I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Words Do Matter

The word of God is alive. There are those that have now discovered power words and what God has already said in “His words.” Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing souls and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Jesus Loves You

Words can either edify and build you up or they can tear you down and kill you. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat the fruit thereof. Are your words positive and uplifting to others? Do your words encourage or discourage? Think before you speak.

1. I Can

I recall in one of my classes in college there was great discussion about “I can and I can't.” No one including employers want to hear about what you can't do. People like people with the “I can” attitudes. One thing that I have learned from God's word is that I cannot rely on feelings. One day I may feel happy then another day I may feel said. Regardless of my emotions I know “I can” speak God's word over my life and it will and does change my way of thinking. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

2. Laughter

Proverbs 17:22 a merry Heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

When you laugh aloud, you usually end up feeling really good. Do you know of people that can say almost anything and make you laugh? I often wondered why I like comedy pictures. After thinking about it, I realized the comedy pictures would make me laugh and I usually felt really good after watching one. Try it. Then think about how you feel afterward. Think about some of the things they say and do in the comedy picture. Think of people that you feel good when you are around them. Someone once said, “Why not give a hearty laugh: ha,ha, ha.” You never know what a laugh can do.

2. I Will

Saying “I will do something or I will be something” gives a certain expectation or hope. It has been said that, “Your word is your bond.” Usually you will expect and believe that the person saying that will follow through and do just that.

3. I was Wrong

Do you know people that have a hard time admitting that they are wrong? Do you have difficulty admitting that you are wrong? It takes a strong person to do that. Admitting that you are wrong about something shows character and shows that you are not flawless or perfect. There is no perfect one, but God.

4. I Will Listen More

Has anyone told you, “You are not listening to what I am saying?” Have you ever been in such a rush to tell someone else something, that you totally missed what they were trying to tell you you? Have you ever had a conversation where you did most of the talking and the other person knows everything about you, yet you know very little about that person.  Do you put more emphasis on what you want to say?Why not try listening to what is being said. Remember to tell yourself, “ I will listen more.” Words are powerful; talk to yourself.

5. Thank You or I appreciate You

Saying “thank you” let's the other person know that you appreciate them. Everyone likes to be appreciated. I recall a church that I visited while on vacation. It was raining and after parking our car, there were men coming from the church with umbrella's to escort each family member into the church. I naturally told them thank you, because even though unexpected it was quite welcome. I also recall a church I visited recently. The hospitality was exceptional. The ushers said, “We are so glad to see you here.” “Thank you for coming.” They said it with a smile so their action matched their words. What powerful words do you use?

6. Gratitude

Have you ever told someone that you are glad they are in your life? Try it sometimes.

7. Excellent

When I hear that someone did an excellent job, I think of the greatest. I do not think that they did a fair job or just a good job. Have you noticed when completing some restaurant surveys, if you mark good or fair that they may ask you why was it just good? They may ask, “Did you have a problem today?” One of the reasons they ask is because they were hoping you would answer excellent. If they can correct the problem then future responses may be excellent.

8. Awesome

Awesome is my favorite word. I love to use it and when I do use it I definitely mean it. Do you have a favorite positive word that you use?

* * *Don’t Miss my next post about My Humbling Experience* * *

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Roseann Hampton said...

Such great advice Betty! When I taught in a classroom these were all very important things to remember to help my students be more positive! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

Antionette Blake said...

Yes, words do matter and can make the difference in someone's life. Thanks for sharing at the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party.