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Friday, March 19, 2021

Parents Beware: The Blue Whale Challenge

 Children can suffer depression just like adults do. In this digital age it is not enough that parents are bombarded with protecting your children from online pedophiles and other stranger danger; but parents also are contending with gaming apps that are not in the best interest of children.


                                            * * *Theme: Good News* * *

Parents Become Informed


1. New Picture Warning

I became concerned as I listened to the news when they mentioned “Blue Whale.” Naturally the first thing that came to my mind was a big fish. Possibly someone was physically attacked by one. As I continued to listen I discovered it was a great threat to children. It was a gaming app that encourages children with 50 challenges to harm themselves and ultimately committing suicide. Parents beware. According to the Miami Police Department video explains reports of a “Blue Whale Challenge” online suicide game.

2. Creator of the Blue Whale Suicide online gaming app

I did some research and discovered the creator of this app. I kept wondering, “Why is this app still available?” The 22-year-old creator of this death game, Phillip Budeiki, was sentenced to 3 years in jail for causing Russian youths to kill themselves. This is according to The Times of India. Budeiki further added that he was doing society a favor by getting rid of these weak children that would provide no value to society. How cynical is that? He definitely did not have the right to take matters in his own hands and determine who should die.

3. Observation

Does your child wake up at 4:20 to watch a horror or psychedelic movie, carve a whale on his hand or arm with a razor, have multiple cuts on the arm along the vein, or draw a picture of a whale. These possibly could be signs your child is playing the blue whale game challenge online and needs help. This may be serious. That is just a few of the tasks from the 50 challenges according to news.

4. Blue Whale Challenge in Georgia

Besides the fact that children are dealing with cyberbullying there is the new threat of a challenge to commit suicide. The Blue Whale sinister challenge was reportedly started in Russia, but now is in the United States as well as several other countries all over the world. A 16-year-old boy in Georgia may have also been involved. According to CNN news a family shared their story of how a young girl, teenager, may have also been involved in this challenge.

Nadia's family research discovered that the Blue Whale is an online challenge presented to teens starting with a request for the teen to draw a picture of a blue whale starting at 4:20 a.m. Then demands start to increase with requests for the teen to watch horror movies, or secretly cut themselves, and some have even been instructed to jump off of a tall building. With each challenge the curator asks for a photographic picture to assure the challenge was completed. All of the challenges becoming riskier during a 50 day period and finally on the 50th day players are instructed to commit suicide. They also emphasized once the teens start playing that there is no way back because the curator threatens to come after the teen and the teen's family.

I know this is something no parent wants to believe their child would try, but it is important to watch for signs such as any postings on social media that your child may be viewing involving the “Blue Whale,” getting up at 4:20 am. Watching scary movies, or listening to music that was sent to them from the curator of the Blue Whale.

5. Other Forms of this Game

Parents Beware. Unfortunately this banned game is now available under other names such as “A Silent House,” A Sea of Whales, and Wake Me Up at 4:20 AM. It is the hope of Cyber security experts that Google, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Microsoft and Yahoo are more responsible and accountable. It is my prayer that they will also become more vigilant in that effort to protect children from this evil.

6. Other Dangerous Social Media Challenges

According to the Outlet Challenge as seen on TikTok, the Salt and Ice Challenge, the Tide-pod challenge are other challenges to beware of. Now the salt and Ice challenge does not involve fire, but can cause second and even third-degree burns which is quite serious.

7. New dangerous Challenges from Tik-Tok

According to in March last year a so-called caronavirous challenge was circulating on social media encouraging people to lick items in public. They further added that the #caronaviruschallenge hashtag had almost 100 million views on TikTok, and nearly a year later, the hashtag has 3.1 billion views.

8. What Can Parent's Do?

Tips To Protect Your Child From The Blue Whale Game

According to news you can ask your child what they are doing online, be careful about over-sharing personal information such as your school, telephone number or anything that identifies where you might live.

9. Good Challenges

Now all challenges are not bad. There are good challenges such as 

The Positive Challenge 

I talk about this in my article. The challenge involves commenting on my blog with a positive word beginning the the first letter of your name. Another Good Challenge is the “Tip the Bill” which began in Alpena, Michigan according to A waitress received a $2,020 tip from a couple. This act of kindness went viral. Now most of us may not be able to afford to give that generous amount for a tip, but do consider tipping above normal when you receive good service. Good service should be valued.

I often speak of the time my children took me on a cruise for my birthday. The hospitality of the crew was outstanding. Every crew member was trained to direct you if you were lost on the big ship. The kindness and politeness was unbelievable. I had never seen such kindness from an establishment. I thought at the time, “Why don’t we see that in the United States?’

What Good Challenges do you know?


1. The Blue Whale Challenge


2. Meet the 22-year-old Creator of the Blue Whale Death Game


3. Blue Whale Challenge: List of All 50 Tasks ( Updated)


4.Family finds clues to teen’s suicide in blue whale paintings


More Information About the Blue Whale Challenge:

Reported cases of Blue Whale Cases throughout the world including Georgia

5. Banned Blue Whale game still available in various other names


6. 5 Most dangerous social media challenges to warn your kids about

7. 21 Dangerous TikTok Trends Every Parent Should Be Aware of


8. Blue Whale Challenge: Tips on how to keep your children safe


Photo Caption: Pixabay, Coffee

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Carrie said...

So many scary things out there for everyone, but especially children.

anointedtoday said...

So true Carrie. Thanks for stopping by.

recycling company in uae said...

Blue whale challenge is deadly game. Many internet companies are asked remove links which direct to such kind of games. But still people get access to it.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you recycling company in uae. Thanks for stopping by.