I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Sunday, September 30, 2018

10 Eye-Opening Breast Cancer Tips

Discoveries are made daily for Breast Cancer. Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month?


We have come along way, but still have a long way to go. While Cancer may be frightening to some, there is hope in the new discoveries that are occurring daily.  You may not have had Cancer, but you may know a relative or friend that was affected by Cancer. 


A. “Did you know that 26 states have laws on the books that require mammography testing facilities to tell women that have breast cancer imaging scans if they have dense breast tissue as part of their results, according to Nancy Capello?”

This does not mean that you have breast cancer, but that it may be harder to detect.

B. Did you know that there are foods that help fight against Cancer? Fruits and vegetables are rich in Cancer fighting nutrients, according to WebMD.

1. Taxol or Taxotere vs Abraxane

According to Breast Cancer.Org., Taxol when administered during chemotherapy does not dissolve in water, therefore needs to be put in solvents when administering to cancer patients which can cause several side effects. Also, patients require several medications including steroids and antihistamines before starting chemotherapy. This is something that I have witnessed when sitting with cancer patients and talking with them during chemotherapy. They further add that Abraxane can be added dissolved in water thus no more medication needed before therapy, no side effects, and shorter infusion time. In fact they state the time changes from 3 hours to about half an hour of Chemotherapy. Now for someone that has not had chemotherapy or been around someone that has had it, you may not see the significance. But I know personally from sitting with chemotherapy patients it can be time consuming.

Patient's First Chemo Treatment:

2. Sitting With Chemo Patient

If you have a relative or friend that is going to through chemo treatments, Just sitting with them during the treatment, can give them great support. Sometimes the chemo treatments may be just about 20 minutes during a session, while at other times, it may be up to 3 hours or more. Every patient’s timing and situation may vary. If you have never gone through this, you can learn a lot just sitting and talking with others that are going through this.

As I talked with a patient that had chemotherapy, he mentioned that he had trouble traveling to places that he may have been to numerous times before. Because of the chemo fog, he just cannot remember the directions. This was frustrating to him too. Unfortunately chemotherapy damages the good cells of the body as well as the cancer cells, which includes cells in the brain as well.

3. Listening

I have talked to several cancer patients that stated they went through their chemotherapy sessions alone. I was quite surprised. I always recommend if you have a friend or relative going through treatment, go with them to the chemotherapy sessions if possible. Chemotherapy can last several months and 2 to 3 hours at a time one or several days a week. I was totally ignorant of the time process involved. Now I realize how they can be so tired because the chemo not only kills the bad cancer cells it destroys the good cells in your body as well. I discovered cancer patients can bring their laptops, watch TV, or something that I did with them was to talk. I learned so much from just listening to different individuals. I was surprised to see men there with breast cancer. I learned breast Cancer can also occur in dogs.

I recall a relative of mine that found a stray dog and took her in. This tiny dog had numerous medical problems which included breast cancer. My relative took the dog to the vet continually and cared for her with all vigilance.

4. Reduce Cancer Returns

According to breastcancer.org. They talk about the cancer possibly having estrogen receptors that receives signals from the estrogen to promote the cancer growth. The cancer feeds off it. So cancer treatment is treated more aggressively with young women that are still menstruating. I personally have heard an oncologist say this exact same thing. I personally know from talking with cancer patients that after chemo is complete they still continue on the Tamoxifen daily tablet once a day originally for 5 years. Now that has changed to 10 years daily. It is referred to as (Oral Chemo).

Did you know that you can:

6. Knit and Crochet

Those that know how to knit and crochet can make hats to donate to the cancer
institute. Also, you can crochet or knit blankets. These hats are used by chemotherapy patients, who lose their hair during chemotherapy. The blankets are used during their chemotherapy treatments, as they may become quite cool as they sit during their treatments. I have seen some of the most beautiful blankets donated to the cancer society.

7. Take Patient's to Appointments

You can take patient's to their docotr appointments or even take them grocery shopping. Sometimes they may even need help around their house. Sometimes they may not want to ask for help, but you can offer. You may offer to help. Just ask, “Is there anything that you need me to help with around your house?”
8. Offer a Massage Service

Chemotherapy affects every aspect of a patient's body. Some of the chemotherapy patient's that I talked with complained of tired or aching muscles. Several have commented that massages are just wonderful for them. So you might give them a certificate to a body massage parlor. Some of the massage parlors are located within some cancer building.

9. Offer Money

Even though a cancer patient may have insurance, their insurance may not cover everything. So cash is a blessing for a cancer patient. Although both parents may be working, the chemotherapy treatments can range from several months to almost a year. That can become and is quite costly.

10. Offer Natural Soaps

Give the cancer patient natural soaps. These natural ingredients will be great for them. Also, the natural soaps smell so good. I just love the aroma. As I sat with a cancer patient during his treatment, another woman sitting with her loved one shared that she sold natural soaps. She had sold to many cancer patients that seem to love it. I thought, “What a great idea.”

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Lee MacArthur said...

You've put up some great suggestions. I gave my sister a cookbook filled with recipes I thought she'd enjoy so on the days she feels like having something she can fix it. She survived breast cancer and is know going through bone cancer but the cancer markers have been dropping so we have hope.

anointedtoday said...

Lee a recipe book to your sister is awesome.

Dr. Elise Ho said...

Wonderful suggestions. I think that the most important thing that one can give to someone else is time.

Joanne said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Learn; Pinned.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Mother of 3.

anointedtoday said...

I agree Dr.Elise.

laurensparks.net said...

Hi Betty. As a breast cancer survivor, I love to see you talking about this and offering such helpful suggestions. Thank you. Visiting you today from the create with joy link up. laurensparks.net