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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Power of Listening

Did you know there are times that you learn more by listening than talking?

There are numerous benefits to listening. Listening is something that people need to practice.


                                                Benefits of Listening

Did You Know?

1. Out of the Mouth

Matthew 15:18. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man. There is an art of listening, if you listen carefully when another is talking you will hear what is in that person’s heart.

2. Communication

Did you know that communication is not a one-way street? How is your communication skills? emphasizes that the first rule in communication is to seek understanding before seeking to be understood. Have there been times that you have been seeking to be understood to the point that you fail to seek understanding, because you are trying so hard to get your point across?

3. Listen to Music

Do you listen to music? I discovered that I like to listen to classical and country music as well as gospel and jazz. Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness and memory., talks about this. They further add that music is structural, mathematical and architectural and that the brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it.

I recall playing smooth jazz for my grandchildren when they were babies. They seemed to just love it.

Have you listened and observed that several of the retail stores are playing music while you shop? Have you observed that several posts or ads are playing music.

4. Why Listen?

Do you know the benefits of listening? Listening skills can help improve relationships in the workplace, reduce misunderstandings, build empathy, limit judgments, increase productivity, enhance leadership skills, and provide feedback. This is according to, Have you had misunderstandings because you or another were not listening to each other? Have you thought a certain way about another, but after listening to them you discovered you were too judgmental? Have you thought about why a judge is called a judge. That judge needs to actively listen to both sides of an argument.

When I served Jury Duty, I discovered I needed to actively listen to both sides of the argument. I recalled requesting help from another. Something that he told me will always remain with me. He said, “I need you to tell me the facts.” I discovered when actively listening to another you will learn a lot about that person.

5. Your Listening Ear

Someone once told me that it is not enough for me to memorize scriptures, but I need to speak the scripture aloud so that my ears can hear it and process it. I had never thought of it that way. I also have observed with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the television there is so much encouragement to speak into the remote to find the program that you want to see. A problem I have with that is if you do not enunciate just right AI is totally lost and will produce something totally different than you asked for.

6. Listening and Your Life

Are you aware that careful listening can change your life? With effective listening you can understand others; enhance relationships; persuade or sell effectively. further adds that listening is the access to your desired outcomes, it is the key for your well-being, and it is a skill that you can practice.

5. How You Can Actively Listen

Do you know how to actively listen? Have you attempted active listening and found it difficult? Several tips for active listening are as follows:

a. Face the speaker and have eye contract

b. Listen to non-verbal cues too

c. Don’t Interrupt

d. Listen without judging, or jumping to conclusions

e. Don’t start planning what to say next

f. Show that you’re listening

g. Do not impose your opinions or solutions

h. Stay focused

I. Ask questions

J. Paraphrase and summarize

K. Remember practice makes perfect

This is emphasized at I have been guilty of planning what I would say next. What about you? Have you ever done that? I have been guilty of sometimes imposing my opinions or solutions when the other person may have just wanted someone to listen to them.

6. Listening to Audio Books

Do you listen to Audio Books? I love listening to Audiobooks, but I have discovered I need to be careful what I listen to. I discovered some novels can be depressing. I also remembered something someone once said. When you read a book you are reading a book that is the author’s spirit. So not only is the type of book you read that is important, but the author is just as important. That is the source of the book. Did you know that audio books have the same benefits of reading, audiobooks help relax our eyes, audiobooks improve time management, audiobooks help build literacy skills, and they immerse you in another world according to

7. Free Online Audiobooks

Did you know that you can get free online audiobooks from Audible from Amazon, Digital Book, Spotify, Overdrive, Open Culture, Storynory, LibriVox, LearnOutLoud, Hoopla Digital, Project Gutenberg, Lit2Go, Internet Archive, ThioughtAudio,YouTube, and Free Classic Audiobooks according to

8. Listening Activities for Kids

Are you aware that there are listening activities for Kids? Listening activities might include getting their full attention, make reading an interactive activity, play listening games, play story chain, place an emphasis on common speech signals, Help your child to build their vocabulary, be a good listener too, and remember that most young children have short attention spans. talks about this.

I have often heard teachers telling their students to “Put on your listening ears.” I believe the is so crucial for adults as well as children.  How often do you put on your listening ears?


Leadership & The Power of Listening


Keep Your Brain Young with Music


The Importance of Listening Skills in Communication


5 Ways that listening can Change your Life

10 tips for active listening


8 Mental and Physical Benefits of Audiobooks


17 Places to Get Audiobooks for Free Online


8 Listening Activities for Kids


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Slabs said...

Thanks Debbie
True listening is something that 'few' people do well.
Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 302. See you again next week!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Slabs. Have a good day.

PaulaShort said...

Betty this post is so informative. I appreciate the time you took to compile this for us.
Thanks so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Paula. I enjoyed writing this. It was very informative for me as well. Thanks for stopping by.

Jennifer Wise said...

I think active listening is one of the most important things we can do. It means you're participating in the conversation, not just being physically present while someone talks. Communication is indeed 2 ways! You've got some very good things here for us to remember. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #32 linkup. Hope to see you there next time as well.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by.