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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, March 9, 2018

4 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Salt Intake

 Are you concerned with your salt intake? Has it gotten to the point that the doctor says you should decrease your salt.

salt solution benefit
I used to put a lot of salt in my food when cooking. Later I gave great thought to being heart healthy, because I saw friends that were not doing this. I saw friends that ate whatever they wanted when they wanted and gave no regards to their health even though the doctor had told them to slow down with the salt.

* * *My Experience* * *

I discovered, however, after reducing my salt intake that the swelling in my feet left and I no longer have corns on my toes. I did not realize the reason my heels were too tight was because of too much salt and water retention. I would come to the choir stand on Sunday morning and immediately take my heels off in the choir stand, because they felt so tight and uncomfortable. All that changed after I reduced my salt intake. What a relief. I even discovered my wedding ring was too tight because of too much salt and water retention. In addition, as I lowered my salt intake I did not crave the salt as I did previously.

 * * *I have found a few creative ways to reduce your salt intake. * * *

* * *They are as follows *  *  *

Read Labels
  1. According to WEBMD, it is important to read labels when shopping for canned foods or low-salt items. I have become more vigilant in reading labels and observing how my body reacts after eating and drinking. I also discovered pops and certain drinks cause bloating.
Did you know that the human body needs some sodium to transmit nerve impulses? Also, did you know that salt is composted of sodium and Chloride? In addition, salt regulates the exchange of water between our cells, but too much salt can be very dangerous. All this is according to health Harvard medical school.
Fresh Food
  1. According to Mayo Clinic Staff fresh fruits and vegetables are natural low in sodium. They also add that fresh meat is lower in sodium than luncheon meat, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs. 

* * *NOTE* * *
In fact since I fish a lot during the summer months, my family eats plenty of fresh fish. Do not forget you can always get fresh fish from the fish market also. My grandson made a statement to me one day, “Granny we will never starve because of all the fish that you and grandpa catch.”

Rinse Cans
  1. Do you rinse canned food before cooking? I make sure that I do this. I usually eat fresh vegetables such as corn or green beans. But when I use canned vegetables, I rinse the vegetables to remove the sodium.
Adding Salt
  1. Do you add salt to your food at the table? I have seen many people do this. Try reducing the amount of salt you add or just do not add any salt at all at the table.  Instead replace the salt with herbs and spices.   These are just a few tips to help you reduce your salt intake for a healthier you.
Would you share today your tips for reducing salt intake?

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Commons, wikimedia.org, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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Dr. Elise Ho said...

Rinsing the can is a perfect suggestions. It is so easy and makes a true difference.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Dr Elise