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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Face to Face with a Shooter in School. . . What Would You Do?

Who would have imagined 200 years ago that there would be mass shootings of our children. This is just unthinkable, yet it has happened over and over far too many times.

Shootings in School

Children are our future. Don't kill them. Yes children recently walked out of school after a shooting that murdered children and teachers in the classroom. They are tired of living in fear of another shooting.
1. What Can Retailers Do?
Dick's Sporting Goods and Walmart's just recently announced they will stop selling assault-style rifles and end the sale of firearms to buyers under age 21. Now if other retailer's would follow this example that could be a part of the solution.
 2. AR-15 Rifles
There are those that are demanding that AR-15 guns be banned. While some homeowners argue it is their right to have an assault rifle to protect their home, others argue it is just too easy to obtain an assault rifle. For the lawmakers that are supporting to keeping the sales of AR-15 to individuals, I wonder have they had or loss any family member involved in a school shooting. It is easy to say would you would do until it happens to you. Did you know that AR-15 Rifles are used in the military too?

* * * What are your feelings about better background checks?* * *

3. Changing age from 18-21
There are those that argue changing the age from 18-21 to purchase a rifle does not address the fact that you can join the army at age 18 and you may be using an AR-15 during war. Those that join the army are well-trained and if the army determines they are not psychologically fit, they are not accepted.
4. Bumper Stop
Just recently the Washington House passed a bill to ban trigger devices that allow semi-automatic rifles to fire more rapidly according to King5.com, but is that enough? This particular bump stock was used in the Las Vegas mass murders. People were just trying to enjoy a concert only to discover they were not safe.

5. What You Should Know 
According to Josh Furlon of ksl.com there was a 10-year ban on Assault Weapons signed into law by President Clinton. The ban expired in September 2004. They further state that President Obama put forth a new proposal banning all “military style” assault weapons. Considering the number of deaths that are occurring in the schools and colleges using assault weapons, this proposal does not sound like a bad idea. The children in the schools need to be better protected. They need to be able to learn without the fear that a gunman might enter the school at any given moment and gun them down. Children need to be able to enjoy learning. Why not keep the assault weapons where they belong in the military?
6. Mental Health 
According to Chelsea Davis at Oskaloosa.com law officials agree the bigger issue after the Sandy Hook shooting is mental health, not guns. I beg to differ with that. They both go hand in hand. If assault weapons are available, there is more probability that they could get into the hands of someone mentally ill. Yes, there still should be better background checks and definitely better monitoring of how secure our schools are. Assault weapons should be kept in the military. Banning of assault weapons will be a start in the right direction for keeping our children safe. With the combination of better background checks, better security in the schools and around the schools, and making sure that the school doors are locked. There are many different procedures that need to be looked at. 

* * *What are your thoughts about this?* * *

* * *Do you believe assault weapons should be kept in the military?* * *

There have been numerous drills in the schools about what to do if a shooter comes in, but do you know really know what you would really do?

7. What Would You Do when Face-to-Face with a Shooter at School?
There have been numerous school shootings in America. Have you ever asked yourself, what would you do if you came face to face with a shooter at school? That happened to a young lady and thankfully there were no fatalities that day.
There are times you might say you would know what to do if you came face to face with a shooter at school, but do you know what to do?
As I watched the live interview of Antoinette Tuff with Anderson Cooper, I was amazed as he talked with her. When faced with the gunman she made some tough decisions and her last name happens to be Tuff. Antoinette helped save hundreds of children that day. She even received a call from President Obama.
Antoinette shared that her pastor had trained her as to what to say to people that were hurting and to use her own experiences as an example. Anderson Cooper asked, "Would you like to meet that young man again?” She answered, "Yes, because I know that he was hurting and needed help. “ In addition, she made it clear that it was God using her and the Holy Spirit giving her the words to say. I thought to myself, “Antoinette is a very humble person.” I observed that she showed genuine concern for this young man that actually came into the school with a lot of ammunition along with a gun. It was awesome that she convinced the gunman to put his weapon down and submit to the police. Therefore, there were no fatalities that day at this school. You might think you know what you would have done in this same situation but do you really know what you would do?
Antoinette Tuff is a “true hero.” Words that she said to the gunman stayed in mind, “It’s going to be alright sweetie.” In addition, Antoinette has been with the Georgia schools for the past 8 years.
Many schools are increasing drills and training as to what to do in the situation if a gunman was to come to their school. Some schools are drilling several times a day.

* ** What are your feelings about metal detectors in school? * * *

8. Surviving an Active Shooter Event
The University of Texas at Austin has published a video for surving an active shooter event. They emphasize run, hide, or fight. They talk about running to safety, finding somewhere to hide; locking doors, turning off lights, and as a last resort improvise a weapon and fight. Antoinette did none of these; instead she stayed calm and talked the gunman into giving himself up. You may say what you think you would do, but until you are in that situation, do you really know what you would do?
Published by the University of Texas at Austin. . .Surviving an active shooter event

9. Shooting Statistics
Did you know that more than 750,000 incidents of violent crime took place in U.S. schools during the year 2013-2014 school year? Read more at. . . . .
Photo Captions: Pixabay,CC0 Creative Commons

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Melanie Redd said...

Lots of good info here, Betty!
Hope you have a blessed day~

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Melanie. You have a blessed day also.

Unknown said...

Easy access to guns is definitely a problem. Although some might be inclined to think that "guns don't kill people", I beg to differ. A gun (unlike vans, which are often used in terror attacks) is a device expressly made to kill another person or living being. A gun is a weapon, not a tool. Guns are designed to kill people in the most efficient manner possible. Therefore, it should be of the utmost importance to make sure gun ownership is taken as the most serious of responsibilities. Allowing a 19-year-old kid or a person with a history of abuse to own a semi-automatic assault rifle is certainly not the definition of taking gun ownership seriously.

Rhonda Gales said...

I agree, we need to do something about our children being killed in this country. It amazes me that people cling to their guns while our children and other innocent people are being mowed down. We do have mental health issues in this country that needs to be addressed; however, we need better gun control in this country too. Both are a problem. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

Dr. Elise Ho said...

You bring up many interesting facts. No matter what it is not an easy answer.

anointedtoday said...

True Dr. Elise.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Rhonda Gates.

anointedtoday said...

Good points Fabiola.