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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Water: Why You Can’t Live Without It

Did you know that drinking water is important to your body? Have you had your water today? Possibly you take water for granted. It has been said you can live without food, but not without water.

Smart Water

***Good News***

Drinking water is beneficial to your body in numerous ways.

1. Percentage of Water in Your Body

Have you considered the percentage of water in your body? Did you know that your body is mostly water? According to medicalnewstoday.com cells in your body contain 60% of water and one-third of the remainder, surrounding the cells. They further add that the brain and kidneys possess the highest percentage of water; the bones and teeth contain the lowest proportion.

2. Functions of Water

Did you know that water is similar to a transportation vehicle? Water is also a medium for chemical reactions, a lubricant and shock absorber and water is a temperature regulator.  I have observed sometimes in the Emergency room I will hear the mention of, “ the patient is a little dehydrated.” I have also observed when a child has a fever the doctor may urge the parent to give the child a cold or ice wash down to help lower the fever. I have even seen popsicles given because besides the fact the Popsicle is cold it will taste good to the child while lowering the body temperature and hydrating the body at the same time.

3. Wonderfully Made

Psalm 139:14. I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. This is reassuring to know that our bodies are wonderfully made. Someone has made a statement, “Our bodies are like a lean-green machine.” Although it is sad some choose to abuse their body and often give the body what looks and feels good even though it may not be good. All may have some type of guilty pleasure. As a young girl I loved hot hard candy balls. One day I ate too much and developed a sore throat. That was a difficult learning experience. I never overindulged on hot hard candy balls again.

4. Water and Your Brain

When you loose water the brain looses it's efficiency. Womensbrainhealthy.org., mentions that drinking water can improve one’s brain healthy by simply increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain, this in turn, improves concentration and cognition and helps balance moods and emotions, reducing stress and headaches. They further add that our brains do not have any way to store water so when our bodies lose more water than the amount being consumed, dehydration sets in and cognitive function is impaired.

5. Water reminder apps

Do you forget to drink enough water throughout the day? I do not seem to have a problem drinking water during the summer when it is hot, but during the winter months I tend to forget. Did you know that there are apps available to remind you to drink water? According to educationappstore.com the following apps are great for reminding you to drink water throughout the day:

1. Daily Water Tracker Reminder

2. Aqualert

3. Hydro Coach

4. I Hydrate

5. Water Your Body

6. Eight Glasses a Day

7. Plant Nanny

8. Water Tracker & Alarm

6. Water Facts

Did you know that out of around 7.8 billion people in the world, only about 6 billion of them have access to clean water? That is according to dropinthebucket.org., They further add that 785 million people in the world lack access to clean water, over 80% of the disease in developing countries is related to poor drinking water and sanitation, and 4,500 children die every day from preventable disease related to a lack of access to clean water, adequate sanitation and hygiene.

7. Tips to Drink More Water

Cdc.gov suggests that you carry a water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day, choose water over sugary drinks, serve water during meals, add a wedge of lime, or lemon to your water, and make sure your kids are getting enough water too. I have found myself carrying a bottle of water with me when I am running errands. It is just a habit with me. Also I love adding lemon to my water and even my tea. When I walk throughout the week I make sure I take bottled water with me.

8. How Much Water Do You Need to Drink?

Although there is no easy answer to this because no single formula fits everyone. According to the Mayoclinic.com The United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups of fluid a day for men and about 11.5 cups of fluid a day for women. They further add that this covers fluids from water, other beverages and food.

9. Infections

I know first hand that not drinking enough water can lead to bladder infections. During the wintertime I would drink coffee and very little water. I discovered I would get bladder infections seemingly the same time every year. I finally figured out I was drinking too much coffee and not enough water. I also am mindful during the winter even though I may be tempted to drink hot chocolate to keep warm that I still need to drink more water.

9. Foods with High Water Content

Did you know that you can choose to eat foods that have lots of water? According to webmd.com they are as follows:

1. Cucumber- it is 95% water

2. Tomatoes

3. Watercress

4. Apples- they have 85.56 water

5. Celery

6. Lettuce- water makes up over 95% of raw lettuce

7. Watermelon- has 92% water. This is also my favorite

8. Peaches

9. Broth

10. Zucchini- Contains 90% water- I discovered this when making my shrimp and vegetable dish. No water is needed when preparing this dish because the Zucchini makes it’s own water. I created and idea pin on Pinterest for it listed below. This is one of my favorite dishes.

Shrimp and Vegetable Pinterest Idea Pin 


Just remember to be conscious throughout your day and remember that you can’t live without water.

Photo Caption:

https://illustoon.com/?dl=4508 Designalike


What is the average percentage of water in the human body?


Libre Texts

Staying Hydrated Boosts Brain Power


Best Hydration Apps


Water and Healthier Drinks Benefits of Drinking Water


Nutrition and healthy eating


Foods High in Water



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