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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, March 11, 2021

More Lessons Learned During Covid-19

Have you thought about what you learned during the Caronavirus? There have been many lessons learned during this time. Some people learned the hard way unfortunately.

                                                     Vaccination for diseases                          

                                              Theme * * * Gratitude* * *

I learned during this Pandemic that there were always choices to make. While there are many vaccinations for diseases, the Caronavirus is one of the most infectious diseases.

1. Choices

When the scientist and the governors were asking people to mask up and distance themselves there were those that were obedient while others were quite defiant. Even though you saw the number of people dying defiance was shown. Some took heed after a family member or someone close to them died from Caronavirus. Some took heed after they discovered they could not see or visit their loved one in the hospital during the virus. Some took heed after the hospitals were shutdown to public visitation. Some took heed after they could not see their elderly parents in a nursing home.

The situation regarding choices reminded me of when it was announced that cigarette smoking was dangerous to your health. Even after a warning was placed on cigarettes there were those that still chose to continue smoking, because they felt it was their choice. Even though this has been noted as one of the deadliest Pandemics there were those that still chose to go to the beaches, drink alcohol at the bars, not distance, and not wear a mask because some said they would live their life as they saw fit.

As long as you live there will always be choices, but will you make the right one?

There were some churches that were even defiant and ignored the science. They continued to have church and not distance only to have several members test positive and numerous members to die.

2. Invisible  Enemy

I learned the Caronavirus does not discriminate because of age, sex, race, or religion. I learned that some young people and some older people believe they were invisible. There was the believe that they would be okay and not catch the Caronavirus only to discover a little to late that they had contracted it.

3. Unknown

Even though their has been a lot learned about the Caronavirus when it first was discovered there was so little known about it, except that it was a silent killer. I recall around December 2019 family members of mine complaining about a cold that lasted longer than usual like about 2 weeks and did not seem like the flu. I remember a family member complaining it felt like a brick was pressing down on her chest, later diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. Hind site after Caronavirus was discovered they felt that they had had the Caronavirus at the time and survived it. Unlike some other past Pandemics you could be a carrier of it and feel perfectly fine.

4. Past Leaders

A leader that is responsible for many people refused to wear a mask and seemingly thought nothing about distancing. His followers watched and some or many followed his lead. As a result still more deaths from the Caronavirus and more people testing positive while on his team.

5. Churches

I mentioned several changes that occurred in the church in my past article

Bloggers Meet and Greet – Adjustments to the Covid-19 Pandemic


Something that I was really thankful for was even though Flint survived being lead poisoned and even though the residual effects are still here several churches never wavered in passing out bottle water to those in need. They started passing out water around 2014 and have continued during this Pandemic. Those churches have served their community well. They are to be commended. I mentioned in the past when Flint was lead poisoned it felt like living in a third world county. I would go to get bottled water and not stand in line for hours, but sit in my car for hours waiting. Again I say I was and am thankful for the churches and the companies that supplied the bottle water. Some of the churches went a step furtherby giving out clothing and food.

6. Different Strands of the Caronavirus

Did you know that there are numerous strains of Caronavirus which include 229E (alpha),NL63 (alpha), OC43 (beta), HKU1 (beta), MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SAR-Cov-2 which causes COVID-19? That is according to Wedbmed.com. They further state that when the virus infects you they attach to your cells, get inside them, and make copies of their RNA, which helps them to spread. The Caronavirus is not limited to the United States, but has spread all over the world.

7. Pastors

I learned there were those Pastors that in the past suggested that their members avoid social media. Ephesians 2:2 wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. The prince of the power of the air has been known as Satan. The internet and cellphones rely on air waves. Now that has changed because of the virus Pastors are using social media to tell about the Good News of Jesus. Pastors have had to become creative and let nothing stop them from getting the Good News of Jesus out to others. Also by using the internet so the word goes beyond the church physical building, but all over the nation. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

8. Alcohol and the Caronavirus

Did you know that excessive alcohol consumption impairs immune cell functions in the lungs, making the body’s immune response less effective?, that is according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

9. Normal

There have been those that have said they will be glad when we get back to normal. What is normal? Is there a true normal?

What are your thoughts on this?

Photo Caption: Pixabay Pete Linforth

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Lisa notes... said...

I appreciate you sharing these lessons. It's so sad that we were often slow to learn some of these lessons. They were (and are) a matter of life and death.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.

The Military Traveler said...

You are quite correct about these lessons learned during COVID. You could probably write a whole book about this topic

April Harris said...

It truly has been such a challenging time, and there is much to learn from it. Thank you for sharing the lessons you learned, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. I hope you are having a good weekend!

anointedtoday said...

You are so gracious Military Traveler. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome April Harris. Thanks for stopping by. So far this is a lovely weekend. Temperatures are rising.