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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Remember to Vote

It is of utmost importance that you register to vote and that you exercise your right to vote in this Presidential Election in November. What will you do?


                                * * * Good News* * *

Voting is a right and a privilege. I remember growing up looking forward to be able to vote. I once asked my aunt the difference in Democrats and Republicans. Her reply was, “When the Republicans are in office there are no jobs or money available.” I have also heard when the Republicans are in office the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. You can decide for yourself how true this may or may not be. I remember voting in school. There may be many different events where a vote is required. I believe a major voting event is the Presidential election. I could not imagine all of the decisions that a President is faced with day to day.

1. Women

There was a time in history when women were not allowed to vote. According to there was a time a married woman could not vote, but also could not own property and had no legal claim to any money she might earn. Can you imagine? They further add that the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which was ratified on August 18, 1920 granted women the right to vote. Now today women are CEO’s and owner’s of their own companies. So women definitely should exercise their right to vote.

2. African American

The 15th amendment granted African Americans the right to vote in 1870 According to Now this amendment also states it is to be revisited every 25 years by Congress and voted on. So if Congress decided to vote against it, that would set African Americans back. Even though this Amendment was done there were other discouraging factors of discrimination against African Americans such as literacy test, poll taxes, and other discriminatory practices.

3. Mail In Ballots

This year there is overwhelming encouragement in Michigan to mail in Ballots. I have already received my mail in Ballot. I can see how mail in ballots can be a great advantage for those that work or those that may be ill and not able to get out of the house as much. There can be many advantages especially for Seniors. In fact, many have already mailed in their ballots early which is even a greater advantage.

4. Apply for Absentee Ballot

In Michigan to apply for an absentee Ballot you just need to be a citizen of the United States, be a registered voter, have a valid driver’s license, and agree for the state to send a digital signature.

5. Why Vote?

There may be those that say, “My vote will not matter.” or “They will do what they want anyway.” That is one of the worse attitudes to have because your vote does matter. You are either part of the solution or others will decide the solution for you. I was so happy when voter turnout was quite large for Barac Obama, when he was President. This was a time that young and old of all nationalities banned together and made it a point to vote.

6. Electoral Votes

Ever wonder about Electoral votes? Well according to Most states require all electoral votes to go to the candidate who receives the plurality in that state. After the state election officials certify the popular vote of each state, the winning slate of electors meet in the state capital and cast two ballots; one for Vice President and one for President. 

7. Flaws in the Electoral Votes

According to there are 3 major flaws of the electoral votes and they are as follows: it is undemocratic, it permits the election of a candidate who does not win the most votes, and its winner takes all approach cancels the votes of the losing candidates in each state. Does this sound unfair? Unfortunately that is the way it is. I had often wondered about this.

8. Volunteering on Election Day

I have never worked at the election polls, but each time I vote I notice a slight difference in the way the voters are are handled. Some times the voting is setup in a very orderly fashion and other times there was slight chaos. I have a friend that worked the polls for the first time. He said that is was very much in order and very enjoyable.

9. Homework

Do your homework. Find out as much information as you can regarding the candidates that you are voting for. Become an educated voter. When you go to the polls or mail in a ballot know what mileages if any are on the ballot. You can never know everything there is to know about a candidate, but you can try to learn as much as possible.

10. Voting Rights

Do you know your voting rights? This is so important to know. According to your right to vote cannot be denied on the basis of race or color, you cannot be denied the right to vote with literacy tests, and review of the election practices can only be done by the US Attorney General or by filing a lawsuit before the US District Court fort the District of Columbia.

11. The Supreme Court

I am so sorry to hear about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. My sympathy goes out to her family. This woman was a great light to all. The Presidential election is only about a month and a week away and there are those trying to replace her even before her funeral. This is so unmentionable. Considering the fact that there are those that have already voted it would seem the honorable thing to do would to replace her after the Presidential election. I am sure there are those that will probably disagree with me, but the great thing about America is that we can agree to disagree.

Finally, again I say remember to vote during this Presidential election. It is not far away.


19th Amendment


Online voter application

Electoral College Fast Facts


A Defense of the Electoral College


Voting Rights Act Fast Facts


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Dee | said...

I think mail in voting is a bad idea, too much fraud could happen and your vote could get lost.

anointedtoday said...

I see your point Dee. I believe it can be beneficial for those that are unable to get to the polls or even those frontline workers that work 12 hour shifts. I was saw a picture where the actual poll ballots were stolen from the poll. So where corruption is involved where there is a will there is a way. No it doesn't make it right. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Dee | said...

The main thing is we need to vote, that's a right that a lot of Americans don't use, so sad.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Dee. Thanks for stopping by.