I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Are You a Good Influence on Your Children?

* * * You are Special * * *

Did you know that there are all types of influencers? The best influence is the top influence that you have on your children. That can be long lasting.

top influencer

Whether you realize it or not you may be the top influencer on your children. Your children may watch you and purpose that they want to be or not be like you. You are special. Remember your children are watching you.

1. Texting while driving

There is a law now that you may not text and drive. How many adults adhere to that law? Are you guilty of texting and driving? When your children are in the car with you they are definitely watching and learning what you are doing? Why not be a good example and pull off the road when you need to text or answer a cellphone call? Remember there was a time when cellphones did not exist. What did you do then?

2. Cursing

Have you ever cursed to yourself aloud? Have you cursed someone else in front of your child? This is a bad influence on your child. I am guilty of this. I used to have a foul mouth. In fact, it was more like diarrhea of the mouth. One day my adolescent daughter had a confrontation while outside with one of her friends. The words I heard come out of her mouth was an eye opener for me. I wanted to get mad, but realized she was doing what she had heard me do. Cursing can become a habit. You can change and make it your lifestyle to replace those curse words. Just be intentional that you are going to stop cursing. Like anything else it may take more time with you than with others to transform. As I watched the Steve Harvey show, this young girl's wish was for Steve Harvey to stop cursing. This young girl was watching Steve.

Take time to observe. I recall in a grocery store every word out of this toddler's mouth was foul. She sat in the shopping cart spewing out all kinds of profanity. and the mother looked so embarrassed.

3. In the Store

Have you ever gone to the store and receive too much change back? Did your child witness this? Did you promptly give the cashier the over payment, or did you keep it and say to yourself, “She should learn how to count.” You knew keeping the money was wrong, but you did it anyway, knowing the cashier’s register would come up short at the end of the day.

4. Gratitude

Do you practice gratitude? Be sure that your children see you practicing gratitude. Circumstances may get very bad, but if you look hard enough you can find something that you are thankful for. How many things do you take for granted? I have a grandson that amazes me. He shows gratitude for the smallest of things and he is quite humble. The humility that he shows is unbelievable.

5. Empathy

Putting yourself in someone else circumstance. There may be times you have said, “I do not see how she could do that?” Well maybe if you just imagine or view yourself in that same circumstance you could see it, because in reality we never really know what we might or might not do.

6. Kindness

Showing kindness is something that is contagious. Your actions, your words, or your encouragement can show kindness to others. Sometimes just a smile or a hug, especially when you do not know what to say.

7. Thankfulness

Are you thankful? Do you tell others thank you? I remember a woman holding the door open for my husband who is a Veteran. My husband told her, “Thank You.” She said, “No, thank you for your service.” Thanking others let’s them know that you appreciate them. There should never be a shortage of “thank you's.”

8. Caring

Children know when you care about them. That is something that you cannot fake. Everyone wants to know that someone cares about them. It does not take a lot to show someone that you care for them. Your actions tell it all. Sometimes just listening to others let’s them know that you care enough to take the time to listen. How many teachers do you know that go beyond what is necessary in the classroom, because they care for the children. They care and want their children to be successful in life. I recall a young lady that received a promotion. She would be training the person that would take over her present job. She was very concerned that she pick the right fit for the job, because she wanted the children to continue to thrive and learn. Parents your children know whether you care for them. It shows in your actions.


Choose your battles carefully

Display the type of behavior that you want your child to emulate.

Know that you have the power to influence your child for the good.

Photo Caption:  Pixabay

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