I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Benefits of Writing

I discovered that there are benefits in writing. Have you ever tried Bible Journaling? 
 I have always loved to write starting at an early age. Have you tried writing your feelings or thoughts down? It is never too late. As we go through this crisis writing can be beneficial to our health.

Journal writing


1. Time

Now that many of us have been ordered by the state to stay home we have a lot of time to write. I started writing at a blog in 2008. I discovered that I love to write. When I started to write I did not know my niche, but I did know I loved writing about children, health, and family. I loved sharing things that I learned through life.

2. Therapeutic

Writing can be therapeutic. Psychcentral.com talks about writing a letter to a love one. They further add that telling the truth is natural medicine to us. I recall my Pastor suggesting to us to write a letter to 8 people letting them know how they have helped or influenced us in our life. See if we never tell another what they have done for us, they may never know.  We can't just assume. 


3. Thoughts on Paper

One great reason to put your thoughts on paper is to get them out of your head. Someone has once said the mind can only retain 1 thought at a time. I cannot count the number of times I thought of something and forgot to write it down. I seemed to remember the things that I write down. When it is on paper or in your tablet you can review it, edit it, or even change it.


4. Bible Journaling

Bible journaling is awesome. You can write your favorite verses and write how they make you feel. If you are not spiritual you can still write in your own personal journal. Journal writing can be used when you are fighting a disease, losing weight, or going though a particular trial in your life.

5. Diaries

I recall keeping a diary in high school. I did not realize the importance of it at the time, but I was writing my thoughts and feelings down then.

6. Content

I was told over and over produce more content. The more content, the more probability for exposure when writing at a blog or website. It was difficult in the beginning producing content, but it gradually became easier and easier. I observed there were those posting 4 to 5 posts daily. I decided that was not for me. I would post the best that I can and what was best for me.


7. Evergreen Content

Should you attempt to blog, a few subjects for evergreen content may include, Jesus, blogging, health, yid projects, or possibly social media. Jesus is a subject that I am sure will never become obsolete, because there are many that hold dear to their faith in Him. Now health is something that most are always looking for ways to improve the quality of. How many of you always have some type of project going such as home improvements. Our houses only get better, if we improve them.

8. Desire

There may be those of you that desire to write, but feel that you do not speak well nor write very well. Just remember it is not how well you write. It is about putting your thoughts on paper. Doing your very best which may not be perfect and does not have to be.

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