I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Love Is Action; A Verb

Why is love an action? Maybe because you can always tell people that you love them, but do your actions show it? Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

***Good News***

Did You Know?

Have you taken the time to spend quality time with anyone?

1. Quality Time

Spending quality time is a great way to show your love for another. You may not have a lot of money, but possibly you have the time. Do you struggle as a working mother wishing you had more time with your little ones? Sometime quality time is just as or more important that all the time in the world.

2. Words Matching the Action

Sometimes you may have to use common sense and ignore your emotions. If someone is telling you they love you and their actions are not matching the words then it is time to take a look and question that.

3. Tough Love

Do you love someone enough to use tough love? Do you enable others? Have you learned to show others how to treat you and let them know how you want to be treated? Tough love is not easy, but sometimes is necessary.

4. Relationships

Relationships can be very powerful. God’s love is more powerful. I recall when I was in a relationship with a young man I asked him if he was saved. His response was, “No, but I want to be saved I want what you have.” As we were walking on the school tracking field I stopped right in the middle of the field and gave him the plan of salvation. I explained all you need to do now is find a church home. He was adamant that he did not want to join my church, but to find his own. I understood. There are numerous churches all over the city.

5. Empathy

Have you ever felt empathy? Have you ever tried viewing something from someone’s else's point of view? The old adage, “Never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes,” may be something to think about and consider. Have you ever said, “I would never do that.,” but then at a later date found yourself doing that? If you have felt empathy then possibly you have felt caring. Showing that you care is another action of love.

6. Give or Take

Acts 20:35.   It is more blessed to give than receive. Are you always attempting to get more than you give? Are you always asking, “What do I get out of this situation?” or “What is in it for me?” Have you ever heard someone say, “I Love You.” Another might reply, “I love you more.” In reality does that person love the other more? Does that person’s actions match their words? There are those that are so use to taking that it might take some practice to start giving more. There are numerous ways to give. Money is valuable, but it is not the only way to give to others.

7. Volunteering

When you volunteer that is a great way to give to others. I recall someone saying the greatest way to stop thinking about your problems was to help others with their problems. There are numerous volunteer opportunities available.

I recently with shopping at a grocery store. It was a pleasant surprise to see a greeter at the door. He had shorter pants on so that you could visibly see both his artificial legs. He was very pleasant and told my husband and myself to have a great day. I thought the greeter does this and even though he is probably getting paid there are others that would not consider doing this. This greeter had a great attitude and one thing about attitude is that a good attitude is contagious.

8. Children and Parents

How many children are growing up feeling they are entitled? How many are feeling that their parents owe them something? How many children actually become adults and attempt to help their aging parents? I recall one of my grandchildren took all of his grandmother’s to dinner for Mother’s Day. This included step-grandmother’s as well. This is an awesome way to show love. All of my children and grandchildren are great. I recall one grandchild would visit the other grandmother whom had had a stroke. My granddaughter would cook her enough food for a week. Again, a great way to show love for another.

How many children have thanked their parent’s or even maybe taken their parent’s to dinner? A great way to show love.

9. Matthew 22:39. Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as thyself. Do you really love your neighbor? I recall my husband and I were at breakfast. When my husband attempted to pay the bill. The waitress informed us someone had taken care of it and wanted to be anonymous. Now that was love. We were very grateful, because neither of us expected it either.

10. Random Acts of Kindness

Did you know that the National Random Acts of Kindness Day started in 1995? Usatoday.com talks about this. The great thing about this is that it was catchy. Nearly everyone was promoting Random Acts of Kindness. This is an awesome action of love. It does not take a lot of money to do this either. Some Random Acts of Kindness might include the following:

1. Visit a Senior Citizens Home

2. Call a friend to see how they are

b. Walk your friend’s dog.

I recall when I visited my children in the south. I went walking with them as they walked their dogs. My daughter had one stop to make at her neighbors. She always walked her neighbors dog as well. As we approached the house the dog was jumping and barking inside. When he came out and saw my daughter he was whimpering like a baby with happiness. This dog was so glad to see my daughter. Sadly after starting to return to my daughter’s house, a block from my daughter’s house the dog would just stop. She had to literally pull him. She said the dog did not want to go back to his home. We finally got him moving. This dog truly loved my daughter. What ways can you share to show love?


How Did Random Acts of Kindness Day Get Started?


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Jennifer Wise said...

What a sweet idea to take all his grandmothers out to eat. "Little" acts of service and kindness show love, and they show that you mean something to someone. People will show their love in different ways, but everything "little" can go a long way, I think. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #32 linkup. Hope to see you there next time.

Carol said...

So many excellent suggestion! Jesus said that the two great commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30

anointedtoday said...

Jennifer I thought that was an awesome gesture fomr my grandson also. He is just thoughtful like that. I am so thankful for him.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Carol. Thank you for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

You are so right here. I love doing random acts of kindness.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful message with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Paula.