I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, October 4, 2018

What Is Your Favorite Color?

Have you considered the importance of color? Do you know what your favorite color is? Can you imagine a world without color?

Color Pink

I have observed over the years that my favorite color has changed. At one time green was my favorite color, then yellow, now orange is my favorite.

1. Color branding

According to Canva.com Color can be used in your branding. For example my favorite color orange is considered fresh, youthful, creative and adventurous. That is the way that I feel most of the time. Also, notice that orange is associated with most vitamin C byproducts.

2. Color Pink and Breast Cancer Awareness

Did you know that pink calms and reassures our emotional energies? That is according to empoweryourself with color psychology.com. They further add that pink can signify good health. I can see why the breast cancer ribbon which was originally black and white was changed in 191 to pink by Susan G. Komen. For along time I had often asked why the color pink?

3. Green

Did you know that green is associated with money? Yes according to color-wheel pro.com. They further add it symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Just think about what comes to mind when you see the Color Green.

4. Yellow

4. 4. Yellow

Have you observed when you see yellow on road signs? Does caution come to mind? What about when you see a blinking yellow light? Do you drive cautiously and slower at that particular time?

According to Bourncreative.com yellow is an attention getting color and when used in combination with black creates the easiest color combinations to read and see from long distances; examples are school buses, taxi cabs, and traffic signs.

5. Red

Did you know that red is the color of good luck in Asia? Did you know that it is the most popular color in China? Yes according to colormatters.com.

Yet the psychology and mean of the color red is associated with energy, war, danger, and desire and love according to colorpsychology.org., Did you ever think about the colors of the stop lights? When taking drivers training, the color green mean to go or proceed, the color yet means caution, and the color red means stop? Color has been associated with many things. So what is your favorite color? Everyone is different.

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