I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Are You Prepared for a Good College Roommate?

* * *Just a Few Tips * * *

Have you known of friends that complained about their college roommate? Possibly they were best of friends before they lived together. There are few things that you might want to consider when getting a college roommate.

How to Find a College Roommate

You may not be able to pick your dorm roommate, but should you later get an apartment while in college, consider a few things.

When you think of a roommate, you may think of someone who will share space with you. You will want to consider whether both of you can live together without major problems. You will want to evaluate your expectations of a roommate. You will also want to consider some of the suggestions listed in this article.

1. Smoker
It is important to know if your roommate is a smoker, because if you are not that could cause problems, especially if you suffer with asthma. If you are a smoker and your roommate does not smoke, you may feel inconvenienced having to guard not smoking around your roommate.

2. Sleeping quarters
Some dorms are co-ed, (male and female). If your roommate has a boyfriend, discuss in advance whether you want him to stay overnight or if you prefer for them to go to the boyfriend’s room, and vice versa. Remember part of the quarters is yours so you need to have this understanding before moving in together. I recall my daughter when in college stating as a matter of fact that her roommate’s boyfriend could not spend the night there. Her roommate would need to go to his room.

3. Food
Discuss food arrangements. Who will buy groceries? Will you buy separate groceries? Are you each going to do your own cooking or take turns cooking if any? If one or both of you have cars, then that is great. In my daughter’s situation neither she nor her roommate had a car and unfortunately the grocery stores were not close to this particular college. Myself and the other parent worked together to switch off twice a month and take them shopping. That worked out well in that case, but these are things that you need to discuss.
4. Sleep Patterns
There are early birds and there are those that love to sleep late. Are you both early birds? Do you like to stay up late even on school nights? Are you there just to party or to learn? I recall my one daughter while at college discovered her roommate would be perky and happy early in the morning. On the other hand, my daughter wanted to sleep a couple of more hours until her first class which was later in the day.
5. Friends
Do choose a roommate that is possibly your best friend or because your best friend’s mother and your mother were best friends. That is a quick way to end a relationship. Even though all of you may be friends it does not mean that you can live together peacefully.
6. Commonalities
Discuss your common interests. Are you a socialite that will be having many visitors? Possibly your roommate is not. Will this cause a problem? Does your roommate want to party most of the time in your dorm while you would prefer to study. Be sure to have discussions about all of the above in the beginning so you both are clear about expectations. Remember living with someone in close quarters like this may not be as easy as you imagined.

What other suggestions do you have regarding living with a college roommate.
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Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Thanks for linking up at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 41! Shared ♥

Unknown said...

Both of my kids were pretty lucky with their college roommates! But it definitely takes some flexibility! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!