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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, May 22, 2020

What a Pinterest Pinboard May Reveal about You (update)

Although people may create pinboards about different interests, those interests can reveal a lot about you. The pinboards cover a variety of subjects. Some use pinboards for business, while others use it strictly for pleasure and an expression of themselves.
I have visited some boards that I really wanted to repin, but the profanity that was used on the board really may be change my mind.

                                                ***Good News***


                                                Pinboard Ideas

1. What is Pinterest

Pinterest is an online Pinboard. It is free and is awesome for those that are visual learners. Pinterest has a vast resource of subjects that may be of interest to you.

2. Joining Pinterest

Are you maybe thinking about joining Pinterest? Don’t just think about it try it out. Pinterest is free. There are so many subjects that you can explore. Most people start posting on Pinterest by posting the things or subjects that they like. What is it that you like? You can find it on Pinterest. If you want to join Pinterest just ask me for an invite. I will gladly send you one. https://www.pinterest.com/anointedtoday/ or email me at anointedtoday@comcast.net

3. Coronavirus Pandemic

Are you tired of being shut in from this Pandemic? There are numerous topics and helpful suggestions on Pinterest. You may even have ideas that you have found that work for you and you may want to share those ideas with others on Pinterest.

4. Like Minds

On Pinterest you can find other like minds that think like you. You will see ideas from people all over the world and not just from your city or state. It is so refreshing to see online pinboard ideas from other countries and other people.

5. Leaning a New Language

Have you thought about learning a new language? Pinterest has many resources for learning a new language. You only need to explore them.

6. Blogging

Are you new to blogging and need more blogger help? You can find so many blogging resources on Pinterest. There are numerous blogging tutorials. Possibly you are looking for a blogging group for support to help you. You can find that in Pinterest also. All you need to do is just ask.

7. Videos

If you love to post videos, the Modern company Tastemade has generated more than 2.2 millions views. In fact their cake videos has increased up to 355% On Pinterest. So Pinterest may be the place for you.

8. Recipes

Do you like to create and share recipes? Then Pinterest is a great place to do that. Although there are those that have videos on utube, you can also have videos on Pinterest. Possibly you just like to try new recipes. I know that I do. There are over thousands recipes on Pinterest. You can also find many ideas on Pinterest.

9. Hair Pinterest Boards

I find that the hair pinterest boards are quite creative. I love the styles that are created. I have even tried some of the styles. I love the fact that some of the pinners go a step further by including tutorials that show me that they are about helping and telling others what is working and what is not. Now on the other hand, those that are selling hair products are clearly seen, because they list the selling price and make it no secret. So for many Pinterest boards are where they derive much of their business.

10. Visual Learner

I am a visual learner. I have observed that Pinterest is basically for people that are visual learners. It is more than a social media site, it is a learning site. Many schoolteachers share their knowledge from their classrooms. They show techniques that are working for their children. This reveals to me they are very caring individuals. On the other hand, there are those teachers that have their blog sites connected to the Pinterest boards and when you visit their blog sites, they are selling many of the crafts or classroom sheets that they have createded.

11. Animal Lovers

For those that love animals you are able to find the animal Pinterest board. You will see a variety of dogs and or cats. In fact there are a variety of subjects to explore at Pinterest from A-Z.  Also, again there are tutorials. There was a time that tutorials on utube did not exist, but the tutorials now, just make learning so easy.

12. My Favorite

One of my favorite Pinterest boards is “Best Parenting Tips.” I have received over 1,000 pins on this board.

13. How To Tutorials

I cannot count the number of times that I have used tutorials. People like the “how to pins.” Pins that are not only telling you how it is done, but tutorials that are showing you. This is so awesome. I recall attempting to put a toy together that magically is controlled by your hand and the air. It was so simple I did not find out what I was doing wrong until I saw the tutorial. That helped me out so much. 

When I first started pinning, I did not have a clue as to what I was doing or if I should even be there. A friend of mine told me to just pin what you like. So I experimented and tried a few different things that I liked. It was definitely trial and error there. I had no idea that my hair, nail and shoe pinterest board would attract so many followers and repins. Those were things that I like. Although I no longer where those high heels, I still like to look at them, because I do remember wearing them high. Now high heels are not that important to me. Rather comfortable shoes are more important.

I love the hair Pinterest boards, because I can remember as early as 3-years-old styling my dolls hair. We had an old stove in our living room. I would put a straightening comb on the stove and try to straighten my doll’s blonde hair. I remember that vividly.

What do your Pinterest Boards reveal about you?

Image by DarkAthena from Pixabay


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Sharon Hazel said...

Hi I have just created a Pinterest account but didn't really get it, so your blog was very informative - I will go on there again today! Thanks Inspire Me Monday #89

Shelbee on the Edge said...

I really need to utilize my Pinterest more efficiently. I only scroll and pin and create random boards that are a disorganized mess. There is a better method and so much benefit on that platform. Thanks for sharing all of these tips.
