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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

How to Stay Focused

Do you have trouble staying focused? Do you start working on something and then become easily distracted? Maybe you need help to stay focused.

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What are some of the things that you can do to stay focused?

1. Living in the Present

Ways to Improve your memory and to stay focused:

Your body may be present but are you constantly thinking about the past? Are you the one that sits at the dinner table and you are constantly texting to another? Besides the fact that this is rude you need to realize the present in order to focus on that.

2. Distractions

Did you know that office workers are interrupted every 11 minutes and it takes 25 minutes on average to get back to the task they were working on before the interruption. talks about this. They further add that glancing at greenery can also markedly boost concentration levels and productivity in college and the workplace. I have observed green plants in several offices as well.

Constant distractions can interrupt your focus. When you are at a function or spending time with family and friends unless it is an emergency is it really necessary to answer your cellphone? Why have voicemail if you are not going to use it? Cellphones are great, but they can also be a distraction if you are not careful.

3. Multitasking Reduced

There may be those that can multitask very well. There may be those that will multitask 5 or 6 things at a time, but sometimes multitasking will not allow you the time to focus and give the attention that is needed in any given moment.

4. A To-Do List

Just like the wife that makes a honey “to-do list for her husband you also can make a to-do list to help you stay focused. This is so crucial because if you start your day with no set goal or direction you might end up all over the place and just “spinning your wheels” going no where. Also make sure that you look at your “To-do list.” I have found myself making the list and then forgetting all about the list and doing several total different things other than what I have listed.

5. Work Toward Improving Your Memory

The following are a few tips to improving your memory:

You can improve your memory by being physically active every day, staying mentally active with word-finds or crossword puzzles, spend time with others, stay organized, sleep well, eat a healthy diet, manage chronic health problems, and if your worried about memory loss do not fail to make an appointment with your health provider. This is talked about at, This also can apply to a friend or relative that you may observe having some memory loss.

I recall in the past dealing with a client that seemingly was forgetting. I new this client was always sharp and on point previously. I was so glad when a relative came in with my client. The relative was aware and just stepped right in to help. If you have a friend or relative that you observe becoming forgetful do not hesitate to get family involved if they can be of help.

6. Focus in Class

Do you have trouble focusing in class? Try preparing before class, get a minimum of 8 hours sleep, east a snack before class, get moving, sit near the front, turn your cellphone off, participate, take notes, review, rewrite, summarize, and reward yourself. suggests this. I recall in college there were times I would party until late and then the next day in class I regretted it, because I could not even begin to focus. My only focus was to go to sleep as soon as classes were over.

7. Manage Your Energy

Are you a morning person or a night person? Some people are up early before the break of dawn and do well while others love to sleep late and do their best work later in the day. This is so important. I recall my husband working second shift and I worked first shift. He attempted to switch to first shift in order to be able to help me in the evening with our children. It did not work. He seemingly could not get out of bed in time in the morning. So I suggested he just go back to working second shift and that I would manage. That did work because one of my babies was just like him. He would come home from work and I would not have to get up through the night with her because he said she would be just laying in her baby bed quietly looking around. He would get her and spend time talking to her before going to bed. So it is important to know if you are a morning or evening person. This may help your concentration a lot.

8. Listen

How are your listening skills? Learn to focus on listening to the other person. Yes it may take time and practice. Do not be so anxious when talking with someone else to jump in and tell your story, but rather listen to their story. Learn about the the other person. 

I recall in college my instructor asked each student to pair up with another and talk with them for several minutes. At the end of the talk each student was to share what they learned about the other student. In order to do that it took focus and active listening.

When you meet someone new, you can practice actively listening to them and you might be surprised at how much you will learn by doing this. This exercise will definitely help you learn to focus. Think how many times when people are unable to settle their differences. Could it be because they do not take the time to listen to each other? Have you noticed on Social Media that there are those that are always talking, but never taking the time to listen to what others are saying? You can start today practicing your listening skill. Remember to focus and listen.


Five Ways to Boost Concentration


Memory Loss: 7 tips to improve your memory


Tips to Focus Your Attention in Class


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Jennifer Wise said...

These are great things to consider. I think it can be easy to think that distractions are out of our control (and sometimes they are--the phone just rings) but trying to put distracting things into their place as best we can can really be helpful. I try to "chunk" my days, only doing a certain thing at a certain time so that I'm not all over the place. It's been helping.

I heard a productivity expert speak once and she said that there is no such thing as multitasking because we can really only focus on one thing at a time. As you mentioned, when we get off task, it can take quite a while to get our brains back into the zone.

Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #29 linkup. Hope to see you next week, too.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Jennifer. Focusing is something that I work at.

Esme Slabbert said...

Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 301. See you again next week!

Yes, we have to make an effort to listen and focus, really listen, and take in what the others have to say and not stop them midstride.

As for the to-do-list, I am unable to function with my list. I have a spreadsheet for my day-to-day tasks (especially blogging) and meticulously stick to it.

Esme Slabbert said...

Hi Betty
Congratulations I am featuring your post on Monday at SSPS. See you at #302

Debra | Gma’sPhoto said...

The older I have become, I now realize focusing is a huge issue for me. Sleep and interest, if I have not had a good night's sleep, forget about focusing and if I have no interest in the topic/subject, forget focusing. My mom would always say, you'll grow out of it. Well, I never did. My daughter, now a nurse working with the senior diagnostic unit. said I should get tested for ADHD. This was not detected in my grade school years, but then this was not a 'thing' back then.
So list have always been a great tool for me. And I love the Office Depot store! Calandars, big and small help me with my day and weekly to do's. This was a good post!
Take care and best wishes.

Amy Johnson said...

Such good tips and suggestions. I am fascinated by the green plant one. As a Gardner, that is very interesting.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Esme. It is an honor to be featured at SSPS. Thank you.

anointedtoday said...

Debra lists are very helpful to me also. It is so good that you came to the realization. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Amy I learned something new also regarding green plants. Thanks for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

Great tips Betty. Sometimes I think we need to unplug too.
Thanks so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

I definitely agree with you Paula. Thanks so much for stopping by.