I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Breast Cancer Awareness Month during the Caronavirus

This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Even though you are in a Caronavirus Pandemic you can still be aware of breast cancer.

                                            Breast Cancer Survivors 

                                            ***Good News***

1. Share Your Story

You never know how your story or testimony may help someone else. Everyone has a different story. Every family is affected differently. Even if you have not had breast cancer you may know a family member or friend that did have it. We are all connected together.

2. Money

Even though a cancer patient may have insurance, their insurance may not cover everything. Breast Cancer Treatments can be very costly. So cash is a blessing for a cancer patient. Although both parents may be working, the chemotherapy treatments can range from several months to almost a year. That can become and is quite costly. Money is not a cure-all but it definitely does help. Especially during this pandemic while money may be scarce for those that are not able to work money is essential.

3. Donate Goods

Did you know that you can donate items to organizations specifically to be used for Cancer Research. Cancerresearch.com of the UK talks about how they have partnered with Vintage Giving to do just that. They further add that you can donate DVD's, CD’s and books to Ziffit and Virgin Money Giving.

4. Blogging

You can blog about Cancer Awareness to support breast cancer awareness. Let others know that this is Breast Cancer Awareness. Everyone is a unique individual that may be able to add something different to Breast Cancer Awareness month.

5. Wear Pink

Wearing Pink during Breast Cancer Awareness month is an excellent way to show support. Purchase a Pink Wreath to hang on your door during this month. I recall in the past my choir director brought the choir pink ribbons to wear as support for this.

6. Host a Virtual Fundraiser

According to survivingbreastcancer.org., you can host a virtual dinner party with raffle prizes, put on a virtual 5K walk in your neighborhood, or possibly host a yard sell and raise donations.

7. Education

I cannot emphasize enough to educate yourself regarding Breast Cancer and to Keep updated. There are new innovations being discovered everyday. Be sure to know your risks and to share with others what you know.

8. Penny Drive

According to blogfundly.com you can ask local businesses to place a jar near the cash register so donors can contribute their spare change to your cause.

9. Give Caregiver a Break

So often you may be just focused on the person with cancer, but keep in mind sometimes the caregiver needs a break. You do not have to let your caregiver take all the burden. Give the caregiver of your relative a break from time to time.

10. Phone Call

Sometimes just check in with the person that has Breast Cancer. They may or may not feel like talking, but sometimes the talking may be therapeutic for them. Face timing can be beneficial also if that patient feels up to it.

11. Breast Cancer Care Packages

The facilities where the patient’s receive chemotherapy may be quite cool. So you may include in a care package blankets, caps, and warm socks.  Other ideas may include a pillow port, healthy snacks like granola bars, stress ball, or stress relief candle, hard candy to suck on, for a child a coloring book, chap stick, scarfs, gift card, favorite CD, bottled water, clear zipper bags, inspirational quotes, and their favorite magazine.

12. Asking

While you might not know exactly how you can help a Cancer patient you can ask them, “What can I do to help you.” You might be surprised that they will tell you without hesitation.

13. Words of Encouragement

During this time a Cancer patient maybe feeling many mixed emotions. You can give words of encouragement. Words are helpful. Words can make all the difference in the word. Words are powerful. Words are healing.

14. Pay a Bill

Paying a cancer patient’s monthly household bill can be of great help. Some cancer facilities will match the cancer patient with a donor that is willing to help that cancer patient pay a bill for the month. There are so many possibilities.

15. Good Listener

This is a good time to be a good listener if you have a relative or friend that has Breast Cancer. Put your listening skills to work.

16. Chemofog or Chemobrain

Chemofog is real. Patients after chemotherapy experience forgetfulness at different times during the duration of their lives. Chemofog is just one of the side effects of chemotherapy. That person may have trouble remembering directions when traveling or just remembering some things period.

Unfortunately chemotherapy damages the good cells as well as the bad cells in a person’s body.  You can help the cancer survivor by helping the patient keep a calendar to keep track of doctor appointments, helping the survivor stay organized, and keeping a list of all the medications they take written down at home and in their wallets or purse.

There are things that can be done to create new brain cells. Dr. Susan Hardwicke, PhD. Who had stage 3 breast cancer, youtube series part 7 talks about how important movement is in increasing new brain cells. https://youtu.be/EuKDD9ZxPl4

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Just as you eat daily to feed your physical body, reading the Bible daily feeds and renews your mind.

17. Natural Soaps

Give the cancer patient natural soaps. These natural ingredients will be great for them. Also, the natural soaps smell so good. I just love the aroma. “What a great idea.” Natural soaps will not have all the additives and chemicals that regular soaps have.

18. Men Get Breast Cancer

Did you know that men do get breast cancer? Possibly you have always thought of it as women’s disease, but according to Mayo-Clinic in does occur in men. They further add that it is most common in older men.

19. Mammogram

Be sure to get your mammogram and to encourage others to get theirs. Be sure to do your self-check of your breasts monthly. If you do not know how to do this, ask your doctor to show you how.

20. No Side Effects

According to Kristin Bien at wsbt.com Cancer treatment to start human trial with no side effects. She further adds that John Kanzius uses nano-technology and radio waves to treat cancer by injecting nono articles directly into the cancer cell and are heated to destroy the cancer cell. This definitely beats not having side effects such as memory loss, low blood count, constipation, hair loss, nerve damage, and much more that results from chemotherapy and radiation. I can understand when someone tells me that they are a cancer survivor. They have actually had to survive much more than cancer

What Cancer Awareness tips would you like to share?


Male Breast Cancer


New treatment for cancer without side effects is promising, Kristin Bien


Donate Goods


This is Your fundraiser


18 Other Fundraising Ideas for Breast Cancer


Chemo Brain & Recovery (Part 7) Formation of New Brain Cells




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