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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Sunday, December 17, 2017

7 Awesome Benefits of Joining a Group Board at Pinterest

Have You considered the many benefits of a Pinterest group board? Were you even aware that there are group boards on several of the social media sharing sites? Group Boards can be very beneficial to you.


I am the administrator of several group boards at Pinterest. I also am a part of several other group boards at Pinterest and on Facebook.

Some of the benefits of a group board are as follows:

1. Exposure

You get greater exposure with a group board. Also, there are a variety of groups to which you can cater to according to your niche. Your blog or website will receive different exposure because of the variety of groups that are posting on that board. The groups are not just limited to the United States. People all over the world are pinning. It is interesting to learn from other cultures.

2. Learn More

I am forever learning new things on Pinterest. The Group Boards give me different prospectives .

3. More Traffic

Remember there is power in numbers. You are able to display your website to a larger audience in a group board. Also, I have observed that I get the majority of my traffic from Pinterest. The group boards are a win/win situation for all. Isen't that awesome that your pin will be viewed by so many.

4. Meet New People

I have met so many new people from all over the country. This is so good.

5. Team Effort

That expression that 2 heads are better than one is true. The more that you have collaborating, the more that can be done. I like to be organized and I am always finding new ways and new shortcuts for doing things when I am on Pinterest.

6. Sharing

The amount of sharing that results from a group board is unbelievable. People are not afraid to share their knowledge to help others. I like that.

7. Doing it All

Now you can try to do it all yourself, but it is much better doing it with the help of others.


You will need an invitation from the group board administrator in order to join the group board. You can email the administrator or message the administrator on Pinterest. You generally need to follow that board. Usually the requirements and guidelines for that board are listed at the top of the board. Once you accept the invitation you may then start pinning on that board. Now some boards have become so large you may find they are not accepting new pinners, but do not worry, there are many group boards.

Sample of How to Join a Group Board:

How to Join a Group Board

If you will observe at the top of my Technology board on Pinterest I have the following, “If you would like to pin on this board, Click ADD ME in the comment area. (maximum pins per day is 5) No porn or bad language. Excessive pinners will be removed and/or blocked. You must follow this board also. Happy Pinning. Now once someone requests to be on my board and start following me, I will send them an invite. Once that is done I can add them to my board and they can start pinning immediately. It is as simple as that.  Will You join a group board today? 

Several of my Group boards are listed below:

What is your blogging Niche?

Pingroupie  is a group directory with a variety of groups and different niches

 Will you share this article with a friend?

Guest Blogging:
Yes I am accepting guest bloggers. Would you like to guest blog at anointedtoday.blogspot.com?
Just contact me and let me know. Guest Blogging is another avenue for great exposure to your blog.

Have a Blessed Day. 

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Linda at Apron Strings & other things said...

these are all great reasons for bloggers to be sharing on pinterest. Thanks for linking up this past week at Encouraging Hearts & Home blog hop!

Dr. Elise Ho said...

I love group boards. It is so fun to have so many awesome people pin with me.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Linda.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Lind.

aginglikeafinewine.com said...

Thank you for sharing this Betty. I need to do lots of work in this area and your post has given me added encouragement. Thank you for linking up to Party in Your PJ's!

Roseann Hampton said...

Thanks for sharing this great information on The Blogger's Pit Stop!It's something all bloggers should know about! Roseann from www.thisautoimmunelife.com

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Roseann

anointedtoday said...

I agree Dr.Cohen Ho

Marie Christine said...

Pinterest has been my companion for a long time, and I’m glad that I used PinPinterest for my Pinterest account marketing. PinPinterest com has rendered such tremendous services that no other marketing tool can provide. The results were amazing; it took my Pinterest account to another level.