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Friday, September 18, 2020

11 Things You Might Not Know About Your Body

How well do you take care of your body? Do You really care about about your body? Did you know that body care is so important?


When you are a baby, your skin may be very soft, but as you grow the body may need help to maintain that softness and glowing skin. As you go through different stages in your life such as adolescent, teen-age years, young adult, middle-age and senior years your body will require different body care. I never had acne, but I remember having a few zits that required various solutions in order to get rid of them. I hated having any zits at all.


Below are some things you might not know about your body.

1. Electronics

Even though we have advance tremendously with technology, along with that technology comes responsibility and understanding to not misuse it. Have you considered putting away that cellphone, iPad, television, and computer? Remember you may need time to wind down before bedtime. I recall having to wind down at least an hour before bedtime. Sometimes I would need about 2 hours, especially when I had a long day at work. It just depends. I also discovered some cellphone apps would really activate my brain and I would be thinking of so many different things that I wanted to do the next day rather than concentrating on the present time.

2. Breathing

Are you constantly rushing? Do you know of others that are constantly rushing? Slow down. God has given you breath so use it wisely. Take your time. I do deep breathing daily. Did you know that deep breathing calms and relaxes the muscles. Yes it does. Try it sometime. Take 10 deep breaths and slowly exhale. I first really learned about deep breathing when I was pregnant. I took the classes that stressed the deep breathing usage during labor and delivery. It really did help me. My first baby was born in 20 minutes. I know it really helped me.

3. Hugging

Did you know that according to Psychotherapist Virginia Satir, Fun, you need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth.” She further adds the hug threshold allows your body to produce ample amounts of Oxytocin which is a naturally occurring hormone in your body with incredibly powerful, health-giving properties. Now that is a lot of hugs. I imagine some are lucky if they receive 1 hug a day.

4. Self-Hugs for Physical Pain

Possibly you are single and you feel you have no one to hug or give a hug to. Whether single or not according to psychology today states that new study says crossing your arms confuses your brain to relieve your pain. So self-hugging can be very beneficial to your body.

5. Self-Talk

Exactly What is self-talk? According to self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours. They further add that people who can master positive self-talk are considered to be more confident. I do believe that positive talk does matter. Have your tried looking in your mirror and telling yourself, “You are beautiful.” or “ You are handsome?” Self-talk does work.

6. Love

Do You Know of someone that is looking for Love in all the wrong places? People have a need for experiencing strong bonds and needing love to avoid the detrimental effects of real or perceived isolation and abandonment according to 1st Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. I know I have been guilty in the past in thinking, “If only I had this, if only I had that.” Then coming to the realization that God has given me everything that I need. I recall waiting in line at the store. I had a conversation with an old acquaintance. He was so proud. He said, “ I don’t live over there in that part of town anymore, I have an apartment in (Blank,blank). Where are you living now? My response was, “I live in that part of town.” (LOL) laughing out loud. Everyone in line with me starting laughing along with me.” Sometimes we can get so puffed up that we forget where we came from.” We did not always have what we have now.

7. Father’s Touch

Although mothers may bond and touch their newborns, the infants still need their father’s touch as well. This is according to They further add physical contact from the father promotes family bonding and makes the baby feel more secure and relaxed. I recall sometimes going grocery shopping. When I came home my husband would be asleep on the floor with our baby lying on his chest asleep as well.

8. 6 Basic Human Needs

Basic human needs may include food, water, shelter, sleep, physical or emotional and the opportunity to learn. This is according to Now there may be those that are attempting to balance these needs. Think about those that have little to no food to eat. What about the homeless that are living in shelters or in their car. I recall Steve Harvey and Tiffany Haddish although famous today, but both stated at one time they were living in their cars. Can you imagine? Shelter is something that you might just take for granted when you have it.

9. Water

Did you know that your brain and heart are composed of 73% water, lungs 83%water, the skin 64%water muscles and kidneys are 79%, and the bones 31%.  I live in Flint, Michigan.  The water was lead poisoned in 2014.  This was a major awakening of how much a basic need such as water could have been taken for granted. I never would have thought my city would be denied a basic need such as water. Thank goodness for friends as well as leaders that assisted with bottled water and food, because the babies and young children were greatly at risk for healthy development. I recall listening to Dr. Mona on the radio station she was asked about drinking water and what states might be safe. Her reply was, “I will drink bottled water in any state that I visit because the government guidelines for lead in the water is too low in all states.”

That was an eye opener for me.

10. Meaning

You all need to have the sense the you are a part of something greater than yourself according to You all want to feel valued. I can see how those might join a gang to feel being a part of something bigger than self. Some may feel valued by joining community organizations, religious organizations, or even groups online.

11. Emotional Needs

According to affection, acceptance, validation, autonomy, security, trust, empathy, prioritization, connection, and space are emotional needs to consider in a relationship. I recall as a young girl the day I left the foster home. I told the foster lady, “My daddy is coming to get me and I will not be back here.” I recall never feeling safe in the foster home and as I left with my father I looked back at the big white house. I felt so secure with my father. One day he said, “ I am taking you to visit your mother.” I was appalled. I responded, “ I don’t need to go see her I have you.” His response, “ You are going anyway.” That was the end of the conversation and my father was very soft spoken. Even though I did not understand he knew I needed both parents and not just him.

So I trust I helped someone today. Think about some of the things I listed above.

 Photo Caption: Commons,, Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. 


Fun Facts About Hugging


Hugging Yourself Reduces Physical Pain


What Are the Benefits of Self-Talk?


The Importance Of Love and Affection In your Life And Relationships


1st Corinthians 13:4


The Effect of Human Contact on Newborn Babies


Six FundamentalHuman Needs We Need To Meet To Live Our Best Lives 

The Water in You: Water and the Human Body


9 Basic Emotional Needs Everyone Has and How to Meet Them


 10 Emotional Needs to Consider in Relationships



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