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Jesus Is My Boss- Set of Coasters-

Saturday, February 22, 2020

WWYD (What Would You Do If You Lived When Slavery was Legal?)

THEME: Black History Month- Slaves

Because I was once in an abusive relationship, I could only imagine that what slaves endured was even worse. It is so unimaginable to be treated less than. Even though there were laws at that time saying that Blacks were property. That did not make it right, because it was morally wrong and totally unethical. You can always say what you would have done in a given situation, but you really don’t know if you have not been there or done that.

Black History Month ideas

1. Reading and Writing

Reading and writing may be something that you take for granted today, because it is free, but during slavery time salve owners wanted their slaves dependent on them by not allowing them to read or write according to They further added there was a theme to keep the slaves divided so as not to unite; often owners took sexual liberties with the slaves and punished disobedient ones with whippings or lashings. I started reading at age 3. I cannot imagine being told that reading and writing was forbidden for me. When you are young, there is a thirst for knowledge and the unknown.

2. Slavery Abolished

Were you aware that Mauritanis was the last county in the world to abolish slavery? According to this occurred in 1981. That was not too long ago. They further add that Moulkheir Mint Yarba escaped slavery in 2010 and asked the courts to prosecute her slave masters for killing her daughter and beating her.

3. Michigan Underground Railroad

Did you know that the honorable Josiah W. Begole’s home was the headquarters for the Underground Railroad in Flint, Michigan. Yes that is according to Michigan underground They further added that the underground railroad agent was responsible to plot a course of escape for the runaway slaves, and make contacts with the abolitionists for safe escape.

4. Speculum Oris

When slaves refused to eat, they were force fed with an instrument called a speculum oris according to


Photo Caption:

By Mathew Brady - File:Scourged back by McPherson & Oliver, 1863.jpg, Public Domain,

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1 comment:

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

One of the most poignant books I ever read about the horrors of slavery was Toni Morrison's novel "Beloved" Slavery was a terrible time in American history!