a healthy cereal breakfast.   Maybe you do not see the benefits of eating breakfast. There are great benefits to eating breakfast though.

                                    ***What Matters***

1. Skipping Breakfast

That is your choice to skip breakfast. Some may skip it once in a while, but to never eat breakfast is a different story. You do not know what you are missing.

2. Why I Like Breakfast

When you know better, you do better. There was a time that I did not eat breakfast because I did not take the time nor did I see the benefits of breakfast. Now that I have started eating breakfast I just love it. I learned that there are so many different things that I can eat for breakfast. I no longer am bound to just eating the traditional breakfast. I am sure there are those that dislike the traditional meat, eggs, and toast. Things have changed now. Restaurants and Fast foods have learned the importance of breakfast. Many restaurants offer a variety of menu options. Some restaurants even offer healthy options. Not only that there is takeout options for breakfast if you prefer to not sit down in a restaurant to eat. Centuries ago our ancestors probably could not have imagined what we have now.

3. What Breakfast Can Do For You

Did you know that breakfast replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness? Yes that is according to the Better Health Channel. They further add that tit provides other essential nutrients required for good health. I am a witness to that. Eating breakfast compared to the years that I did not eat breakfast I can now see the difference as well as the benefits. I feel totally different. Have you heard the expression, “I did not know I could feel this good.” “I feel good,” as James Brown has once said. Depending on how many hours of sleep that you get each night; possibly 6-9 hours or more. This period of time is almost like fasting for the night. So just think your body has gone many hours through the night without food. Once you get up in the morning if you skip breakfast then you have added possibly another 6 or 8 hours without food added to that.

4. Breakfast and Weight Control

According to the Mayo Clinic eating breakfast can reduce hunger, get you on track for healthy food, and choices, and replenish glycogen which supplies your muscles with immediate energy. How wonderful is that.

5. Traditional Breakfast

The traditional breakfast may consist of bacon/sausage, eggs scrambled, poached, boiled, and toast. There may be those that include more with it such as fruit etc.

6. Cereal Breakfast

Possibly the traditional breakfast is not for you. Is cereal for breakfast healthy? Well it depends. According to Cnn.com cereal is only healthy if you choose wisely. They further add that ready-to-eat cereals are usually fortified with vitamins and minerals, including B Vitamins and iron. This type of breakfast can be quick and healthy for you as well. I always say read the labels. Labels are so important now to know or at least have an idea of what you are really getting. You always want to get the “best bang for your buck.”

7. Oatmeal Breakfast

I know for a fact oatmeal breakfast is awesome because it provides you with lots of fiber. The great thing about oatmeal is that it can be what I call “doctored up.” Some people use brown sugar as oppose to white sugar because it is said to have slightly more minerals and it taste good too Have you ever tried bananas, strawberries, or blue berries in your oatmeal? This is a delightful change.

8. Different Kinds of breakfast

I have seen people eat steak and eggs, fish and eggs, pizza, breakfast sausage and even chicken tenders and fries for breakfast. I love blueberry pancakes they are so good. Some might have bagels or yogurt. There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to eat the traditional breakfast. Eating chosen meats that you love for breakfast may make you want to think twice about starting or even trying to eat breakfast. I remember as a teenager my aunt would fix large a breakfast which included chicken and gravy with biscuits from scratch. She said she was from a large family and was so used to cooking large meals.

9. Breakfast Sausage

All you sausage lovers might ask, “What about breakfast sausage?” Well according to Italian Barrel.com sausages contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are part of maintaining healthy diet. They further add that with no sugar or carbohydrates they are a good choice if you have Diabetes or other healthy restrictions and should be eaten in moderation. I say moderation because anything taken to extremes can be lethal to your body and your health.

10. Keto Breakfast

According to Kitchn.com simple and delicious Keto breakfast might include deviled eggs with bagel spices, keto bread made with almond flour instead of wheat flour, Keto pancakes made with cream cheese, eggs, almond, coconut flour and baking powder, or low-carb veggie and hash with zucchini, cauliflower, radishes, or brocoli rabe. Note I have read that zucchini is loaded with water which is definitely good for you.

11. Vegan Breakfasts

Possibly you want to go Vegan. Some awesome Vegan breakfasts might include Jumbo Chickpea pancakes full of protein and fiber, Blueberry Oatmeal Waffles, Jelly Filled Muffins, Whole some Banana Bread, baked blueberry donuts, stacked strawberry shortcakes, french toast which is one of my favorites with maple syrup, Tofu Breakfast Tacos, and lemon pancakes according to Tasty.com

Finally for those that have been skipping breakfast, maybe you will think again and decide on a breakfast regimen that fits you. Hopefully you will learn the benefits of breakfast like I did.

Do any of you have a favorite breakfast that you like?

Photo Caption: Public Domains Pictures



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Marielle said...

I saw your link at the Anchored Truth Tuesday Link Up. This is a great reminder about breakfast. Thanks for sharing!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Marielle.

Unknown said...

I have just recently started eating breakfast again. It seems to get me going and I make better food choices throughout the day.

anointedtoday said...

Glad to hear that you are eating breakfast unknown. Thanks for stopping by today. Have a blessed day.