I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, April 9, 2020

13 Lessons I Have Learned from Covid-19, 2020

The Coronavirus is not the first pandemic that the world has experienced. It is ugly and taking many lives. No we do not know everything we need to know about it, but we are learning more everyday.


                                                   ***Good News***

1. Praying

I have always known the importance of prayer. The importance of praying has become a definite reality in my life. Someone has said people were alarmed when prayer was taken out of the school. Well the school is in our homes now. Parents can have prayer with their children before their schools lessons. Parents can pray with their children anytime. Covid-19 is much bigger than you or I, but it is not too big for God. It is important to stay prayed up and to read the word of God. The word of God is alive and sharper than any two-edge sword. Hebrews 4:12.

2. Purpose

I recall my previous job was working with computers and various computer systems. I did not like computers. I kept asking God, “Why me?” Then he showed me, “Why not me.” I came to work one morning and my coworkers met me at the door. One coworker stated, “Betty you must not have prayed, our system is down.” My reply, “God did not say we would not have problems and I did pray.” Then after we were up and running I observed one coworker saying, “Thank You Jesus.” I then realized God had me at the right place. My coworkers had been watching me. “Thank You Jesus,” is something that I said around them often. So regardless of our circumstances, even with Covid-19,  it is important how we respond to the circumstance. Remember you do have a purpose. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139.14 I praise you because I am fearful and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

As I observed my friend and previous coworker Sandy she loss her husband and her son to Covid-19. Even though she had this huge loss, she still was praising God through it all. Now she is one of the greatest examples for me.

3. Creativeness

God gives us creativeness in our spirit. We are daily finding ways to help and save others during this pandemic. People are making their own masks during the shortage.

4. Cooking

I am ramping up my cooking skills and cooking more than I have in a long time. Cooking real meals.

5. Social Media and Communication

There have been those that have said they do not like social media and will not be on it. I thank God for social media in that we are still able to communicate with loved ones and others that are living far away. We are still able to connect with others which is so important. We can text and even Facetime. Even though church buildings are on shutdown, because the people are the church, they are able to communicate, fellowship, and connect with each other. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. We can prayer any time. 24/7. God has a hot-line that is always opened.

6. House Cleaning

I am definitely getting a lot more house cleaning done.

7. Keeping Busy

Even though we are on shutdown, I learned the importance of having a routine and keeping busy. I have learned not to sit around all day watching television or even watching about the Covid-19. I have learned to take a break form all of that.

8. Exercise

Even though I am not exercising in the mall I can exercise in the house or in my backyard.

9. Gratitude

I have learned that during this trying time this is a good time to show and express gratitude. It could be worse.

10. Camaraderie

I have observed the camaraderie of people. We are not alone and are pulling together to help our neighbors. We are uplifting and edifying others. This is so important. Even though there are those that are defiant and openly disobedient others continue to help others.  You may leave God, but God never leaves you.  Hebrew 13:5  For he hath said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.

11. Believe*Faith*Hope

No I do not know when this Pandemic will end, but I do believe that this Pandemic shall pass.

12. Respect

I know that this Covid-19 has no respect of age, race, religion, or gender. It is just ugly.

13. History

I have learned that we can take a lesson from past history. Although we have not stopped the spread of Covid-19 yet nor found a sure cure yet, in this pandemic and past pandemics there has been a strong emphasis on distancing ourselves from each other. Distancing was also used in the past pandemics and it does work. This virus needs a host; a body to live and spread. So that is why it is so important to stay home and stay safe.

Remember this too shall pass. We are not alone.

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Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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Menaka Bharathi said...

I too have begun trying out ewer recipes, gardening and cooking are two things that has helped me through this time..Thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew

Lisa notes... said...

Praying for your friend Sandy in her losses. Wow. Yes, this is definitely a time for more prayer. Thanks for sharing your lessons with us.

Unknown said...

thank you sharing